Originally posted on January 3, 2018, at Smexy by Sheena. Heart On Fire by Amanda BouchetThe Kingmaker Chronicals, #3Fantasy RomanceReleased: January 2, 2018 by Sourcebooks Heart On Fire is book three in the Kingmaker Chronicles trilogy and I’m already trying to figure out how just onnnnneeeee more novel can fit in, I mean, who likes trilogies anyway? A Tetralogy- now that’s the wave of the future. You hear that Bouchet? Tetralogy, is all I’m saying. Continue Reading
Retro Review: Breath of Fire by Amanda Bouchet
Review originally posted in January of 2017 by Angela at Fiction Vixen. Breath of Fire by Amanda BouchetThe Kingmaker Chronicles #2Fantasy RomanceJanuary 3, 2017 by Sourcebooks When I finally opened Breath of Fire (it’s been waiting for me on my Kindle for a couple of weeks) I did so with excitement and anticipation. I really loved the first book in the series, A Promise of Fire, and was pretty stoked that there was a new Romantic Fantasy series out in the world for me to enjoy. Continue Reading
Retro Review: A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet
Review originally posted in August of 2016 by Angela at Fiction Vixen. A Promise of Fire by Amanda BouchetThe Kingmaker Chronicles #1Fantasy RomanceAugust 2, 2016 by Sourcebooks For the last several months I’ve picked up every fantasy and science fiction book that looked even remotely interesting. Always searching for something to capture my attention and leave me edgy and excited for what was to come next. A Promise of Fire did just that. A mix of mythology and magic set in a Continue Reading
Retro Review: Sanctuary by Rebekah Weatherspoon
Review originally posted on September 7, 2017, by Mandi at Smexy. Sanctuary by Rebekah Weatherspoon (Beards and Bondage #2)Released: August 29, 2017Erotic BDSMSelf Published I quite enjoyed Haven, book one in this series earlier this year (both are stand alones) and Sanctuary was a hit for me as well. As in Haven, this book starts with quite a suspenseful scene. Our heroine, Liz, an attorney, who goes home one day after a long day of work, to find a man in her apartment, Continue Reading
Retro Review: Haven by Rebekah Weatherspoon
Review originally posted April 26, 2017 by Mandi at Smexy. Haven by Rebekah Weatherspoon (Beards & Bondage #1)Released: April 26, 2017BDSMSelf Published How can I pass up a series titled, Beards & Bondage?? What I liked most about this story is while it is erotic, and there is a beard, and there is some bondage, their courtship is presented so well. And the trauma and recovery the heroine goes through in this book felt so realistic. Claudia is from the city but goes Continue Reading
Retro Review: White Hot by Ilona Andrews
Review originally posted in May of 2017 at Fiction Vixen by Angela & Jen. White Hot by Ilona AndrewsHidden Legacy #2Fantasy RomanceOriginally published May 30, 2017 by Avon To say we were excited about this book is a bit of an understatement. We love us some Ilona Andrews. BURN FOR ME was one of our favorite books in 2014. Mad Rogan was quite the polarizing hero and Nevada is a great, steadfast heroine — a lot like Kate, if you think about Continue Reading
Retro Review: Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews
Originally posted in July of 2012 at Fiction Vixen by Angela. Gunmetal Magic by Ilona AndrewsKate Daniles #5.6 (World of Kate Daniels)Urban FantasyOriginally published July 31, 2012 by Ace As a huge fangirl of the husband and wife writing team that is Ilona Andrews, I must say I was both excited and not excited when I heard the next book in their Kate Daniels series wasn't going to be about Kate Daniels, but about her best friend Andrea Nash. Excited because, hey, this IS in the Continue Reading
Retro Review: Moonglow by Kristen Callihan
Originally posted in July of 2012 at Fiction Vixen by Angela. Moonglow by Kristen CallihanDarkest London #2Paranormal Historical RomanceOriginally published July 31, 2012 by Forever After finishing the first book in this series, Firelight, I immediately went looking for when the next installment would be released. I loved Firelight. It was so different, part paranormal, part historical, and I hadn't read a heroine written that well in a long while. It takes a lot of skill to Continue Reading
Retro Review: Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt
Review originally posted in February of 2013 by Angela at Fiction Vixen. Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth HoytMaiden Lane #5Historical RomanceOriginally published February 26, 2013 I’m not afraid to admit that this book wrecked me. I absolutely loved it, but my heart hurt for this couple so many times. Lord of Darkness is the fifth book in Elizabeth Hoyt’s much beloved Maiden Lane series and it was so very, very good. Godric St. John spends his days as a cold, separated aristocrat Continue Reading
Retro Review: Sweet Destiny by Penny Watson
Review originally posted in November 2016 as a What to Read Wednesday at Fiction Vixen by Angela. Sweet Destiny by Penny WatsonKlaus Brothers #5Christmas/Holiday RomancePublished November 25, 2016- Self Published I’m not a huge fan of Christmas romances. I don’t even know why, I’m just not. BUT I am a big fan of Penny Watson and her Klaus series. Sweet Destiny is the finale of the series and FINALLY we get Wolfgang’s HEA. After seeing his four brothers fall in love and settle Continue Reading