What if the legend of Santa Claus is in fact, true? What if Santa has five big strapping sons who help him run his empire? Five single, sexy sons looking for romance…
Nicholas Klaus is a master pastry chef, a strict disciplinarian, and the eldest son of the legendary Santa Claus. One look at café owner Lucy Brewster sends him into an unexpected tailspin of lusty desires. When Lucy is injured, Nicholas makes a decision that catapults both of their lives into turmoil ….
Lucy Brewster, the free-spirited proprietor of Sweet Inspiration, has a flair for concocting sugary confections but no time for adventure. She gets more than she bargained for when she awakens in the North Pole…rambunctious elves, a fitness-obsessed Santa, and the man of her dreams. Does she have what it takes to become the next Mrs. Klaus?
Paranormal Romance
Sweet Inspiration is the first in a five book romance series featuring Santa’s sons. Nicholas Klaus, the eldest son, and master baker doesn’t have much time in his life for anything but his bakery in Glasdorf, otherwise known as the North Pole. Baking is his passion, something his parents, Nicholas Sr, and Alena have encouraged him to do. But he also has a responsibility being the eldest son to take over for his father as the Weihnachtsmann, or Santa Claus in the near future. Nicholas would much rather stay in the kitchen, but he doesn’t want to disappoint his father or anyone else in his hometown, so he will take over when necessary without much fuss.
He often travels the world, looking for new recipes and delicious bakery treats. He finds himself in upstate New York at Sweet Inspiration, a local bakery owned by Lucy Anne Brewster. He has found the cookies are not the only thing drool worthy in the bakery. Lucy is a very attractive and cute woman, and Nicholas is very interested. For days he has found excuses to visit the bakery, but never finds the courage to actually talk to Lucy. He has visited and eaten so much, Lucy thinks he is a food critic. It isn’t until Lucy becomes distracted and her cookies start to burn, that Nicholas rushes into the kitchen only to find a Lucy who is very put out that a stranger has dared entered her sacred spot.
Her anger soon melts away when Nicholas proves his baking skills by staying late to help Lucy fulfill a very large and last minute order. It is very much a love at first sight for both of them. They both are busy in their careers and have not had much time to date but the physical attraction and the fact that they both share a love of baking seals the deal. They do a lot more than bake apple pies this night.
The next day, with that rosy afterglow of new love, Lucy’s life will change forever. She gets hit by a delivery truck. The only way to save her is for Nicholas to rush her to the North Pole where magic can save her. Now she is faced with a new life, and a new family. Can their new love survive the test of daddy Claus, quirky brothers, and new responsibilities?
Sweet Inspiration has quite a cute premise featuring Santa Claus’ sons. Who knew Santa had five such strapping, smexy men? Nicholas is the eldest and the most serious of the group. He runs his kitchen and his life very stict and it unnerves him a bit to be attracted to Lucy, who is more carefree. Playing on the Santa legend, Nicholas has a very thick beard and wears wire-rimmed glasses. That is an unusual trait for a hero and I found it a nice change.
I do have problems with Lucy. She is twenty-eight and described as cute and no flaws. Yet she has a “lack of kissing experience” and rarely dates. Yet that lack of experience didn’t flow over to the bedroom, because she knew what she was doing. Her parents are dead, and no friends or family is ever really mentioned. She ends up at the North Pole, after pretty much dying, wakes up and instead of freaking out and wondering where she is, why she is alive and what happened to her precious bakery she instead runs into an elf and takes it all in stride. Before this point, she has never been confronted with anything paranormal. While she feels safe with Nicholas and feels at ease in her home away from home, her reaction and acceptance of this new place and magical things was not believable.
She also pushes the relationship way too far, way too fast. I’m fine with love at first sight and these two do share a lot of common interests. However, after four days of being together she makes a life changing decision regarding their relationship that just seemed rushed in my opinion. She was a cute heroine and I think in future books if these two make an appearance, I will enjoy them. It was just some of her actions that didn’t sit well with me here.
The actual romance scenes were written well and very steamy. The first time they come together at Sweet Inspiration, steam was not just coming out of the apple pie they were baking. And of course when you are in the North Pole, you must have a good romp in a sleigh –
“Lucy, I’m not kidding. You have to stop. Now.” Nicholas’ voice was so low and gravelly she could barely hear him.
