The Night is Mine by M.L. Buchman
Romantic Suspense/Military
February 1, 2012
Reviewed by Mandi
Emily Beale lives to fly helicopters. Being the first and only female pilot to fly helicopters for SOAR (Special Operations Aviation Regiment), she is a big deal. These SOAR pilots are the rebels of the bunch. They wear their hair long, and have beards, to blend in wherever they are stationed. Currently she is running missions in Afghanistan. SOAR helicopters provide Special Forces with nighttime transpiration and protection. She is the best of the best, and strives everyday to maintain this. Only being with this branch of the military for two months, she has spent a lot of time proving that she is the best to the group of men she is working with. She has definitely earned their respect, but she never knows if she is in good standing with Major Mark Henderson, or as he is called for good reason, “The Viper.”
Mark is one scary dude and has earned the respect from everyone in his crew. An excellent pilot himself, he has continuously given Emily harder and harder assignments, and has been so impressed by her each time. Of course he would never tell her that. A grunt and maybe a glare through his rayban sunglasses which are permanently attached to his face is all she might get. He also isn’t going to tell her that he has this big attraction towards her. Something forbidden since he is her commander.
But things start to get intense when Emily gets a sudden summons to go back to the states. It is such a secret mission, she is not even allowed to tell Mark where or why she is going. The second before she leaves, he leans over and kisses her, which Emily responds to for a second before completely pinning him to the table and stalking off. (Yes, she is that bad ass).
What Mark doesn’t know is that Emily has been asked by the President and First Lady to become the First Lady’s personal chef (another thing Emily is really good at, cooking). But there is more to it. The First Lady has had physical threats against her, and is not sure if she can fully trust the Secret Service. Also, Emily and the President grew up together, and he knows just how tough she can be. So acting as chef, and being the First Lady’s personal bodyguard/pilot is definitely not what Emily has in mind. But when more attacks happen, she realizes there is a much bigger plot in motion.
First let me say that I liked The Night is Mine but there are definitely things in here that should have annoyed me. For some reason though, I could let them go in this book. First of all, Emily is SO perfect. She is the best helicopter pilot ever, the best chef ever, the most skilled fighter, the bravest person to walk this earth, and every man that sees her has instant lust. She was best friends growing up with the man that is now President. Her father is the head of the FBI. In most books, this would be a deal breaker for me. I don’t like a perfect heroine. But for some reason, I liked Emily. I don’t know why! She never felt like she bragged about her accomplishments or that she acted better than anyone else. She worked for me – maybe because she isn’t perfect at love? Her relationship with Mark is a very interesting one that kept my interest the entire time. They had amazing chemistry together.
Now Mark – oh Mark I loved. He is such a cranky, surly, alpha male. Totally in love with Emily, but unable to tell or show her due to his higher rank. When he slips and kisses her right before she leaves, he gets so upset with himself that he erred. But when he learns she is injured back in the states, he is the one that comes, quietly, and just sits in her hospital room in a dark corner and holds vigil. He is there for her, even though she doesn’t know it. Excuse me while I swoon. He is super tough, but super in love with Emily, and I loved how their relationship unfolds. I will say the sex scenes are not the greatest in this book. I mean, they are there, but not written very well. We needed more detail! I wanted more naked Mark. What?
The plot and conflict in this one is so outlandish and totally unrealistic.The drama involving the first lady is crazy. The fact that one of the USA’s most elite helicopter pilots has to go become the First lady’s chef is also crazy. But again – I liked it. It is action packed and totally sucked me in.
So final verdict – I liked, but keep in mind of the very perfect heroine, lackluster sex scenes, and crazy plot. But I bet you will be entertained.
Rating: B
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I remember you talking about this one. So,is Emily the “lead” in this one. Is it mostly her POV? Her perfection aside, I seem to dislike stories with strong female leads, no matter what genre. Not sure about this one for me!
Yes, she’s the lead character (sorry, I know I’m not the person you asked!).
I was actually very surprised how much of the book is from her perspective – more than 50% easily. I actually really like the male POV in most books, but I think the author did a good job writing from a female perspective.
I, too, tend not to like tough, rough heroines, but I didn’t find her too bad from that perspective. Could have done without a couple of the scenes though. She is, however, a complete Mary Sue, but she’s so Mary Sue that she’s almost fantastic because of it!
I gave this three stars on Amazon, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it immensely. I’m a fan of those crazy 80s action movies, and this book reminded me of them.
I was actually impressed that I didn’t hate the heroine. I usually have trouble with tough heroines, but I thought the author did a really good job of making her feminine at the same time.
Yes…In other books I would have hated this heroine. She was just so perfect. But I liked her. I liked her relationship with Mark and all the crazy action :)
Yes! LMAO. I totally loved it because it was so cracktastic plot wise. I can see why some people have really disliked it. If you go into it expecting a realistic story, this is just so.. NOT! LOL. I wanted a guy’s military
pornfiction with a female lead and some smex and this was totally the ticket. I think if Matt works on his sex scenes with female readers in mind, he will definitely be my go to author for crack!fiction plots. LOL.Srsly – I’m so excited for the next book. It was just so entertaining and something about the way he writes had me loving this. So glad to hear others say this. I hesitated to give it 4stars/B because of the over-the-top kind of stuff
Hmmm, you know I’m not really into military op romances but boy, oh, boy that cover is mighty fine. :)
I need to get you into military romances! ;)
Aw T, you don’t know what your missing. Guess I’m a sucker for the alpha male bad ass. Those military types just do it for me!
Great review Mandi, and if you enjoyed the book inspite of your normal dislikes, it just has to be good! On the wishlist it goes!
The good seem to outweigh the bad :) That I like and I need some romantic suspense