A bad boy wrapped in a sexy, muscled, grown-up package might be worth a little risk…
Molly Webster has always followed the rules. After an ugly scandal tore apart her childhood and made her the focus of the media’s harsh spotlight, she vowed to live an ordinary life. No fame. No impropriety. No pain. Then she meets Zachary Fox, a tattooed bad boy rocker with a voice like whiskey and sin, and a touch that could become an addiction.
A one-night stand with the hottest rock star on the planet, that’s all it was meant to be…
Fox promises scorching heat and dangerous pleasure, coaxing Molly to extend their one-night stand into a one-month fling. After that, he’ll be gone forever, his life never again intersecting with her own. Sex and sin and sensual indulgence, all with an expiration date. No ties, no regrets. Too late, Molly realizes it isn’t only her body that’s become addicted to Fox, but her heart…
Nalini Singh has a new book out….a new contemporary book out, and it’s fun and sexy and everything you expect a rock star book from Nalini Singh would accomplish. We’ll be posting a review this week (it releases Tuesday) but until then we have an excerpt to share! Nalini is visting blogs all week and sharing excerpts and giveaways. The list includes:
by Nalini Singh
Exiting on the top floor of the serviced apartment complex on the waterfront, Fox went not to his own apartment but to Noah’s. He knew the band’s guitarist, who also played bass like a pro, would be in; Noah might bed a different woman—often women—every night, but he didn’t stay the night with any of them, and if he brought them back to his place, it was only for as long as it took to have sex.
Fox knew why the other man couldn’t sleep with anyone else in the room, but they never discussed it. Not like women discussed shit. They simply had each other’s backs—Noah knew if he felt himself sliding too deep into hell, he just had to reach out a hand and Fox would haul him out. Not that Fox was sure the stubborn bastard would reach out. Didn’t matter. Fox would never allow Noah’s demons to swallow him up.
He knocked lightly and wasn’t surprised when a rumpled Noah opened the door soon afterward. The other male looked like he’d rolled out of bed a second ago, his jeans hanging low on his hips, stubble on his jaw. It was an illusion—Noah rarely slept past dawn, regardless of his nighttime activities.
“You got coffee?” He walked in, leaving the door open. It was only the four of them up here, with the elevator locked to their personal keycards and service personnel instructed to come up only on request. It was one of the first things they’d realized after Schoolboy Choir’s first album went triple platinum—that if they wanted any privacy at all, they’d have to fight for it.
“Check this out.” Noah pointed to a machine that looked like it had escaped the deck of a spaceship. “Looks worse than the monstrosity you have at your place back home.”
“I know how my monstrosity works.” Fox scowled, kicking himself for not having properly checked things out before the party last night. He’d just thrown his gear inside his own apartment, the band having been at a nearby hotel till then. “Damn it, I walked right by the coffee place next door because there was a line.”
Dark gray eyes glinting, Noah found a mug, thrust it under one of the many spouts, and pushed three buttons of the thousands on the spaceship coffeemaker. Half a minute later, Fox was holding some kind of cinnamon-scented coffee so frothy he could feel his testosterone levels dropping just looking at it. “What the hell, Noah? You want me to drink this?”
“You have to drink it,” the blond male snarled. “It’s the only crap I’ve figured out how to make on this thing.”
Fox took a sip, got mostly foam. He tried again, shuddered. “Give me another mug.” When Noah handed it over, he started slotting in the shiny pod things that sat in a basket beside the coffeemaker and pushing random buttons.
Three pods later, he hit on the right combination for plain black coffee. “Clearly, I’m the brains of this outfit.”
“Gimme that.” Commandeering the coffee, Noah took a long drink, groaned. “This is coffee. Now show me what the fuck you did.”
Fox successfully made a second cup and, taking it, followed Noah out onto the balcony, both of them leaning their forearms on the balustrade. The view of the harbor was spectacular, the sparkling blue-green water busy with countless watercraft. Close to the city it was mostly commuter ferries, though there was also a tall-masted racing yacht and a boat that looked like it might be taking tourists out to see dolphins. Farther out, Fox could see sailboats and small personal fishing craft as people headed out to enjoy the brilliantly sunny—if cold—fall day.
