If you look at your bookcases, I bet you will have a cover featuring Nathan Kamp. He has done over 400 romance book covers!!!!. How cool is that?
I found a neat website that tracks all of his covers. There is also an interview that Karen Marie Moning did with Nathan Kamp (he has done all her Highlander book covers) and he said no one off the street has ever recognized him, which makes sense. I never would have looked at him and thought – there is Julian from Fantasy Lover. (Notice below, he is both Julian and Vane from the Dark-Hunter series:) He mentions in the interview that he has been on the subway numerous times and seen women reading a book with him on the cover. He seemed quite amused by that. Here are a couple of the Nathans’ that I own:
I love book covers – part is that I love to see the way they look on my bookcases (big reason why I can’t bring myself to get an e-reader), maybe another part is just how smexy they can be. Covers are important – JR Ward just released her newest cover for Covet, and it has been talked about incessantly in the romance blogosphere for the past two days. Let’s face it though…with as many smexy covers there is the fair share of cringe worthy covers. I know authors don’t get a ton of say on the art work..but come on – sometimes you see a cover and think, how on earth did that get approved. Here is a prime example that has been circulating about –
Seriously – would you buy this book? Even if I was guaranteed some menage action..uh, no thanks! I wonder how poor Alice Gaines feels about this. Back to the smexy….
I am now going to look for Mr. Smexy Abs, I mean Nathan Kamp, with each new book I buy. Maybe I will dedicate a special section on a bookshelf just to him…I’m sure husband would love that:)
Now, whenever I walk down the Romance aisle at the Bookstore all I see is Nathan Kamp. He really is on everything. It’s great to have a name to connect to the abs. -Sarah
I’ve never seen such a hideous book cover, looks like two very ugly Ken dolls, ew! The other ones above are very gorgeous…hey you wanna sella book have a hot cover, not something plastique even if the content is hot! Mmmmm xx
Yes, I am on the lookout all the time now for Mr. Kamp :)
That is a very hideous bookcover…I am sure there are a lot more out there:)
I am just discovering this post, and Nathan Kamp and I think I might have a new obsession because I HAVE ALWAYS WONDERED who this FINE ASS GUY is on my book covers!!!!!!!!!!!!!