NOTHING IS MORE INTOXICATING— Reynaud St. Aubyn has spent the last seven years in hellish captivity. Now half mad with fever he bursts into his ancestral home and demands his due. Can this wild-looking man truly be the last earl’s heir, thought murdered by Indians years ago? OR DANGEROUS— Beatrice Corning, the niece of the present earl, is a proper English miss. But she has a secret: No real man has ever excited her more than the handsome youth in the portrait in her uncle’s home. Continue Reading
Mailbox Monday and Contest Winner
First - Contest Winners for helping pick a contemporary! First Winner - MariSecond Winner - WendyPlease email me at smexybooks (at) gmail (dot) com.Thank you to everyone for all the suggestions!!! I have so many to choose from, however, the one that got mentioned the most was:I've already placed my order for it :)On to Mailbox Monday hosted by The Printed Page..go check out what everyone has in their mailbox!I just started Eve of Darkness this weekend and whoa it is a good read. Those Cain and Continue Reading