(Love the cover)
Evernight – Claudia Gray
February 10, 2009
Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Paperback, 336 pages
Harper Collins
This book is hard to summarize because there is a twist 150 pages in and I read it and slammed the book down in bed next to my sleeping husband. Unfortunately he didn’t wake up and I needed someone to discuss this turn of events. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t angry I was surprised – Claudia Gray is a very tricky woman. While I enjoyed the twist, the second half of the book kind of let me down.
Bianca Oliver finds herself enrolled at Evernight Academy, an exclusive boarding school far away from her small hometown. Her parents have come with her as teachers and do everything they can to encourage her to make herself comfortable at the school.
There is a definite clickish in-crowd at Evernight, and the only reason Bianca is slightly associated with them is because her roommate Patrice, is definitely on the cool side. She begrudgingly takes Bianca under her wing. Even with that friendship, Bianca still feels left out. On her first day she meets Lucas, an outsider as well but for different reasons. He is suspicious of everyone at the school and quick to get into fights. Bianca feels a very strong pull towards Lucas though, an almost possessive intensity. Good looking Balthazar, another student, also has his eye on Bianca, although he is very much a gentleman and does not pursue Bianca as fiercely as Lucas does. As evnts unfold, Evernight turns into much more than a simple school.
I liked Bianca as a heroine, you could feel her awkwardness from starting at a new school and not knowing anyone. She didn’t always play by the rules and she has a very respectable relationship with her parents which is a nice change of pace. My only complaint about Bianca is that after the “turn of events I’m not talking about” her first person narration became much more detailed. Second half Bianca doesn’t always match up to first half Bianca, which I know is somewhat the point, but I will read suspiciously from now on.
Lucas is a bit more of a mystery. I felt at one point after the big turn of events, he accepted Bianca back into his life way to easily. He says it is because he is in love and couldn’t stay away from her. I feel like the beginning of the book set him up to be so suspicious in nature, that this turn of events would have driven him further away. Instead he returns to Bianca quite easily – I guess teen love is a hard thing to let go of.
The action at the end was a little bland for me. I wanted more repercussions for some of the actions Lucas took and I wanted there to be a bigger bang of an ending. My curiosity has been peaked however because the ending leaves many unanswered questions. Although I wasn’t happy with all of the actions the characters took, I still like Lucas and Bianca and I am interested to see where the story heads next. I hope Balthazar sneaks in for a little love triangle action – although I have a feeling Bianca only has eyes for Lucas.
Rating: 3 Stars
This series includes:
Evernight – February 10, 2009
Stargazer – March 24, 2009
Hourglass – March 8, 2010
Claudia Gray’s Website.
Hm don't know what to say, would it be one of those ok books, that border or the other side..hm, I just can't tell if I would enjoy it or not
I too love the cover. I have been eying this on the shelf for some time, but was waiting for a review. So, great review, you sound like your were glad you read it, even though it wasn't one of your favorites. I think I'll wait on the library copy. thanks.
Blodeuedd – I would still recommend because it kept my interest, just could have been more. I still want second book but will wait for pb.
elnice – Definitely glad I read it..just wasn't 100% satisfied. Like I said to Blodeuedd – will still read bk 2
Strangely enough the cover didn't do a thing for me. I think it also explains why i didn't want to read it. i know…shallow!
It sounds interesting though, now that you laid it out like that lol
but probably not enough for me to rush into ordering it right now (too many books on my TBR pile).
Thanks for the great review Mandi. Sounds interesting but likely not my cuppa.. lol
Isn't is awful when you want to talk about a book but don't have anyone to share your thoughts with? lol
I hope you have a great weekend. :)
Um, now I'm curious about the 'turn of events' but it doesn't sound like a book I want to read. Dilemma…
Do you think this book would be a good read for a 13 year old?
hmm I'm actually reading this one right now and I'm up to page 115. So I just skimmed your review after reading about the twist on page 150. I think I know what it's going to be but I'll be back after I've been there done that LOL
I have this on my TBR shelf… but I'm a little reluctant. It's just, another YA urban fantasy about a school for the supernatural. Between 'Morganville Vampires', 'Vampire Academy' and even that awful 'House of Night' series it just feels a little done to death.
I will still read it, I just feel bad that the author will be contending with my cynicism :)
Donna – Yes, I think it would be great for a 13 yr old. I would have loved it at that age.
Danielle – lol…I get that way too. I just bought Vampire Academy…I can't help it. I have definitely said goodbye to House of Night series. That one just wasn't for me. When Stargazer comes in pb, I will check it out and we shall see ;)
Thanks Mandi! My stepdaughter loves reading YA Paranormal but sometimes it hard to tell if its okay for a 13 year old vs a 16 year old.
I have this on my TBR shelf. We'll see how it goes–I got it from the library, so there's no super-loss if I don't care for it.