Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins
Romantic Contemporary
October 25, 2011
HQN Books
Favorite Quote: “Think she likes me?
“Of course she does Liam. It’s the law isn’t it? Women must fall at your feet.”
When former bad boy heartthrob Liam Murphy walked into Cordelia (Posey) Osterhagen’s parent’s restaurant she had imagined a million scenarios…but never one involving her wearing an ill fitting German waitress outfit and her cheeks stuffed with potato dumplings. Posey has always loved Liam from the first moment she saw him ride up on his motorcycle, decked out in leather and wearing an attitude a miles wide. When he began to work at her parent’s restaurant, she thought she had died an gone to heaven, but Liam never noticed her beyond being his bosses daughter and unintentionally breaks Posey’s heart. Liam goes on to fall in love and marry the town’s golden girl and leaves town. Now years later, Liam is back with his fifteen year old daughter. His wife passed away a few years ago, and he wants Nicole to be raised in his hometown, close to her grandparents.
Liam is happy to be back in Bellsford. Though his high school reputation left a lot to be desired, he is all grown up now and just wants to raise his daughter in peace. The woman of the town all to well remember the former bad boy and stalk him like he’s the last chocolate chip cookie in the package. Except for one-Posey. Not sure if he should be relieved or put out; he enjoys the fact that Posey isn’t grabbing, pinching, or slipping phone numbers into wherever she can reach. As he and Posey run into one another more and more around town, he stops seeing the skinny sixteen year old from the past and begins to see the woman right in front of him.
When Liam is put into a precarious position with his in laws, he has to make a difficult decision that once again breaks Posey’s heart. Only this time, Posey’s got problems of her own and she may not be so forgiving this second time around.
Until There Was You is classic Higgins. A small town story of unrequited love and second chances. Eccentric characters, humorous dialogue, and crazy situations will have you sighing in frustration while trying not to laugh as the hero and heroine take the long road to finding redemption. I enjoyed the fact that we got not only the heroine’s POV but also the hero’s. It’s always amazing to watch (or read in this case) the same scene told by two different people. What Posey remembers is vastly different then what Liam remembers and it causes quite some confusion on both sides.
Posey is a genuinely nice person. A successful business woman who feels she is cursed because of her diminutive statue. She owns a salvage yard which I found fascinating. She doesn’t waste time on artifice or games when it comes to what she wants. Her self confidence level is low due to her high school years and lack of dates; causing her to be a bona fide people pleaser. There were quite a few scenes when I really wanted her to step up and make her feelings known rather then allowing herself to be a doormat to so many people. She is well loved but the smell of desperation clings to her as you watch and listen to her around Liam.
Liam was harder to connect with. Not because he was mean but because he’s a bit self centered. Though I understood his attitude; his wife’s sudden death from cancer left him reeling and it hits him in the form of panic attacks that if something happens to him, his daughter will be all alone. He focuses a lot of Nicole, and becomes hilariously over protective when his baby begins to assert some independence. There is a funny scene where he asks Posey to the movies and while she thinks it’s a date, she soon comes to realize that he has brought her along to spy on his daughter and her date.
The lights went down and Liam reached over for some popcorn. “Get your own, “ Posey said, leaning away.
“Wow, that’s not nice.”
“Well, neither is taking me to spy on your kid Liam!”
“Look, …she’s fifteen years old. Bozo there is a senior. Do the math.”
“What math?”
“The sex math.”
“Your an idiot.”
While he does apologize, you get the feeling that he really can’t understand why Posey might be upset with the situation. I say he’s self centered because a lot of his dialogue centers around his high school sexual escapades and his attraction to woman. He expects it. And we are inundated with plenty of scenes of woman hitting on him. It’s funny but sad in a away as he begins to understand the harm he caused by his carefree attitude regarding females in retrospect to how he would feel if some boy did that to his daughter.
Posey and Liam’s relationship is very slow to start. It’s a lot of crushing on Posey’s side and obliviousness on Liam’s. Liam begins to notice her more for the fact she is one of the few women who doesn’t throw themselves at him. There have some wonderful funny dialogue between them that will leave you chuckling. The time they spend together is sweet yet part of me wanted Posey to harden a little. You can feel her crush from her past intermingling with her feelings now. After I was finished with this, part of me was left wondering if Posey hadn’t known Liam from the past, would she have been so desperate for him now?
