Originally posted in July of 2012 at Fiction Vixen by Angela. Moonglow by Kristen CallihanDarkest London #2Paranormal Historical RomanceOriginally published July 31, 2012 by Forever After finishing the first book in this series, Firelight, I immediately went looking for when the next installment would be released. I loved Firelight. It was so different, part paranormal, part historical, and I hadn't read a heroine written that well in a long while. It takes a lot of skill to Continue Reading
Review: No Man’s Land by Sally Malcolm
No Man's Land by Sally MalcolmLGBTQ+/Paranormal/Historical RomanceNovember 21, 2024- Self-publishedReview by Kate H This is the romance I didn’t know I needed. No Man’s Land by Sally Malcolm is a gay historical paranormal romance. It is set during the First World War, both at the war front in Flanders. Amidst the horrors of war and the brutal workload of a Red Cross medic, Josef Shepel tries to photograph what he sees at the front in the hopes that it will change minds at Continue Reading
Retro Review: Grim Shadows by Jenn Bennett
Review originally posted in June of 2014 on Fiction Vixen by Angela. Grim Shadows by Jenn BennettRoaring Twenties #2Paranormal Historical RomanceJune 3, 2014- Berkley After reading the first book in Jenn Bennett’s Roaring Twenties series, Bitter Spirits, my first thought was “why didn’t I pick this up sooner?” Such a great romance. Apparently when you mix bootleggers and speakeasies, ghosts and zombies, one sexy, freckled heroine and a big, scarred hero what you get is complete Continue Reading
Review: Once a Rogue by Allie Therin
Once a Rogue by Allie Therin Roaring Twenties Magic #2LGBTQ+, Historical Paranormal RomanceAug 22, 2023- Carina Press Review by Kate H. I really resist romance books which are series that center on the same relationship. And when it’s been over a year since I read the previous books, I am always dubious that I will stitch myself back into the feelings, and the narrative. But without a doubt, I was sucked back within a minute of starting Allie Therin’s Once a Rogue, the sequel Continue Reading
Blog Tour and Excerpt- The Bride Wore White by Amanda Quick
The Bride Wore White by Amanda QuickBurning Cove #7Historical Paranormal RomanceMay 2, 2023- Berkley Summary: A psychic desperate to escape her destiny—and a killer—finds her future in the coastal town of Burning Cove in New York Times bestselling author Amanda Quick’s latest novel. Being Madame Ariadne, Psychic Dream Consultant, wasn’t Prudence Ryland’s ideal gig, but it paid well which was reason enough to do the work—until she realizes that her latest client intends to kill Continue Reading
Review: The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken
The Heretic Royal by G.A. AikenThe Scarred Earth Saga #3PNR/Fantasy12/27/2023- KensingtonARC Review by Angela If you're familiar with this author, then you already have a pretty good idea of what you're wading into when you open The Heretic Royal. Shenanigans, blood-thirsty yet loving characters, and a good time. This book continues the ongoing plot arc of the Farmerson-Smythe family's quest to stop their evil sister Beatrix and keep their kingdom safe. The third oldest sister, Continue Reading
Review: When She Dreams by Amanda Quick
When She Dreams by Amanda QuickBurning Cove #6Historical RomanceMay 3, 2022, by BerkeleyARC Review by Iby This book starts with an amazing first line: “You poisoned me.” Suddenly, the reader is thrust into 1930s California, the setting of this interconnected romantic suspense series. Although this is book 6, you can easily pick up at this book and understand what’s happening. Each book features one couple, and they are all involved in solving a crime. There is lots of glamour, as part of Continue Reading
Review: A Most Unusual Duke by Susanna Allen
A Most Unusual Duke by Susanna AllenShapeshifters of the Beau Monde #2Historical PNR12/28/2021 by Sourcebooks Casablanca Review by Iby There was a lot to like about this new-to-me author’s voice and characters. Although this is the second in a series, it was fine to read as a stand-alone. The plot for this historical romance is definitely unique - think home improvement on a rustic British estate, but the duke is actually a werebear shifter and the heroine he is forced to marry is a Continue Reading
Review: Where There’s a Kilt, There’s a Way by Ella Stainton
Where There's a Kilt, There's a Way by Ella StaintonKilty Pleasures #2March 23, 2021 by Carina PressHistorical/Paranormal Mystery Reviewed by Kate Where There's a Kilt, There's a Way was not what I was expecting at all, based on the description and being labeled as a romance. It was disappointing to me as a reader, but I think that if you know what you're getting into, it could be an enjoyable reading experience. If it isn't a romance, what kind of book is Where There's a Kilt, There's Continue Reading
Melinda’s Minis: Starcrossed by Allie Therin and The Duke Effect by Sophie Jordan
Starcrossed by Allie TherinMagic in Manhattan Book 2Paranormal Historical RomanceMay 18, 2020 by Carina Press Starcrossed by Allie Therin is book 2 in a 1920s set PNR with a bunch of different magical abilities. I absolutely love PNR set in different time periods so this completely worked for me. I only with there was a bit more explanation in this one to tie it to book one as there were parts where I was confused as to what was going on. I definitely did not feel that it stood on its Continue Reading