I am so happy to have one of my favorite bloggers and owner of my favorite pink hair, Book Chick City here to guest review today!
For sharp-tongued Miranda Wake, the chance to spend a month in Adam Temple’s kitchen to write an exposé is a journalistic dream come true. Surely Miranda can find a way to cut the hotshot chef down to size once she learns what really goes on at his trendy Manhattan restaurant. The trouble is, she never expected Adam to find out her most embarrassing secreT: this critic has no idea how to cook.
As for Adam, well, he’s not about to have his reputation burned by a critic who doesn’t even know the difference between poaching and paring. He’ll just have to give the tempting redhead a few private lessons of his own—teaching Miranda what it means to cook with passion.
Can’t Stand the Heat by Louisa Edwards
Publisher: St Martin’s Paperbacks
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Paperback: 344 pages
Can’t Stand the Heat is not usually the kind of book I read. But when Mandi called out for a reviewer, I thought, why not? And I’m glad I did, because Can’t Stand the Heat was a really fabulous read.
I was pulled into the story from the get go. Miranda, who I liked instantly, is my favourite kind of heroine: feisty, independent, a woman who on the outside seems prickly and hard, but is really soft as putty with a kind heart and just needs the right man to bring out that side of her nature. Miranda has a sad past. Her parents died when she was only eighteen and left to look after her ten year old brother, Jess, so she had to grow up fast and become ‘the parent’. This was a huge responsibility but she rose to the challenge and took night classes and two jobs just to keep the family services at bay. Deep down Miranda is quite vulnerable, but hides it well as she sees it as a weakness.
Enter Adam, the gorgeous, sexy, sweet, adorable… ahem, hard working chef with cute dimples *my favourite kind* who has high standards and runs his own restaurant called Market. After lots of banter and eye glaring, he eventually sees behind all the bravado and falls madly in love with her. Although, occasionally he still gets a little miffed that she wont open up to him. I found Miranda and Adam’s characters to be really well rounded and totally believable. The relationship between them is also my favourite kind: the ‘love/hate’ relationship. I love it when at first it’s all ‘I hate you’ but really deep down it’s ‘I’m so hot for you I could die’. It just fuels the banter between the characters, making it all the more entertaining with the sexual tension racking up to a 10!
The lead up to them getting together is timed perfectly, nothing is rushed and it doesn’t take forever either. When they do get together it’s hot, hot, hot! There’s just enough description of the sex scenes to get you all hot and bothered, but not cringe with embarrassment, which is a total plus from me.
I really loved the atmosphere of the restaurant and kitchen. It came alive with all the different quirky characters. I’m also a bit of a foodie so this book did all sorts of things to my taste buds. The descriptions of some of the dishes had my mouth watering.
The supporting cast of characters had great personalities too and I liked each and every one of them. I enjoyed the sub-plot with Miranda’s brother Jess, who falls in love with Frankie, the sous chef, who is a bit of a bad boy. Jess also struggles with how to tell Miranda that he’s gay. This was the only aspect of the book I was disappointed with as Miranda’s reaction to Jess’s news was a pretty negative one. I was annoyed at how she handled it as it came across as though she was a homophobe, which is not how I saw her at all. In the end the explanation of why she reacted the way she did took the edge off a bit, but it still left a bad taste and I wish she had reacted more positively.
For a few weeks Miranda works in the kitchen as a hands on journalist for a book she’s writing, but inevitably she begins to fall head over heals for Adam. But as with most romances, there has to be a hurdle to over come and this was no different. Her book had become a ‘tell-all’ about Adam and his crew and as it’s not the good kind of publicity. She wonders whether to write it or not. But when Adam betrays her trust, she sends the book to her publishers out of spite, then of course they make up and she’s riddled with guilt and has to fight to save her budding romance with Adam and her strained relationship with Jess.
The ending reads a bit like a hollywood rom-com, but it is satisfying all the same. Can’t Stand the Heat surprised me. It’s not my usual fare, but I devoured it in almost one sitting. It’s warm, fun and sexy, if a little predictable. A great book to curl up with on a cold winters night with a delicious hot chocolate for a cosy girls night in.