“You had breakfast?” Noah asked as they watched a kayaker set off for one of the islands, his muscular arms and smooth pace as he rode the waves created by bigger craft making it clear he was no amateur. “I can scramble some eggs. Or we could wake David up and hold him upside down over the balcony until he agrees to feed us.”
Fox grinned at the reference to David’s superior culinary skills. “I already ate.” Finishing off his coffee, he dangled the mug from his fingers and thought of the delicious armful of woman who’d kicked him out of her car.
“You have a look that says ‘I not only got laid but had my mind blown.’” Noah froze in the act of grinning. “Shit, Fox. I saw you leave the same time as the woman Thea pointed out as her sister. If you’ve touched her, Thea will make your life a living hell, probably schedule you to appear on a Japanese game show.”
Pre-Order Links: Amazon l iTunes l Goodreads
I have three ARCs of Rock Addiction to giveaway. I’ll choose winners tomorrow morning so the lucky people can read it before release. They are digital copies, open to everyone. Just leave a comment to enter.
I am so excited to see how this measures up to her other series! (It will probably be amazing like the others)
Getting excited to check this out in more depth! I hope I get picked as a winner!
This book looks great! I cannot wait to see what Nalini Singh has in store for us. Thanks for the giveaway
I am really looking forward to this book.
I can’t wait to read it!
Loved the excerpt. I put Rock Addiction on my TBR list.
Yes please!!
Hope I’m not too late. Would love to read this. Thanks.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I love Nalini’s books and intrigued by her writing a rocker book. So different from her Psy – Changling series. She is a must buy author for me so I’m sure I’ll love it as all her books.
Looking forward to reading this!!! Can’t go wrong with Nalini!!
I have never read Nalini before because I am a strictly contemporary rom girl so I am pretty excited to check her out!
I would love a chance to win this one! I keep hearing great things about Nalini Singh but haven’t picked up one of her books yet.
Love all of Nalini’s books. she is a must read author for me.
I am intrigued by her rock star books and am confident it will be as great as her other work.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Advanced copy?! ME ME ME!!! Pick me!! … Feel enough like we’re back in elementary school yet?
So excited to read another beautiful work of Nalini Singh. Want to read more excerpts!!! Thank you for the excerpt. Hope I win :)
So, this will be a stop drop and roll. Can not wait until Tuesday.
A new Nalini Singh series? I’m in… :-0
I love Nalini Singh’s work. I’m really looking forward to this new direction of hers.
A new Nalini Singh book is always a treasure to read. Cannot wait till the books comes out.
From the teasers I read on various sites, the book has another Alpha hero Nalini is so good writing about.
Haven’t read this author yet, but this excerpt looks amazing!
This is such a great surprise series! I love pretty much every book she puts out, def an auto-buy! I’d love to win this!!
I’m really looking forward to this book, I love Nalini’s work and was thrilled when she gave the surprise announcement about Rock addiction -it literally made my week.
I am ridiculously excited about reading a sexy contemp from Ms. Singh. Like, “take the kids out honey, I need some reading time” excited.
I am so looking forward to this book’s release
I haven’t read Nalini Singh’s contemporaries since she wrote category romances, so I’m excited to read this one!
I’ll read anything by Nalini. Looking forward to it.
I absolutely love everything I’ve read by Nalini Singh (not only her Psy/Changeling and Guild Hunter books, but also her other titles) so I’m really excited to read this book and get into a new series by her. Thanks for the excerpt (which left me laughing and anticipating the fall out) and the chance to read this before the release date!
Definitely on my TBR list!
I love her books and can’t wait to readthis one. Thanks!
Really looking forward to reading this.
Would absolutely LOVE this! Nalini Singh is a new to me author, and this sounds right up my alley. Thanks!
Really looking forward to reading this book!
Thank you!!
So excited for the book!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Another great excerpt from Rock Addiction! Thank you for sharing and for giving us a chance to win a copy.
So excited for this book!
I haven’t read anything by Signh, but I keep hearing great things!
