Sweetest. Book. Ever.
She slid her finger underneath and loosened the wax, carefully unfolding the card.Come to your window.That was all. Just one sentence. She smiled, looking down at the words for a few seconds more before sliding herself to the edge of her bed. She hopped down, her feet lightly hitting the floor, but she paused for a few seconds before crossing the room. She needed to wait. She wanted to stand here and savor this moment because….Because he had made it. Harry had created the moment. And she loved him.
Do you know who writes awesome beta heroes? Linnea Sinclair!!! You should definitely try Games of Command!!!
Ooh!! I didn't know that. I have never read Linnea Sinclair..off to shop:) Thanks!
Just picked this one up yesterday. Can't wait to start it now!
Well as you know, I've already expressed my feelings for this book *g* I'm glad you loved it. I truly did like Harry & Olivia very much, it was most of the other stuff that took away from my enjoyment. Did you read the first story with Miranda? What did you think of that one?
Carsey – Yay!
Stacey – No, I haven't read Miranda's story. I didn't like the prince storyline until the reading of the romance novel:)
Hi Mandy,
I am hearing some very good buzz surrounding this book but like I already said at Sarah, it is a leap of faith for me, not sure if this is going to rock my boat ;S though I did love reading your review ;D
quote Ana:Do you know who writes awesome beta heroes? Linnea Sinclair!!! You should definitely try Games of Command!!!
I have heard so much of this author already…she is futuristic isn't she? Perhaps I should be adventurous and try her out :D
Oooo I have this lined up as my next audio book, really looking forward to it! Thanks for the review Mandi! Can't wait to listen to it!
I saw the trailer and it made me wanna read the book. Your thoughts on it just makes me want to read it more!! :D
Leontine – yes, Linnea Sinclair is Scifi-Romance author. One of my favorites!
Hey Mandi ~ At work, so I don't have my notebook with me.. but I am finding something to write on and copying this one down. I saw this one somewhere else too… damn the memory thing… But seeing how sweet you thought it was is selling me!!!
Thanks for a great review!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Wow I think its not wrong at all that you want your husband to do that! I think its sweet, if not a tad romantic.
I might read this book, thanks for the wonderful review ^^
BTW Eyes Like Stars comes out today!
There's Twitter fun at my blog, mind checking it out? ^^
Hi Mandi,
Great review! I just finished this yesterday and I loved it. I loved when Seb was reading from the book and noone even notice that Olivia wasn't in the room :o)
Her next book is going to be Seb's book. It won't be out until next summer!!
Leontine – It isn't a throw down hot sexy book..but sweet. I am def going to try out Linnea Sinclair!
Amanda – I need to start doing audio books!
Blodeuedd – I haven't seen the trailer…
Cecile – Yes, definitely try it out. Then let me know all about it:)
Taschima – YEs!! On my way to the bookstore in a few to grab Eyes like stars and Branded by Fire. On my way to your blog too!
Randi – Seb is so cute! I love him.
I think I should buy this one. Sounds great.
I've got something for you on my Blog. Look here
Loved your review Mandi!
Julia Quinn is one of my favorite historical romance authors and just for the reasons you outlined in your review. She writes sweet and memorable romances that always induce a smile. Gotta love that in a book.
This little beauty is making its way to me and I'm looking forward to the read.
;) VFG
This was such a sigh-worthy book. I loved how it was a straightforward, happy romance.
Love a beta hero!
I love Julia Quinn's books. She is one of those authors that can take a serious situation and still make you laugh with the dialogue, lol. I'm really looking forward to reading this one!! Great review, Mandi!
Glad you also enjoyed this one! It made me laugh out loud.
'Revealed' arrived, by the way. I'll let you know how Marcus compares to Harry!
Harry had me at the moment he was randy from reading French poetry.
Susi – Thanks!!!
VFG – Yes, I agree!
Renee – me too..sigh worthy is such a good way to put it:)
Barbara – yes she does add lots of laughs to her books.
Sarah – Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Revealed!!
KB – HA. Such a beta hero getting horny from poetry:)
Sounds pretty good :) I love beta heroes… I bought it even before it was released, but I've been reading other books… Glad you liked it!
Beautiful review! I so can't wait to get and read it. I too have Kate Nobel's REVEALED on my list to get. I too love a variety of heroes. I read one that was so open, so honest in a historical along with the humor (Kathryn Caskie's SIN book) that it was so refreshing reading a different kind of hero!
Ahhh, this book sounds so sweet! I have to add it to my WL. Thanks for the great review, Mandi :)
That's a perfect description, this book is so sweet. I also was worried about the prince subplot until Seb starts reading the romance novel. What a great scene, down to the three maids lined up on the couch. :)
I actually thought the trailer was (predictably) pretty terrible. Olivia is so much better left up to the imagination. But I'm generally not a fan of trailers for books….