AHHHHH!!! I’m Squeeing, can you hear me?
NEW New moon Trailer!
The last 30 seconds of this trailer, with the special effects looks awesome. At least I hope;)
Thanks to Lori for heads up!
Edited: They took down the original video so I found another one. If it doesn’t work, they are “premiering” it tomorrow night on the VMA’s.
OMG! why am i so excited?!!
It looks awesome , this is a action-packed trailer ,loved it!
*sigh* i'll have to watch the french version until the dvd comes out…that just sucks.
Thank you for posting it!
Good question..why am I so excited? And I have to admit – Jacob looks mighty fine in this….
ahah i'm not sure why i am, but if i must be honest Jacob might be an important part of it too lol
Is it bad to drool on an underage teenager? lol *bad bad me*
Dammit! I'm too late!!!! grrrrrrrrr
I put a new one up..it is currently working.. :)
This movie is going to be more kick ass than Twilight.
Edward who??
I agree about the last 30 seconds. Win Sam(I think that's which one it is)turns into the wolf! That is amazing! He's huge and that's the way it's supposed to be. It all makes me so happy….I'm babbling. Oh and when Bella sees Edward in the water…so cool!
Wow, this look sooooo good. Can't wait!
*squee!!!* I can't wait for the movie. I must say I'm Team Edward but boy does Jacob look good in the promos!
OMG!!! Thanks for sharing, I am so excited!! Believe it not, I'm a hold out….but finally succumbed to the Twilight…..yesterday, I just finished NEW MOON and one of my BF gave me her Twilight DVD to watch. So really thrilled and stoked that I will be ready for the movie come this November.
I'll be with the teenage girls squeeling on opening night. *giggle*
HA – yes, us and the teenagers..sigh;) I held out for awhile but I as well succumbed. So looking forward to the movie:)
Holy crap! That's all I have to say!
That sums it up quite well
New Moon looks like it was filmed in higher quality then Twilight. I might go see this – if I do, I'll have to drag someone else with me, the hubby hated Twilight. ;)
Oh, it must be seen as a total girls night. I will not have hubby there making fun of the movie :)
**Did you all hear the scream from Louisiana!!!!**
OMG…. I am hyperventilating… This is going to be an awesome freaking movie!! And Edward!!! OMG!!! And Jacob… Damn, he can pop into my room anytime he wants!!
Thanks Mandi!!! Oh man, this just made my weekend!!! I soooooooo cannot wait till November!!
I hear ya girl!!!! I so want to come to LA to watch it with you! :)
Wow, that is one impressive trailer.
That one scene with Bella underwater, staring at the apparition of Edward, is just beautiful…
I heard that in post-production a lot of money was going toward fixing up the CGI on the werewolves. In the first trailer, Jacob's werewolf did look a little unimpressive, but in this one it looks as though they're close to getting it just right.
They've added scenes I think – out and out fighting in Italy during New Moon? Dang – hawt.
I'm really excited to see how this movie plays out from the book. I'm Team Edward, but Jacob is looking mighty fine in the trailer. :) I must get my books back from my sister so I can re-read them.
OMG thanks for posting this! I didn't even know a new trailer was coming out! It looks sooo much better than the first one (as far as effects/make up)!!!
Oh missed it :( Well there will be more
I got lucky. I drug my hubby to the midnight showing of Twilight and….he liked it! Then he read the books and LOVED them!! Shh….
My husband watched Twilight on dvd..I think he secretly liked it – but you know, he can't admit it without losing a man card ;)
Hi Mandi!
I'll be tuning in to the VMA's, though I'm still Team Edward.
Dottie :)
Can't wait for november. :)