Buzzworthy book of the week – Shadowfae by Erica Hayes. This combines Fae, vampires and shifters, and looks like some hot lovin’. Really looks good from things I have read.

We are going on a long weekend vacation so I will be without internet (eek!) all weekend. I will be able to read your comments through my phone, but not respond. Just don’t think I am ignoring you! :)
On Sunday I am posting one of my favorite m/m books I have read this year, and it is not by L.B. Gregg or Josh Lanyon – *gasp*
Have a great weekend!
A lot of ground covered here, chicky!
First off, agree with you on Atonement. Gorgeous, buy tres depressing. Yet the library scene was…yeah. Yummy James.
LOVE that shot of Richard. He sure does make it difficult to root for the good guy when he looks like that. Robin who???
Adding Coupling to my Netflix.
And Balloon Boy, oh how you aged us yesterday, but thank God you were freakin' not in that balloon!
Have a fabulous weekend :)
I keep re-watching the clip from The Office when they recreated the youtube video. It gets me in the best freaking mood. Sooooooo good!
So I am reading your post, loving the t-shirt thingy and your announcement you're going away for the weekend. Enjoy yourself mandi, we all will be here bright and early monday morning to chat! But the thing that instantly piqued my interest was one; favorite m/m romance this years…I am all in to listen what book that might be :) and second; Josh Lanyon..know him of name but must check out his backlist what appeals to me.
Again, enjoy your days away!
PS: The ending of ATONEMENT is one I just didn't see coming, depressing yes, but very unexpected too.
if I only could meet Richard Armitage, mm, I need to become an actress and get in very nice BBC historic drama series with him. It's a plan!
Most depressing movie I have watched: Atonement, I felt sick to my stomach afterwards, wanted to cry and eat a ton of choclate
Great post! I was especially loving your favorite post of the week..had to go over and check it out. I love the Mercy series :)
I so love Coupling. Have all seasons on DVD and this one of series I really watch a fifth or tenth time.LOL I so love Jeffrey!!! Great series!!!
So much smexy going on up there Mandi!!! Wow!! And that library scene… The giggle gave you away! =)
Girl, you really know how to get the blood pumping on a Friday morning!!
PS… Have a great long vacation weekend!!!! Love ya!
Ahh..Atonement, so sexy but depressing… Love the T-shirt and I've got to go check out face in the hole! A box of wine, huh? :)
Hi Mandi!
I love Atonement, James McAvoy is a favorite. But movie is so sad, tears at the end.
Love the t-shirt and great Eric pic.
I agree with the wine, could believe he hid in a box!!
Dottie :)
Excellent list! :D I particularly love the pic of you and Eric!!! I watch TV series only when they come out on DVD. I work 12 hour shifts on night, and my schedule varies days so I am unable to catch shows as they come out. I can NOT wait to watch Jim and Pam get married!!! Sounds like a fabulous episode! ;D
You + Eric =priceless! Oh my god I used to watch Coupling loved that show – the US version suck big time. Jim and Pam's wedding cutest thing EVA. If you are a big Macvoy fan he was pretty darn cute in Penelope.
Great post. :) I love face in hole too – LOL.
And the little kid and the balloon – I'd hug him then smack his little behind. Good grief. That was scary.
Have a great vacation, Mandi! I really feel sorry for balloon kid. Looks like now, his parents were actually doing all of it for a show. I just heard an audio file where they were the ones who released the balloon.
Love the t-shirt and all the pictures. I haven't seen Atonement, but will see if it is available at my library.
Another great set of top 10 this week…
Hallelujah for James McAvoy!
have a fun weekend!
I loved the office wedding, so cute!
Shadowfae is on my list… must get more time in the day to read!
Also going to have to find Atonement…. I loved him in wanted. Damn sexy.
I loved Pam and Jim's wedding – well the whole episode.
And I really perked up over the RA factoid. Wonder what he means by 'old fashioned?????' Fanning self along with you!
Haven't seen Richard Armitage before but I think I'm going to have to look him up. Yum.
No intranets?!?! :0
I have The Office on my DVR but I have yet to watch ANY of this season yet. The Pam/Jim wedding does sound great.
Great top 10! I need to watch Atonement, looks good – verra good.
Just got my copy of Shadowfae in the mail, will get to read it in a couple of weeks. It's so hard not to just snatch it up and start now…must have self-control. Super steel self-control.
OMG I LOVE 'Coupling'! It's absolutely hilarious,
Love your top ten, Mandi =D
My first encounter with James McAvoy was in Atonement, and it was love after ten minutes LOL
The boy in the balloon case was shown on the news here in Norway as well(a couple of days in a row).
You know you almost got me to open up a bottle of wine one night when you twittered a wine comment. But then I looked at my watch and it was midnight so I decided to save it for another day :)
I know I've said it before but I have to say it again, I LOVE Coupling!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE COUPLING and Jeff is my favorite!
I started thinking of all my favorite episodes! "The Girl with Two Breasts", "Her Best Friend's Bottom" and when Jeff loses the key to the handcuffs in "The Freckle, the Key, and the Couple Who Weren't" had me laughing until I cried! I've recommended the series to everyone I know.
And a true Coupling fan will no doubt burst out laughing whenever they hear "Giggle Loop". Man I love Jeff, he always had the best lines!
I'm new to your blog and loving it all, especially your JR Ward page! Keep it up!!