A few things from around the web…
Dead and Gone comes out today, book nine in Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse series. I have only read the first two..but darn it I am reading this series this month!!. From Dead and Gone has been getting great reviews – check out Dear Author’s review here.
Nalini Singh’s second Guild Hunter book, the follow-up to Angels’ Blood will now be called Archangel’s Kiss. Her Guild Hunter books takes place in the present world where angels are top-dog of paranormal species. They are the ones that create vampires (not telling how – you will have to read the book:) Angels’ Blood is the story of archangel Raphael who hires Elena, who is a vampire hunter, to hunt down a rogue archangel. Nalini Singh writes this book so well – there is one scene where Elena is looking out her apartment window at the Archangel Tower and she is watching the angles take off and land from the roof of the tower – the scene is so vivid, it is something I will always see in my mind. There are several angels and a vampire that are in the supporting cast. Archangel’s Kiss will still feature Raphael and Elena as the Hero and Heroine (which makes sense because of the way Angels’ Blood ends). I think further books in this series will have a different hero/heroine. I want Illium’s story please!! Archangel’s Kiss does not have a release date yet.
Also, Nalini Singh has released a short blurb from her book Blaze of Memory, Dev’s story, in her Psy/Changeling series. She gives us a little hint as to who the heroine is. If you read the blogger comments, you will find out who it is. I had forgotten about that character! Blaze of Memory comes out this November, but we have Mercy and Riley’s story first in Branded by Fire out this July. This is one of my favorite series!!
In Josh Lanyon news, (I am going to convert one of you one day!!) his new book, Somebody Killed His Editor is coming out June 16th. It is the first in a new mystery-romance series with an emphasis on funny (or so he hopes:). You can read more about it here.
C.L. Wilson just tweeted or twittered or whatever word I am suppose to use that she is almost done revisions on Queen of Song and Soul, the fourth and last book in her Tairen Soul series. This series is awesome – check out all the books here. The release date was suppose to be June 30th, but she was unhappy with the beginning of the book and has taken the time to rewrite it. I am all for that!! I do not think a new release date has been posted yet. I hope Vadim Muir (the baddie) gets it good in this book!!
Jeanine Frost has her own chat forum! Might be old news to most, but I just found it yesterday. She writes the awesome Night Huntress series (Bones is on the list of current boyfriends). People are speculating **SPOILER – if you believe speculation** that Denise is going to end up as Spade’s HEA in his book, Drop of Crimson. I have a hard time seeing Denise as his HEA. Jeanine Frost said we have already met the girl Spade will end up with – and I don’t think it is Cat’s mom or Anette. There have to be other girls but I can’t think of any..maybe Denise it is.
I think that is all I have. It is raining ridiculously here and it is not suppose to stop until the weekend. In better news, my Kindle is scheduled to arrive today!! I will need to decide what book it is going to lose its virginity to:) Thanks for everyone who posted their two cents on e-readers. My husband kind of ordered it before I really had a say – can’t complain..it is my Mother’s Day gift:) I am just excited to finally have one!!!
Oh I am so looking forward to Queen. I love that series. I was sad to hear that the original release date that was set for the beginning of the year was moved to the end of June (has it been changed again?) But that’s okay! I’d rather have a fabulous story than something rushed because of release dates! And that is one series that I don’t want rushed. Oh, Vadim Muir better get his! He is one evil dude. So many things I’m dying to see how they come together in this book.
I see you are reading Kiss of Fire. I read that when it first came out. I liked. I have the second one but still haven’t read it. I think about it :). How are you liking it?
I am pretty sure it has been moved again :( I read somewhere that the date on Amazon (6/30) is wrong. The second book in that series, Lady of Light and Shadows is one of my favorite books!
I just started Kiss of Fire – only on page 20 or something. I have heard the second is better than the first:) I will let you know how I like it!
Hi Mandi!
Thanks for the heads up on all the great news!
The weather here is better than it’s been in weeks.
I think I’m going to have another slow reading month, just can decide what to read.
Dottie :)
Haven’t gotten into Charlaine Harris. *sigh* Maybe I’ll get around to it someday… TBR is just too big!
WooHoo! I loved Angels’ Blood and Angels’ Pawn and am dying to read all of Nalini’s release this year Branded by Fire, Blaze of Memory, and Angels’ Judgement. She has spoiled us this year. I mean THREE book and 2 shorts. Man I hope she can keep it up!
Must Like Hellhounds is definitely on by TBB. It has three of my favorite authors! Can’t wait.
I am DYING to read Queen. I keep checking to see if she’s posted an excerpt yet. And I agree, Vadim Maur has to die a really painful death. Per her blog she re-wrote the opening to Queen in Jan. so I think the end of June is still a go… unless there has been new news recently
I just picked up Halfway to the Grave. I keep hearing good things so I thought I would give it a try.
I too have Kiss by Fire on my TBR. Nearly picked it up recently. Will have check back here to see what you think of it.
Oh good..I hope 6/30 is the real release date!!!! I can’t wait for that book!
Halfway to the Grave is sooo good..definitely Urban Fantasy, but much more romance than I expected.
About 100 pages into Kiss of Fire..so far it is pretty good!
C.L. Wilson’s Tairen Souls is still in my growing TBR pile. I so need to learn to read quicker!!
What formats does the Kindle read? I have pdf books. Is Kindle able to read those?
I have only read a bit of the instructions, but I am pretty sure it said it at this time does not support most pdf. It says it supports mobi, txt and I can’t remember what else. I went to Loose ID website and downloaded a book in mobi form and it took just a min and it downloaded great.
I need to read quicker too!! :)
Thanks for all these awesome tidbits Mandi! I love, LOVE Nalini Singh’s new angel series. ‘Angels’ Blood’ is still fresh in my mind and seriously is my top read so far for 2009. Oh and I saw the blurb for ‘Blaze of Memory’ yesterday. Hmmm…this looks like it’s going to be a very intense installment to the Psy/Changeling series. Personally I’m dying for ‘Branded by Fire’. It’s going to be smoldering and probably the most sexual novel in the series. I can’t wait!
I love C.L. Wilson. I’ve read the first two in the series and I have book three but when I found out that Queen was delyed, I decided not to torture myself so I’m holding off until a release date is confirmed for book 4.
Oh, and like you, I’m not big on anthologies but ‘Must Love Hellhounds’ is a MUST buy. Nalini Singh and Meljean Brook in one book?? I. Must. Have. It. NOW!
:) VFG
VFG – I have yet to read anything by Meljean Brook but I have Demon Angel sitting in my tbr. I really need to get to it!
Yeah – I am totally ready for Branded by Fire!!
Mandi: Oh man! You HAVE to read Mel!!!! Move her to the TOP! You won’t be sorry. I’m droolin’ with jealousy because you have a kindle. *sigh* Maybe when I get work I’ll treat myself.
OK!! I will read her next! Is Demon Angel the first in her series? I need to go scope out her website.
I want to use my Kindle now! But I have all these books to in my tbr pile I need to finish! Ok..off to Meljean’s site:)