Today I am turning Smexy over to Keira, who runs a book review blog for readers by readers on romance novels entitled Love Romance Passion. She’s been reading romance since she was a teenager and began blogging about romance so she could share her passion for her favorite genre. She loves reading paranormal, Regency, historical America, and highlander most of all and completely adores blind and wounded heroes. She is doing a blog tour for her birthday and so glad she stopped here!
The First Sex Scene
I love the first sex scene in a romance, no doubt about it, but why do I think this is important, especially when there are fantastic chaste romances out there? For me, how the first sex scene is handled by the author tells me a lot about how much I’m going to love a romance novel.
The first sex tells me how well the author knows the characters and prepared readers. It also gives me an insight into how well the leads will get on sexually and emotionally in the future.
My criteria or what I look for in the first sex scene:
- How the lovers approach each other – or how it starts.
- What they’re thinking – are they nervous, confident, shy, forward?
- The actual act – do they learn from one another?
- Their conversation/body language with each one another.
- Does it read real?
- Is it life changing?
- Are they well matched?
- Etc.
The Big Conflict
I am the angst queen. I love a good conflict, not necessarily a big misunderstanding plot, but the hurdle most romance relationships are challenged with right before coming together for a HEA (happily ever after). My heart literally aches in empathy with a well written conflict.
I enjoy it more than I should probably, but I got to tell you it really is one of my favorite parts in a story. Nothing kills a romance like a badly botched conflict with poor resolution. It’s true – how many times have you thrown a book at the wall or snorted in disgust because the giant conflict of relationship doom was either weak, contrived, just plain silly, or took too long to resolve? I thought so!
Now that I’ve spilled the beans on my favorite parts of a romance, tell me yours! What parts do you most look forward too and why?
I have to say I my favorite parts are – the tension leading up to the first sex scene. I have been known to skip ahead just to see when the first sex scene will happen.
I also love reading about the villain. I love a really, evil, conniving villain.
Great guest blog Keira!
I find the first sex scene to be really important too,i love a good game of cat and mouse between the main characters, i want to feel the sexual tension between them.
Strangely enough, even though i know there must be some conflict before the Happy Ending , i always find myself dreading it!
Hi Keira!
Great post!!
My favorite part is the word play, conflict, wondering that's all a part of the setting up of the love scene. I love a good verbal battle! And then the twisting of the sheets! (Oh, and I want a heroine that can stand up to the hero)
Dottie :)
My favorite part is when the pent up sexual tension breaks. When the hero & heroine have been battling their emotions, trying to hide how they really feel for each other. When all of a sudden they can't lock in their feelings not another nanosecond. He'll look at her just so & BOOM! All over body attack.(LOL)
Mandi – You're awesome! I used to skip ahead and find the first sex scene too!
Patte – Cat and mouse, yes. Good way to put it!
Why do you dread the big conflict?
Dottie – Who are your favorite heroines?
Witchy – Boom?! lol :D Nuclear explosive love!
Keira i think it's because i'm used to reading Urban Fantasy where you're never sure the big conflict won't lead to a real 'breakup' or some tragedy. (i'm traumatized here!)
I haven't yet realized that with romances you KNOW you'll have your happy ending!
I always get anxious too…again, more sneaking to pages forward ;)
I also enjoy the all out body attack – LOL.
I'm with Mandi, my favorite part of romance is the conflict and tension that leads up to the first sex scene. The more high strung the tension is, the better. But I never skip ahead – ever! I love the the element of surprise, the bigger the surprise the better.
Enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts here! Great topic!
Haha it sounds to me Patte that you like me love angst too! Why else would you put yourself through it otherwise? lol
Donna I'm like you now. I never (okay rarely) skip ahead. It always bugs me to watch my mom read the end of a story before she even starts the first page.
Hi Keira! I love it when the first kiss is really, really good. That can be almost as good as the first sex scene. But I could care less about conflict. In fact, I get sort of irritated when there is too much plot/conflict in a romance novel. I live for characters, characters, characters! Give me a great hero, an awesome heroine, sparkling dialogue, and some smoking chemistry!
Thank you for the great guest blog Keira.
I really enjoyed your 2 Fav Parts.
It's also great advice to writers writing romance.
All the best,
Hey Keira …
I missed this on Sunday… I finally found out your secret…
I have nothing in particular that I look for in a book ( not that I will accept every thing) – I am too much of a mood reader…
But I never sweat the small stuff and try to find some enjoyment in every book…
Penelope – Katiebabs recced Courting Miss Hattie for the lesson on kissing and it's correlation to peaches. I rec it too!
Thanks RKCharron!
EH – Will you take my secret to the grave? lol :D