July 15th
Now there is one movie I am missing, right? If only I could remember…oh wait…
by Mandi 17 Comments
Now there is one movie I am missing, right? If only I could remember…oh wait…
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I want to see all those too! I am just now reading the HP series and I haven't even saw any of the movies so I'm really excited about that. I've had The Time Traveler's Wife on my TBR forever. I guess I'll have to read it soon. And of course I can't wait for New Moon!!!
The Time Traveler's Wife!!!! Woot! I've read that book SO many times and STILL cry every time even though I know what to expect. I knew the movie was coming but hadn't seen the trailer yet. Thank you for posting it. :-D
Lori – Cool! HP series is great! Movies pretty good too:) You will have to let me know if you read TTW – I would like to hear your thoughts:)
Addison – Me too. ugh…that book is crazy good. So emotional. The ending…ahhhhhhhhhh.
Those are good choices. I want to see those movies too. :D
yes on HP
And damn that is a sexy Sherlock, and Watson with some kind of whip…;)
I'm with you on all those movies though I think The Time Traveler's Wife is going to be hard to film (it was almost hard to keep track of what was going on in the book, though I did like the story). The Sherlock Holmes — wow! Have Holmes and Watson ever looked this sexy? I think not!
I'm in for the last two – probably will see the second one on DVD…
But defiantely not HP…
Eagerly awaiting….
Oh, I want to see them all too! I didn't know about the Sherlock Holmes movie! How neat is that!
Imma huge Harry Potter fan! :D
Lovely picks. I'm a huge HP fan and I can't wait for the next movie…the sixth book was one of my absolute favorites in the series.
New Moon, gotta love it. It's just a lot of fun, those films and I love all the people that play the Cullens…esp. Carlisle.
and OMG. So ready for Sherlock Holmes. I love Robert Downey Jr. AND Jude Law so it should be great.
Wow. The Time Travelers Wife looks amazing. I'm going to go by the book today.
Oh these all look so good, I haven't read Time Travelers Wife yet but I'm going to have to check it out now. :)
I'm with you on two of those, I'm dying to see Time Travellers Wife and New Moon but we have to wait a bit longer her in Oz :-(
I've got HP, New Moon, and Time Traveler's Wife on my calendar for opening night! Was never a big Sherlock Holmes fan but I'm hearing really good things about this movie so I may go check that one out too! We've been waiting a long time for HP – I'm sure it will be awesome!
Mandi: I sooo want to go to the movies with you :D I want to watch all of those movies too!
All good movie choices! I plan on seeing all of these also, especially Sherlock Holme:)
OMG Sherlocke Holmes looks amazing. = ) *drools*
Hi Mandi!
You have all my favorite picks there!
Can't wait for Harry Potter, just found out about the Time Travelers Wife (where the heck have I been??).
Sherlock Holmes – like wow, can't wait, there's supposed to be a new Buffy movie too, but no Wheldon :(.
And New Moon is a must see for opening day…my hubs hates to go on opening day, but my daughter will love it!
Dottie :)