The secondary characters in here are wonderfully strange. A little over the top in characterization. Posey’s parents are overwhelmingly protective and treat her like a child. Her best friend Katie gave me the creeps with her odd relationship with her son. She was way too close with him, and Posey made me happy when she finally told her she had to ease off because the things she said and did weren’t normal. My favorite characters though were Posey’s brother Henry and his partner Jon. Funny and ever supportive-they always had her back. Ialso liked that fact that Liam’s wife wasn’t portrayed in a bad manner in order to smooth the way for him to start another relationship. She was nice woman who befriended Posey in high school and honestly loved Liam.
The ending wraps up faster then I thought it would using some clichéd metaphors to finally put Posey ahead of the game with Liam. I also was disappointed in her cousin’s storyline. So much effort was put into building up her issues, then they just fade away to nothing. All in all a nice, somewhat lightweight story that is sure to appeal to Higgins fans.
Overall Rating: C
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Sounds like a lovely “warm and fuzzy” read. I’ve not read this author. Putting on the back burner. Great review!
Thanks darling. This wasn’t one of my favs; her My One And Only was a real good one. I reviewed it earlier this year.
I love or HATE Higgins… I’m worried this one would be the latter. Hero sounds like a tool! Hmm….
Great review tori- I think you’ve convinced me to pass and add 1 less to my TBR mountain
Have you read her My One and Only? That’s a personal fav of mine.
well I DNF’d that one (gah I couldn’t stand it)… hmmm… maybe this one I’d love then? LOL
Really. LOL Somedays you are the B&N to my Nook and others your the Mac to my Windows.
I’m hesitant to read this because I’m not too keen on reading about Posey obvious adoration of Liam. But I do want to try Higgins’ writing from the hero’s POV so…I’m most likely going to read this. Lol
FYI, the category tag has Kristina Douglas as the author name not Kristan Higgins.
Come back and tell me what you think when your done. And thanks for the tip off-I will ccorrect. :)
I’m with May… I either really like Higgins, or I absolutely HATE her books. I think I’ve given up, as I didn’t read her last one either
I liked her last one but this one wasn’t quite up to snuff.
Reeling from the loss of his wife, yet still self-centered? Somehow that mash up just don’t compute in this ol’ head of mine. I have yet to read anything by Higgins but sounds like this one could wait.
It was a wee bit bi polar. lol
You know what, I just wanna go all awwwwww, I want!
Ohh pooh, posted on the wrong review here by mistake ;)
Too bad about the story, I just do not know
Yes! That’s exactly it, she was too hung up on the past to see the present Liam, and he way too hung up on the past and his daughter to see anything else. The romance was dissatisfying because she loved him too much (maybe obsessed is more appropriate than in love) and he didn’t love her enough. He had his dubious happily ever after with his wife and Posey was second-best… I felt she deserved better and that Liam needed to put his life in order before embarking on a relationship.
Loved Henry and Jon!
Oops! That first paragraph was supposed to be a quote from the review but I guess I did something wrong because it’s not showing properly…
she loved him too much (maybe obsessed is more appropriate than in love) and he didn’t love her enough.
You said it perfectly. That’s how I felt. She was his rebound.
I liked My One and Only, and I’ve been looking forward to this one. I like her voice and how there’s always an animal in her books.
There are plenty of animals in here, but it’s her brother Henry and his partner Jon that are hilarious.
I *love* this review, Tori. You totally captured so many of the things I felt about the book but just couldn’t get into words. It wasn’t my favorite by Higgins (I agree that My One and Only is her best work), but I did like it for the quirky characters. I was even OK with the over-the-top German kitsch. I wonder if she worked so hard on the background of the story that she kind of neglected the romance a bit? Anyway, this review totally rocked. :)
I’ve never read a Higgins book, so not sure I would like it. Though there do seem to be some original and fun things, I can’t like a conceited hero, who suspects all women to fall at his feet.