I was recently read a review of Convincing Arthur at Erotic Horizon. The idea of a m/m in a historical setting really appealed to me. I immediately purchased it and when I added it to my Goodreads list, I noticed Barbara had also given it high marks so I told myself I would read just the first chapter to get a feel for the book. A few hours later I was done ;)
He glanced to Thornton and met gray eyes darkened with passion. It stopped Arthur in his tracks. They stared at each other for a long moment, the air crackling between them. Then Thornton winked. Before he knew it, hands pushed against his shoulders, his back connected with a tree trunk, and soft lips slanted over his.
Oh, Ava rocks!! Seriously. I love her Bound series, too. I can't wait for her vampire story to come out! February…damn, seems so far away…
Ooh! Sounds good–is there any mention of the historical pressures on young gay men, or is the tension strictly personal?
(I ask as a huge Oscar Wilde fan.)
Okay… I will have to venture our one day… and between Erotic (she is awesome with m/m), Barbara (she is equally awesome with her recs) and now you… I will have to get my hands on these men books!!
I hope you had a great family weekend honey!
Thanks so much for the fab review, Mandi!! :D I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. It was fun to write, especially that romp in the woods. ;)
No begging necessary *g* – I already have an idea, and a title, for a sequel. I won't get to writing it until 2010, but I do plan to do another book for Arthur and Leopold.
Oh, and Kate D, to answer your question, there is mention of the historical pressures on gay men of the time period, but it isn't as heavy as some of my other books. It's because this one takes place in the country at Leopold's home, far removed from London and society. Arthur's a solicitor who needs his good reputation so he definitely feels the pressure, but Leopold…well, he's Leo. LOL. He's not out and proud by any means, but he has the benefit of having his father's wealth behind him so he doesn't worry about it quite the way Arthur does.
Barbara – I'm looking forward to the vampire story as well :)
Kate – As Ava says, Arthur has a bit of pressure.
Cecile – Cave to the pressure! ;)
Ava – Yay to a sequel!!! :)
I am so pleased you liked this book… I am loving Ava's style alot.
Wait until you read her Bound series – you are most definitely in for a treat…
Great round up…
Sounds like another great read, why haven't I tried these?
Dottie :)