Ahhh, a new Singh book, a sunny fall day with a Long Island ice tea, lovely.Thank you for the giveaway.
This sounds like a great read! Thanks for hosting the contest.
I cannot wait to read this book!!! So excited!!
I’m so excited to read this book!
I can’t wait to get my hands on this book.
Nalini Singh is such an exceptional writer, and this excerpt is awesome. I’ve very excited to see what else she brings to this contemporary series.
I love Nalini Singh’s books! Can’t wait to read this one, I’m so excited! :D
I am excited about this surprise release from nalini!
I am loving these excerpts so far and being a Kiwi this truly does rock.
Who doesn’t love a good (or should I say bad) rock star hero?
Excited for the new series! It’s so cool that we’ll get a new book and a novella from Nalini in September.
I am just dying to read this book already!!! Hurry up Tuesday.
This release from Nalini……squeeeeeee!
Ooooh New Nalini yes please!!!!!!!
Oh Jeez I sooo can’t wait for this book. I love Miss Singh’s work and literally jump on everything that she writes. She’s my favorite writer of all the other writers I love. Though I’m really a PNR fan, I often make a detour to contemporaries for example, and I’m just sure that I’ll love this smexy detour very much.
Sorry for my possible mistakes, but I’m THAT excited.
Big thank you for this chance and the excerpt. maybe I’ll get lucky this time ;)
Loved every excerpt, can’t wait to read the whole thing!
I’m sceptical… not paranormal is it?
Ohh I love Nalini :)
So excited to read this!
I can’t wait for this to come out!
Sweet! Thank you!!!
Can’t wait to read this book.
Can’t wait to read this book!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Am a fan of this author but didn’t realize that there was soon to be a rocker romance series! So neat!
Can’t wait for it.
I am so excited for this book! I was a bit nervous, since it’s so different from her past series, but these excerpts look SO GOOD
I can’t wait to read this one!! So looking forward to it. Thanks for the chance. :)
I can’t wait to read this!!!
Thanks for posting an excerpt. I can’t wait to read this!!
What a fabulous giveaway! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Cannot wait to read this!!!
I’m dying to read this
Oh my God, I love love love the dialogue. They talk like guys do!
Can’t wait to read it!
I’m not sure how Nalini does that, but I love everything she writes! Amazing! I’m dying to read this book, so maybe if I win one of those ARCs… =D
The more excerpts I read, the better this book sounds! :)
I love Nalini Singh she is one of my favourite Authors! I can’t wait to read this book
This looks like a story I would really enjoy.
I cannot wait for Rock Addiction! All of these teasers are killing me, I need more Fox and Molly. Thanks for the giveaway.
Damn, these excerpts are doing my head in..rockstars are my Kryptonite and I’m getting weaker with each one. Can’t wait to read!!
I want one!
Love Nalini’s books – and she is the nicest person. Met her at a B&N signing.
Gonna love that book like every other of nalini singhs books
Looking forward to reading!
Just when thought Nalini had covered the market in men to lust after she goes and gives me a rockstar. Thankfully I don’t have to choose between archangels, angels, vampires, changelings, psy and now rockstars :)
I love the teasers!! I cannot wait to get this one! It going to be so awesome!
Thank you for the excerpts! Your books are always amazing!
Cannot wait to read this!
I can’t wait for this book. Enjoy so many of Nalini’s stories.
I love all your books. So I cant wait for this one, I know this will be good.
So excited to read it.
Thank you for the giveaway. I can’t wait to read this!!!! Nalini Singh is my favourite author all time :)
Can’t wait to read it
Can’t wait to read it countdown continues!!
I just love her Psy and angel series! I am sure to love this also!!
Can’t wait for this!!!!! :D :D :D
This book looks great! I can’t wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway.
Each excerpt just leaves me begging to know what happens next. I can’t wait!!
I adore Nalini Singh and cannot wait to read this!!!
I love Nalini Singh!!! I’d read her grocery list ;) Thanks for sharing! I’m dying to read this newest book!
I can’t wait to read this one!
Not a paranormal fan but I have always wanted to read Nalini Singh. This sounds right up my alley.
