Marisa Rourke is a beautiful, fearless telepath who tames dragonshapers on Earth. Rion is a tall, dark, and sexy space explorer whose home planet is a galaxy away. The attraction between them is undeniable, but Rion is hiding a desperate secret that will change Marisa’s life forever.
Marisa’s gift is the only way Rion can communicate with his people, enslaved by a powerful enemy. He knows that kidnapping her is wrong, but saving his planet is worth sparking the fiery clairvoyant’s fury. Yet hotter-and more explosive-is the psychic bond growing between Marisa and Rion. Could their passion be the key to freeing Rion’s people? Only if he and Marisa can discover how to channel their desire . . . before a vicious enemy destroys them all.
Rion – Susan Kearney
November 24, 2009
Paranormal Romance
Paperback, 334 pages
Book received from publisher
This book was by no means bad, but it never really grabbed my attention. I never felt myself rooting for the hero and heroine and it was hard to find something special about the romance. Marisa and Rion lust after each other from page one, and apparently these are new feelings for both of them even though they have known each other for some time. Rion does have ulterior motives – he needs to convince Marisa to come back to his home planet to help save the dragonshapers, who have been enslaved by the evil Unari. Marisa herself is a dragonshaper and she can use her telepathic abilities to talk to the dragons. Rion needs her to send them a message and he is desperate to do anything to accomplish that goal. He doesn’t think she will come willingly, since it is a very dangerous place, so instead he lures her with his seductive touches to Stonehenge, which hides a transporter to get them to the planet Tor, where they can then steal a ship to get back to Honor to help the enslaved dragons.
Once on Tor, Marisa is furious Rion tricked her. But once she realizes how desperate the situation on Honor is – men, women and children are being starved, unable to shift back to their human form and being kept in constant pain by a machine called the Tyrannizer, she soon forgives Rion and pledges her support.
I love the idea of dragonshapers and the world Susan Kearny has created is very unique and different. There is a lot of information dumped on the reader in the first couple of chapters though. So much so that I had to reread it a couple of times before I really understood all the “rules.” Let me make it clear however, that I have not read the first book in this series, Lucan, and I think missing out on the world created in that book slowed my interest in the beginning of Rion. That being said, once I got past the first or second chapter, things did fall into place and I was able to follow along, but it still never grabbed me.
When you sit down and read a romance book, in almost every situation you know the hero and heroine are going to have a happily ever after at the end. Getting there is the fun part, the tension and angst. There are many times when I am reading a book where I am begging the author to let the h/h find their happiness, but as a reader that is what you need. I am not saying every book needs a massive dose of angst, but I like to work for the happy ending. I felt that necessary part was lacking in Rion. I never truly bought into the chemistry of Marisa and Rion and I won’t give spoilers but the solution at the end of how to stop the Unari was a bit silly to me. With the unique setting and abilities Susan Kearney’s characters have, I think this book will appeal to some and I hope I can connect with her characters in the next installment.
Rating: 2 1/2 Stars
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Tis true. I want to work for my HEA, I read Blue Diablo the other day, Ann, she gets me. I want the h/h to fall for one another, but she draws it out and makes it interesting. If a book doesn't to that for me, I start to skim, lots of sighing, then it collects dust on my bookshelf.
{pats Mandi on the back} Good for you for being honest.
I've heard good things about her first book, Lucan, so like I said, I will read the next to see if I like it better. But yes, I just didn't feel it with these too.
ps – blue diablo is goooooood.
For some reason I had this author confused with Susan Kirnard..I hate it when authors dump a ton of world building info on the reader.
I think too many authors do this when they are world building for a series-& the romance gets lost along the way. Do you think that's what happened here?
There is a lot going on in this world..and I like it complex. First as I mentioned, I would have benefited by reading Lucan first, at least for the beginning of the book. But at the same time, I think the info could have been worked into the story a little better. The romance just seemed forced..like here a guy and a girl and let's put them together because it is a romance book.
I think this is a fair review. Sometimes you just don't "click" or is it "clique"? with the characters. I think if I were going to give this a go, I'd have to start at the beginning.
Yes, I would say start with Lucan :)
Hey honey! You were honest and that is all we can ask for!! I have Lucan, so I am glad to know that there is a world building that I need to pay attention too!
Great review. Are you going to read Lucan?
You have an award at my blog ^^
Cecile – Yes, Lucan definitely interests me!
Taschima – ooh..Thanks!
Hm, I try not to read out of order because of the world building and possible confusion factor. However from your review it seems to be more than just that. I too, like to see some angst and want to see the h/h have to work/overcome obstacles to get their HEA, if that's what's in plans for them. That's what gives you "ahhhh, yes!" feeling at the end.
Hi Mandi,
Nice honest review. I see your points, hm, the book does seem to have an interesting concept but I guess if I would read her I would start with Lucan then.
And yeah we sure need all those things
Thanks Mandi for the honest review. I like some tension and angst too gives you a reason to root for the h/h and their hea.
I just received book one and two, so LUCAN is up first and I wonder know how I'm going to experience it all. If there is one thing I crave is where the H/H have obstacles to overcome, tension, angst, the whole shebang. It is what makes that HEA soar for me, give me that all time high. You're review defintely intrigued me Mandi, thanks!
I definitely agree with you Mandi. The ride is what matters and like you mentioned, no matter how much we beg for the H/h to reach their HEA, we crave the journey.
Yuck, I really do hate info dumping so I can totally see why your reader heart shut down and had a trouble revving back up.
What a bummer too cause I'm really lusting after this cover.
Thanks for the great review!
;) VFG
Thank you Mandi. I agree, you need to experience the developing relationship.
I have a confession. I read the words 'beautiful', 'fearless' and 'fiery' to describe the heroine and thought 'this book is not for me'. Silly I know, but that type of heroine just drives me bonkers!
Yes, things just flowed a bit too easily for the couple.
And I know what you mean orannia!
I finish this one last night!!! I absolutely loved it and can't wait for Jordan to come out.
I finish this one last night!!! I absolutely loved it and can't wait for Jordan to come out.
Cool Cait :) I just checked out your blog!