This is information I gathered from tweeters today at JR Ward’s signing in Cincinnati. Big thanks to Liza for tweeting awesome information.
Please note – there are spoilers below – one big one specifically. You have been warned.
1. Most important – are you ready? I said – ARE YOU READY? The next Black Dagger Brotherhood book coming in the spring of 2013 in hardcover is:
Qhuinn and Blay!!!! (it will start right where Lover Reborn ended)
*faints* *flails* *falls down dead*
2. Big spoiler – Layla IS pregnant with Qhuinn’s baby. (Mandi weeps)
3. She was asked if we get full-on sex in Qhuay’s book., she wouldn’t answer but asked how much we wanted. (We want it all. Yes.)
4. We will find out in Qhuay’s book where Qhuinn’s brother is. (isn’t he frozen or something? I forget)
5. Lassiter will get his own book
6. Layla changing Xcor will take time (and will also piss off Qhuinn – Mandi loves Xcor and his evil ways)
7. Lash might be back (he is currently back with the Omega) but she isn’t sure.
8. We might see more chosen, now that Layla can’t feed the brothers.
9. Rhage and Mary are getting a novella – she is almost done writing it. No info on release date.
10. Qhuinn will have more visions but maybe not the kind we expect
11. When asked how Xhex and Murdher met – she says Murdher has a secret, wouldn’t say what.
12. The next Fallen Angels book will be titled, Rapture and it will come out in hardcover. The heroine is the reporter that took Beth’s old job at the paper – Mel Carmichael.
Again, huge thanks to Liza for tweeting this great information. Pop over to her blog for an even better wrap-up.
I am so excited about Qhuay getting their own book. I squealed like a little girl yesterday.
Yay yay yay!!!!!!! I’m so happy they’re getting their own book–but a whole year of waiting???? Nooooooooooo!!!!!
Yey! Blay and Qhuinn deserve full length novel! Layla pregnant with Qhuinn’s baby? Verily? ::shudder::
*flails* Crossing fingers it will not only be an m/m but possibly an m/f/m. Squeeeeee.
Yay for Blay & Quinn :) Its about time they get their HEA!! I hope Layla doesn’t give them “Baby Mama Drama”!
The next Black Dagger Brotherhood book coming in the spring of 2013 in hardcover is:
Qhuinn and Blay!!!! (it will start right where Lover Reborn ended)
In hardcover?
*faints* *falls down dead
Thank you Mandi! And thank you Liza! I must get on and read Lover Reborn :)
*faints* *flails* *falls down dead* Ditto.
Gah! Not more Chosen :(
I’m kinda over the Brothers mating with only vammpire females… what? Aren’t human chicks good enough for them?, lol!
Oh my effing god (swoon). Layla gets preggers?! Why couldn’t it be Xcor, darn it.
No. ASdkjh. NO.