So excited for this!
So excited for this book. I love both the Psy/Changeling and Guild Hunter series’ but I’ve never had the pleasure of reading any of her contemporary work.
I’m really looking forward to this book – I wasn’t sure about the synopsis but the excerpts have sold me.
Nice excerpt
I’m not a big fan of contemporary romance, but Nalini never disappoints, I’m sure this book will be great.
I just finished all the excerpts and this looks great! Sigh, another book for my TBR pile!
Can’t wait for release!
I want to readthis also. I think it’ll be great.
Can’t wait to check this out! Have no doubt this will be another amazing series by Nalini!
Yeah, getting pretty excited to read this now!!
Thank you and looking forward to the book!
I’m so excited! And very glad that book 2 comes out only a few weeks after book 1 :)
I’ll read anything Nalini writes! Love them all!
Can’t wait to read this :)
Cannot wait to read this!
Looking forward to trying out this different storyline by Ms. Singh! It’s always interesting to see how the author fares in a different genre. Exciting! Thanks for another giveaway.
Absolutely love anything Nalini Singh writes! Eagerly await this book. Thanks for the giveaway!
So so so.excited for this one! I’m enter to giveaway :))
So excited to see this new direction for this author! Thanks for the giveaway.
I am drooling! I love Nalini Singh, I can’t wait to read this.
How can this woman come up with yet another brilliant story in her ‘down time’?? Does she even sleep or eat? Can’t wait to read this book, it sounds like a new favourite of mine already :)
Yay! I can’t wait for this!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I can’t wait to read this one!!
this book looks utterly awesome and I cant wait to read it
I am not a big fan of rock star romances, but I am a fan of Nalini Singn. Thanks for the chance.
Never read a Nalini Singh as i dont read a lot of paranormals but have heard so much about her! This sounds right up my alley. Librarians are a personal favourite.
I am counting the days!!!!
looks like a great read!
I can’t wait to read it!
I can’t wait to read this! The excerpts are awesome!
Can not wait till this book comes out. I’m such a fan of nalini’s.
So excited for this!
So excited for another series by a favourite author!
I’d love to win a copy! Excited to see how good this is as I’m a big fan of her paranormal series!
I’m a huge fan! Thanks for the giveaway, can’t wait to read this new book! =)
Wow! Thank you for giving us this chance! This looks great!
I’d love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thank you for the giveaway! I love Nalini’s books!
I can’t wait. First book in a series is always exciting.
I can’t wait for this book. It sounds terrific
Hope to win this book, can’t wait to read it ! :)
Hope to win this book, can’t wait to read it ! :)
reads like the start to a fantastic story……as you always find with Nalini’s books x
I’ll read anything Nalini writes, including her shopping list.
Me. Pick me! :)
Oh yummy….can’t wait!
So excited for this book!
Love Nalini Singh, I am always checking her website to see when the next book is coming out. This will be a new genre but I’m sure to enjoy it!
Nalini + Rock star = Catnip!
I have read 2 series by you and loved them both!!! The Psy/changeling and your Angel series are the best!! I am sooo curious to see how this story turns out. Plus my Son’s Birthday is on the September 8th the same day I believe the book comes out!!!
Amazing…as always, Nalini is one of my favorite authors, I have the feeling this new rock series will be a great success as always! Tuesday can’t be here soon enough :)
I so want to read this book :)
God. Am I too late? Waaaaaa. Dying for a Fox-fix here. XD
Yep – Sorry!
Good luck to all!!! We all want a copy of this book, Nalini is that good!
I can’t wait to read this!
Am looking forward to reading this book! Am a big fan of her other books!
I’m looking forward to this new series by Nalini. No doubt it will be excellent. Thanks for the giveaway :-)
I can’t wait for a new series. I’m really excited :D
Had no idea that Nalini was writing a contemporary – looking forward to it!!!
I love nalini’s books! I cannot wait to read it!
Can’t wait to read this one!
I have no doubt this will be a great read, all of her other works have been. Looking forward to getting stuck into it.
After reading your review, I can’t wait to read this book!
So excited about this new series :)