She is his last chance for a future of happiness…
Jenny Keeble has never let her humble upbringing stop her. She’s made her way in the world as a fortune teller, one who convinces her clients her predictions are correct by telling them what they most want to hear. Business is good… until she meets her match in the form of Gareth Carhart, the Marquess of Blakely, a scientist and sworn bachelor.
He just doesn’t know it yet.
Broodingly handsome, Gareth is appalled to discover his cousin has fallen under the spell of “Madame Esmerelda,” and he vows to prove her a fraud. But his unexpected attraction to the fiery enchantress defies logic. Jenny disrupts every facet of Gareth’s calculated plan— until he can’t decide whether to ruin her or claim her for his own. Now, as they engage in a passionate battle of wills, two lonely souls must choose between everything they know… and the boundless possibilities of love.
Proof By Seduction – Courtney Milan
January 1, 2010
Historical Romance
Paperback, 352 Pages
HQN Books
Book received through NetGalley
Prior to getting Proof By Seduction, I heard a lot of buzz about this book and debut author Courtney Milan. I was eager to get my hands on a copy, and I was just as eager to see how this book would hold up to all the talk. I am happy to say it held up well, more than well. Courtney Milan writes a very smart, funny and romantic book.
Lord Gareth Blakely is a broken man, a cold, tortured soul. He was raised to take over his title, and it left little room for fun. He knows nothing of showing his emotions or how to interact with people. One of my favorite things is that Gareth stays broken throughout much of the book. There are no overnight miracles. He doesn’t take one look at Jenny and start frolicking through a meadow the next day. He has been an emotionless being all his life, and it takes time, and as he learns, much determination, to become someone better.
Jenny is posing in her life as Madame Esmerelda, a fortune teller, who possesses no actual gift, except the gift of persuasion and trust. She has taken what life has thrown at her and made the best of it. Although she in essence swindles money out of people, she has a good heart and would not choose this life if there were other alternatives.
Gareth, a scientist is determined to prove Madame Esmerelda a fraud for his cousin’s Ned’s sake. Ned went to Jenny years ago with severe depression, with thoughts of ending his life and Jenny predicted a future of happiness and hope. Ned has prospered since then, and Jenny feels a fierce loyalty and protection over him. Blakely feels the same feelings toward Ned, and sees Esmerelda as a liability to him.
Ned, desperate to show Gareth that Jenny is the real deal, pleas with her to predict something. Jenny doesn’t want to let Ned down, nor does she want to admit to Gareth that she is a fraud. So she comes up with this prediction – at an upcoming ball, at a certain time, Gareth will look upon the woman he is to marry and then he must perform three tasks, to be named at a future time, to secure this match. Gareth seeing right through Jenny’s absurdities, makes her come to the ball with him, so she can be their to witness this great coupling. The more Gareth and Jenny spend time together, they more their shields start to come down, and love is allowed to seep out.
For as much as Gareth is the serious, stern character, I found myself laughing out loud many times during his scenes – and that is how you will start to root for him. Courtney Milan puts him in situations where you can’t help but have a little pity for him and he melts some of that ice off.
There are ridiculously, funny moments in this book – Jenny “sacrifices” an orange on her first meeting with Blakely, looking into the pulp for clues to his future. Jenny knows this is hogwash, and she knows Blakely knows, but she is determined to duke it out with him. His first task involves carving an elephant in a piece of ebony to give to his future bride. Then he must compose a poem about Ned. Let’s just say, Gareth has no talent in the art department, and my stomach hurt from laughing.
Jenny has her moments of contradiction. Matching wits with Blakely as Esmerelda she is strong and smart. Then there are times as Jenny, where she wants to prove to Gareth that she is better than a mistress, yet finds herself unable to deny him entry to her house at night. They both are yearning for companionship and love and their desperation to have it is what drives them together.
Jenny and Gareth both want Ned to be happy and towards the end of the book it felt like Ned is forgotten a bit. He is such an integral character at the beginning I kind of thought he got lost in Jenny and Gareth’s romance. Jenny has her fair share of personal problems, but for as much as she fights for Ned at the beginning of the book, she lets him down towards the end.
Courtney Milan does a great job of writing two characters that each hide behind a mask. Gareth hides behind Lord Blakely and Jenny hides behind Madame Esmerelda. As the two of them slowly strip away their masks, their love story is truly wonderful. When Gareth strips away everything and looks at Jenny just as Gareth, it is beautiful and almost heartbreaking. A truly lovely story, that I can’t recommend enough.
Rating: 4 1/2 Stars
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Great review! Gotta love those tortured heroes! I'm going to add this one to my to read list!
Great review, Mandi! :D
Your on the mark with Gareth not becoming a ray of sunshine when he sees Jenny.
Jenny and Gareth have to work hard, to find and achieve their HEA. And when they did, I was like: Huzzah!! LOL
inthehammock – Yes, very tortured, which makes it all the sweeter when he comes out of it :)
Lou – Yes, makes you want to cheer. Your joint review at The Bookpushers is my fav :)
Thank you kindly! :)
The book has some great discussion points.
I've been so impatient to read this book that I'm thrilled it's finally out! Got my copy and hope to read it this weekend.
Awesome review as always Mandi :)
Aww sounds lovely, and I do like that he is not transformed over night, but that he stays broken and first at the end there is a glimpse of light.
Great review mandi
Like you, I've heard a lot of buzz about Proof By Seduction. Good to know it lived up to it! Wonderful review Mandi. :)
I find nothing sexier in a romance when the gentleman hero with a title wants the heroine to call him by his first name. *swoon*
I really like the sound of this book. Love a bit fun in my books.
Enjoyed reading your review!
If there is one historical that I am eager to read then it is this one. You're only getting me more eager to read Proof Mandi, I'm really intrigued by your character discriptions ;)
Oh good review. I'm really in the mood for some historical romance and a romance that is 'truly lovely' sounds like just the ticket. :)
Hey Mandi! I actually bought this book this past weekend! OMG… how funny is that!
I bought it due to they hype and of course… the cover!!! Very smexy!
Thanks for the review honey, you did a great job!!!!!
I'm always on the lookout for new historical romance authors. I'm glad this one lived up to all the hype I've been hearing about it.
I love the sound of the hero – I can relate – but I'm not so sure about the heroine….the role she plays….hmmm. *dithers*
I will have to give this one a try, even though I'm still suffering from historical rom burnout.