10. Update: The snow has not interfered with wasting my day online. All is lazy good here. The wind chill is currently –5 – I don’t even know if my dog will attempt the outside today.
9. Amy tweeted this cover yesterday. I know nothing about this book or the authors. But I do know that this cover is hot. The blurb doesn’t scare me away either. (Can’t find info on the release date)
8. I first saw The Do-Over by MK Schiller recommended by Jane from Dear Author, and since then I’ve see many positive tweets and Tori read it yesterday and enjoyed it. It is $6 for the ebook, which makes me hesitate on a new to me author, but…Tori and I have very similar tastes so I’m going to try to read it this weekend. Goodreads l Kindle
7. New Charlotte Stein book is out today! Almost Real. Blurb:
When Margot signs on to pose as one half of a married couple for the cloning company she works for, she doesn’t expect her partner to interest her in the slightest. It’s just a job—albeit one that comes with a fake marriage. To an undeniably sexy fake husband.
Sergei is an immense stone fortress, cold and calm and—worst of all—so compelling Margot can hardly stand it. She’s supposed to be protecting and maintaining the labs, but all she can think about is unearthing the man beneath the controlled façade and wrapping herself around him.
Even if the man she uncovers is far more than she ever bargained for.
I haven’t read this book yet, but when I see the hero is a “stone fortress, cold and calm” I get the Charlotte Stein shivers – she can write that type of her so well. It’s available at Ellora’s Cave.
6. Having friends over this weekend and need something to talk about? Buzzfeed came up with the fifteen hardest ‘Would you Rather’ questions. For example – Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life, OR feel like you have to sneeze for the rest of your life. That is a tough one.
There are a few questions that are more…explicit…I started asking my husband these and he got to the point he wouldn’t answer. LOLOL. Fun to ask with a group of friends (and some cocktails).
5. The first picture from the filming of the movie Gone Girl has been released. I recently read this book and really enjoyed it! (not a romance – more of a thriller). I think they have great casting – Ben Affleck as Nick, Rosamund Pike as Amy and Neil Patrick Henry will play Desi. The movie comes out this October. Can’t wait!
4. So don’t freak out but prepare yourself. Yesterday the internet was abuzz with a thread from Reddit featuring a Q&A session with a man who has two peens. No really, he has two peens. He gave us two pictures to prove it. Now at first when I heard about this on Twitter, I thought – no way am I clicking on that article. But of course I finally did and I was surprised. This dude is really cool and open about his experiences with this growing up.
Now – I’m assuming this is real and not a hoax. You can decide for yourself. This is the link to the Reddit article The pictures are embedded in a different link, so you don’t have to look at his dual-peen if you don’t want to. (But you totally should. LOL)
While discussing extraordinary peens on Twitter, I was rec’d Claimed by Evangeline Anderson. I hear there are things that are kind of WTF-ish and the hero has a huge peen that has a mating fist that inflates with his mate. But I also hear they are very cracky! $.99 so I’m going to try it.
3. On NYE, there was a marathon of The Mindy Project. I had never seen this show and OMG I became so addicted!! I caught the marathon later in the day, so I’ve gone back and started at the beginning. Mindy is a partner in an OB/GYN office and the show revolves around the office and her personal life. It’s sooooo cute and funny. I was warned that the first 5-ish episodes of season one are a little rough, and they are, but once you get past that I giggle every episode. I’m really in love with her.
The only downfall is that I couldn’t find it on Netflix, so I had to buy the episodes on Prime. (they could be on hulu or on-demand – I didn’t check).
2. .My brother got A Feast of Ice & Fire cookbook for Christmas. It’s a cookbook based off of the TV show, Game of Thrones and he says it’s really cool. Go to Goodreads and read the blurb. My brother says the recipes are divided to be extremely accurate and then the easier, more ‘regular’ version. I’m demanding he prepare us a feast soon. I’ll report back once he does.
1. If you need an amazing book to read this weekend, read The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan. May will be reviewing it soon and it’s just fabulous. I’m going to read The Do-Over as I mentioned above. Happy Reading! Happy Friday! Hubs and I want to watch a movie tonight after the kiddos go to bed – if anything is out on Netflix or On-Demand that is good – lemme know!
Jen says
I read The Do-Over last weekend and really liked it. I did a WTRW for it. I think you will enjoy it!
blodeuedd says
I totally checked the peen and..weird
SharonS says
what is he doing with that tie!?!?! O_O
Trix says
Evangeline Anderson’s STR8TE BOYS is one of my all-time fave m/m stories (kind of a college jock version of Damon Suede’s HOT HEAD, if that makes any sense), so I’ll be curious to hear about CLAIMED. And yay for new Charlotte Stein!
aurian says
I’ve read a Bertrice Small fantasy series, the bad guy had two peens. One to hold her in place or something like that, while the other impregnated her …
Krista says
I LOVE Mindy and Danny! That show really needs more hype.