Review originally posted in May of 2017 at Fiction Vixen by Angela & Jen. White Hot by Ilona AndrewsHidden Legacy #2Fantasy RomanceOriginally published May 30, 2017 by Avon To say we were excited about this book is a bit of an understatement. We love us some Ilona Andrews. BURN FOR ME was one of our favorite books in 2014. Mad Rogan was quite the polarizing hero and Nevada is a great, steadfast heroine — a lot like Kate, if you think about Continue Reading
Retro Review: Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews
Originally posted in July of 2012 at Fiction Vixen by Angela. Gunmetal Magic by Ilona AndrewsKate Daniles #5.6 (World of Kate Daniels)Urban FantasyOriginally published July 31, 2012 by Ace As a huge fangirl of the husband and wife writing team that is Ilona Andrews, I must say I was both excited and not excited when I heard the next book in their Kate Daniels series wasn't going to be about Kate Daniels, but about her best friend Andrea Nash. Excited because, hey, this IS in the Continue Reading
Review: Sanctuary by Ilona Andrews
Sanctuary by Ilona AndrewsWorld of Kate Daniels #15.5Urban FantasyJuly 30, 2024- Self PublishedARC Review by Angela As a fangirl of this author duo, I usually avidly follow any serials posted on their blog, and then read it again as soon as the full, edited version hits Amazon. This being 2024, I had a lot of stuff going on with my life, and a ridiculous review schedule, so I decided to wait until it hit Amazon and read it in full. I was lucky to get an ARC copy of the novella, with Continue Reading
Review: Magic Claims by Ilona Andrews
Magic Claims by Ilona AndrewsKate Daniels: The Wilmington Years #2Urban FantasyJune 13, 2023- NYLAARC Review by Angela You never really know how much you will miss certain characters and worlds until a series ends, and you're not sure if you'll ever see them again. Which makes these last two books in the spin-off to the Kate Daniels series so special. The first book, Magic Tides, gave readers a sense of what Kate, Curran, and Conlan were up to after leaving Atlanta and settling down Continue Reading
Review: Magic Tides by Ilona Andrews
Magic Tides by Ilona AndrewsKate Daniels: The Wilmington Years #11/17/2023 by NYLAARC Review by Angela 2023 is already starting off with a bang with this surprise release from Ilona Andrews. Readers will be excited to revisit Kate and Curran in their new home, as they try and fail to remain low-key, getting involved in a local kidnapping and taking on new bad guys. Kate and Curran have relocated to Wilmington after finding a good school for Conlan. They are living in a half Continue Reading
Scenic Sunday- Sweep of the Blade by Ilona Andrews
This is one of the bloodier scenes in this book, so if that's a trigger you might want to skip. I do love me some Ilona Andrews fight scenes, Maud and Arland will always be one of my favorite couples. It was gaining. Faster. Faster! They were almost there. Almost. A few dozen yards. The dragon lunged, roaring. The teeth. Huge teeth. This wasn't a dream. The monster from her nightmares had come to life and was trying to devour her daughter. The little boy's vihr Continue Reading
Review: Ruby Fever (Hidden Legacy #6) by Ilona Andrews
Ruby Fever by Ilona AndrewsHidden Legacy #6Urban Fantasy RomanceAugust 23, 2022, by AvonARC Review by Angela Anyone who knows me knows I am an Ilona Andrews fangirl. I will read anything they write. This husband and wife writing duo is at the very tip-top of my fantasy genre pyramid and I can't get enough. Ruby Fever, Hidden Legacy #6, was my most anticipated book of 2022. So when it hit my Kindle I pushed everything aside and sat down to read, starting right after work and staying up Continue Reading
Scenic Sunday: Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews
This is our final Scenic Sunday countdown to Ruby Fever which is out this Tuesday!!! This book is hugely action packed and a lot happens in terms of moving both the overarching plot along as well as the progression of Catalina and Alessandro's relationship. Rather than pick a very action packed sequence for this post, I chose to focus on a fairly quiet scene that really shows a lot about how these two characters feel about each other but also showcases vulnerability in a character who is Continue Reading
Scenic Sunday: Sapphire Flames by Ilona Andrews
Still doing the Scenic Sunday countdown to Ruby Fever! Only two more Sundays to go! I am not a patient person and cliffhangers are my one big no-no. Therefore, I binged Sapphire Flames, Emerald Blaze, and an arc of Ruby Fever in July and honestly, it was the best decision I ever made for myself, holding off on reading the first two books until I had the 3rd one firmly in my grasp. In this week's Scenic Sunday countdown to Ruby Fever, we bring you a scene from the first installment of Continue Reading
Scenic Sunday- Wildfire by Ilona Andrews
Still counting down until the release of Ruby Fever! 3 more Sundays! Next week will start the Catalina/Alessandro lovefest, but first here is some more Nevada and Connor. I have several favorite scenes in this book... when Mad Rogan takes on the first Madero brother and after beating the crap out of him, warns him to forget Nevada's name. Of course, his family doesn't. This leads to one of my other favorite scenes... when Leon discovers what his magic is in the hospital parking lot. I even Continue Reading