“Why? Last time you got to touch me, but I never got a chance to touch you. Or taste you. Now its my turn.” Lucy looked up into Nicholas’ darkened eyes as she ran her tongue around and around his nipple tempting and teasing.
I also have to mention how much I loved the backdrop of this book. The town of Glasdorf is described as a truly magical place. The camaraderie and good natured ribbing of all of the brothers was also a fun addition. I could have read their banter for pages and pages. I am looking forward to the next book which features Oskar – he is the punk brother with green spiky hair and a laid back attitude. I bet he is not so laid back when it comes to women though!
Sweet Inspiration is a fun book that will warm you up on a cold wintry night.
Rating: Three Stars
Recent Reviews:
Tales of Whimsy – 4 Stars
Romance Readers and Writers – 4.5/5
Penny Watson’s Website.
This sounds like a must-read!
From your review it looks like Lucy is a bit contradictory, but still this sounds like a fun holiday read!
Colette – It is really cute :)
Marissa – Yep, although Lucy and I are not BFF's, still a fun read ;)
This sounds like a nice story to get you all in the mood for xmas…the sons make my fantasy go in to overdrive here!
Nice review Mandi,
Sure sounds like a cute book.
I am reading this at the moment and I can see exactly what you mean about Lucy. I don't usually read this kind of novel, but it's quite sweet.
"Santa has five big strapping sons"
Ok, you've got my attention! LOL
Sounds like a fun read :)
Hey Mandi! Thanks for taking the time to read and review my story. Lucy is peeved you don't like her. She wants to challenge you to a Pillsbury Bake-Off. (hee hee). Seriously, I wish this Christmas spirit would rub off in the real world, because I still have to shop, do the cards, and bake 10,000 cookies for gifts. Too bad Nicholas isn't real!
This sounds like a good read! What a fun concept for a book.
Santa get's me in the mood *wiggles eyebrows*. I love a great Christmas-ie book.
Wait, Nicholas isn't real? Cause I'm waiting up for him to deliver my present this xmas – just sayin.
Lucy would kick my butt in the kitchen ;)
Hey girl! Nice review!
Btw, I've tagged you with the M/M meme. I'm not sure if you haven't been tagged before? If not, hop over to my place or email me if you want the questions in a Word doc. Happy Monday!
Sounds adorable.
Lori – it is!
Very nice review honey! Ms Watson definitely has my hopes up this Christmas… 5 strapping sons huh… Yep, I will be waiting under my tree this year with a grin on my face!!!
Well, the overall story sounds cute and like Leontine said, it gets in the mood for Christmas and a whole lotta other things, lol!!!
I hope you had a great holiday/weekend honey and a wonderful Monday!
Having been lucky enough to read this already, I must confirm that the five sons are hot, hot, hot. Glasdorf is so much fun to visit. I agree that I could listen to the banter there forever. This is a sweet, but sexy story to get in the mood for the holidays.
I have been *dying* to read this book! I've seen the cover pop up on so many book blogs and it always makes me smirk.
Great review, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
Thank you Mandi!
I also got to read this ahead of release, and I loved it! Great characters, and the entire book is fun from start to finish.
If you are looking for a good Xmas story, you won't be disappointed.
What!?! Did I just read Santa Baby has 5 smexy sons? *g* This looked like a fun read.
Yes, five verra smexy, and very different sons. Really looking forward to discovering the other men :)
When I read the back cover summary, my first thought was that this is the kind of book that could go either way–be really fun and entertaining, or terrible. You've convinced me it's the former… even if Santa kind of freaks me out.
I am not a seasonal read fan – but it's always nice to see authors developing on the Santa Claus theme…
It sound as if you liked the protags overall performance, which is good – sometimes that is the most important thing…
Great round-up
I am definitely reading this one during December! Lovely review! :)
This book sounds like a riot- I'll have to track down a copy!
Mandi! This was a great review and I'm really intrigued but also wary of this romance novel. I've never really equated Santa Claus with sex so that leaves me a bit hesitant but I trust your judgement that the love scenses were up to Smexy Style.
I also agree that someone waking up in an unkown place when they should really be dead, would in fact be extremely jarring. So for Lucy to act as though she's okey-dokey with everything, definitely wouldn't be believable.
Thanks for the recommendation!
;) VFG