Rating: 8/10 (Four Stars)
Authors Website: http://www.louisaedwards.com
Authors Blog: http://www.louisa-edwards.blogspot.com/
Great review! I read this one too and liked it very much, but why did I not think about getting that hot chocolate to go with it, that would have made it even a better read!
Loved your review !!
This is one of the times I went against the tide and didn't care for this one – in fact it was a DNF. I really did not like the heroine and if I don't like the heroine – sadly I don't like the book :-(
I really liked this story, great review! :)
Wonderful guest review! I haven't read this author before and will have to keep it in mind for the contemporary romance challenge!
Hi Guys!
Marissa – yes, hot chocolate was an after thought for me too and I think it would have enhanced my reading experience. WIll keep in mind for next time ;)
Emmanuelle – thank you :)
Kristie – I have read a couple of reviews that didn't like it but each one of us will see a book differently and that's cool :) I'm sorry the book didn't work for you.
Wendy – I really liked the story too, although I don't usually read this kind of genre I would definitely read another book by this author :)
Buckeye Girl – thanks! I hadn't read this author before either, but I would definitely recommend it, would be a great addition to the contemporary romance challenge :)
Hey, thanks for the review. I also love the "I hate you, but deep down I'm hot for you" thang. LOL. Well put. Warm and sexy. Hmmm. I might be in the mood for a read like this, Hollywood and all.
Hey Mandi!
Hey BCC! Great review! I have not read this book yet – but after seeing your review, I might have to give it a try! Thanks for coming over!
Hope you ladies have a great day!
*waves at BCC* I love the pink hair. Any excuse for me to drink hot chocolate and read sexy romances, I'll just tell Mr. Smokin Hot that you said so, okay?
Thanks for the wonderful guest review! I was wondering why it's not usually the kind of book you read? Too sweet?
I won't say no to hot chocolate and curling up with a sexy read either :) That's probably the main reason why I signed up for the Contempary Romance Challenge ;) I heart cosy!
Carolyn – although it did read a bit like a rom-com, it didn't put me off. I am such a sucker for the love/hate relationship, I'm not sure why… :D
Cecile – thanks for stopping by! I would definitely try it out. Hope you have a great day too :)
Smokin' Hot – *waves back* – it's probably quite tame compared to some of the books you read, but I'm sure you would like it :)
ErotRom – I don't usually read this genre as I love speculative fiction, lots of urban fantasy, horror and science fiction for me :) I suppose we read what we like the most. But I'm glad I read this as I really enjoyed it.
It looks a bit chick-litish, I love that ;) So yes this might be a book for me
Blodeuedd – It's not really 'chick-lit' as such as it's from the romance genre, which in my eyes is different to chick-lit, but I'm sure you'd still enjoy it.
Sounds like a fun read. I'll have to check it out. Great review!
Love the review – BCC…
I love a kitchen atmosphere as well and almost any book with food as some part of the plot, it always promises good fun…
The cover does give the impression of Rom-com… glad this one worked for you…
P.S. Lovely to see you at Smexy's place…. looking forward to seeing more of you here…
Thank you for the review BCC! I was lucky enough to win a copy of the book, and I'm looking forward to reading it as I love books that mix romance and food :) My favourite though will always be Day Le Claire's novellas – A Man for All Seasonings (novella :)
Great review BCC!
Another book that I bought upon release and got lost on Mt. TBR…must dig it up for my Contemporary Romance Challenge…perfect book for it.
Tricia – it was a fun read and Adam is pretty delicious so I would definitely check it out :)
E.H. – thanks! The atmosphere was really good and I just wanted to eat all the food, made me hungry :) I loved being here! I will pop back any time Mandi wants me ;)
Oriannia – I have never heard of A Man for all Seasongs (great title!) I will have to go check that one out myself!
Pearl – Definitely pump it up your list, I'm sure you would enjoy it and definitely perfect for the CRC :)
Thanks so much everyone for stopping by and thanks to Mandi for inviting me – it's been fun :)
Oh, I'm thinking this might be a wonderful read for my contemporary romance challenge. I've seen the title and author around the net ofcourse but I believe this is my first review I read about this novel. Thanks!
Back tracking convo…guess we had the same thought Pearl :D