Smexy is happy to have author Ashley Ladd here today!
A Rose is a Rose By Any Other Name
Writers must do many things besides write stories. Of course there is research, editing and promoting. There is also a lot of administrative work behind the scenes.
This week, my editor and I have been going back and forth about naming my most recently accepted story.
Unlike “Truth, Justice and the Vampire Way” that Mandi reviewed on her blog today, the story in question is a Valentine’s Day short story. Also unlike “Trust, Justice and the Vampire Way”, the title for this story isn’t coming easily.
In “Truth, Justice and the Vampire Way” the title seemed readily apparent. The hero in my story, Tony, is a new vampire who wants to save the world. He feels like a super hero with his new vampire super powers and thinks he’s the vampire equivalent of Superman much to the chagrin of his maker. Obviously this title is a play on the Superman tagline of “Truth, Justice and the American Way”.
Few titles come so easily.
And perhaps they shouldn’t. Titles, like headlines, are very important to a book’s success. While it needs to be short and sweet it also needs to pull the reader in. Once I saw a title “Phi Beta Bimbo” and I bought the book just a cursory glance at the blurb. The title made me laugh and intrigued me.
However, few titles have given me such fits as the one I’m currently trying to come up with for the Valentine’s story.
I had to have a working title to submit the story synopsis. In keeping with the Valentine’s Day theme I gave it a Valentinish name: “Paper Hearts”. But Paper Hearts didn’t fit the story so I brainstormed for another name. “Stupid Cupid” seemed perfect. I loved it! My heroine thought every cupid she saw was stupid and wanted to ban them forever.
Unfortunately, my publisher nixed the title. She didn’t tell me why. My older daughter proclaimed she’d never buy a book with the word “stupid” in the title even if it was a play on words.
Then I brainstormed more. I looked at other Valentine’s Day titles. I looked at song lyrics. I handed in a new list of titles to my editor. Still, the new suggestions were all no gos.
Then my editor suggested a couple titles to me. We found one we really liked “Stripped Bare”. It was a play on words as my heroine works as a waitress in a topless bar but she’s also stripping bare her emotions and deeply looking into her motives. Unfortunately word came back that there was already another book at my publisher with the name “Stripped Bare”.
Perhaps because I’ve been fighting bronchitis all week I can’t think clearly. Perhaps I’m not trying hard enough. I re-read my story and tried to pull out all phrases that might make a good title. The editor didn’t fall in love with any of those, either. Usually that’s how I get my titles. Many are double entendres such as “Best Mates”, “American Beauty” and “Shipwrecked”.
Once my critique partners helped me find a terrific title: “Purrfect Justice”. We played the title game where we would throw out three words that pertained to the story. We went in rounds. Since that story featured policemen and the heroine disguised herself as Cat Woman, one of my partners came up with this title. I shall forever kiss the ground she walks on. Unfortunately, the group disbanded and I cannot elicit their help to name this story.
Good news finally. My editor suggested “Naked Ambition” which we both like. Although it doesn’t allude to Valentine’s Day it does play on words. My heroine is determined to work her way through med school and become a doctor, everything else be damned. To pay her way through school, raise her orphaned sister and pay the mortgage, she works as a topless waitress. Please join me in crossing my fingers and toes that my publisher will like it as much as my editor and I do. At least we hope she will like it enough to accept it.
Titling books is just one of the many administrative duties writers must perform. Like editing, sometimes it’s fun and sometimes it’s hard work.
“Truth, Justice and the Vampire Way” is currently available at “Naked Ambition” (or whatever it will ultimately be named) will be available February 8, 2010 at
Ashley can be found at She tries to post daily and loves to chat with readers and writers.
Ashley has kindly offered a copy of Truth, Justice and the Vampire Way in ebook format to one lucky person! All you have to do is leave a comment. Contest will be open though tomorrow at midnight and I will post the winner on Wednesday!
Truth, Justice and the Vampire Way sounds good. I would love to read this book.
Who knew that titling a book would take so much work, lol. But, then I should have realized, because it is the first thing someone sees regarding this book, so if it has a "stupid" name, people won't even bother reading the synopsis.
Great post, love author introductions. – Parajunkee
Great post! I didn't realize titling a book was so hard.
kissinoak at verizon dot net
Hi Ashley, I really like your list of titles. Just got thru reading Purrfect Justice, and oh man, what a treat.
The excerpt for Truth, Justice and the Vampire Way has me hooked, I would love to read it.
I like the titles of your books. All that work is worth it.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Hey Ashley – I can totally sympathize. Titles never come easy for me, and I've had to go through the whole re-titling thing with two books so far. And I'm sure there will be more of those fun exercises in my future. LOL.
Congrats on the release of Truth, Justice and the Vampire Way! That is an awesome title, by the way :)
Sounds fun! :)