This week at Smexy:

by Mandi 23 Comments
This week at Smexy:
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Angela l Goodreads
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Kate @kateminasian l Goodreads
Kate H. @Naranjadia l Goodreads
I'm jealous — you got the new Sherrill Bodine book AND the Susan Crandall! Both of these books have recently been added to my TBB list. Can't wait to see your review for PROOF BY SEDUCTION!
Hi Amy!
Both of those are new authors to me…very excited to try them! :)
Proof was such a good hist rom…such a broken hero. Review is coming next week :)
Wow Mandi, that's a lot of great books you've received! And you have a busy week coming up. I'm looking forward to it all! I'll try to stop by every day :)
Happy Christmas shopping today (I've finished mine yesterday)!!
Mandi, wow! What a busy week you have ahead! I am looking forward to your Friday feature. Firespell looks like an amazing read!
Have fun shopping today! I hope you get some great deals! :)
Looks like you have lots of pleasurable reading coming up.
There are going to be busy weeks ahead for you Mandi. Enjoy the great reads and looking forward to the reviews ;)
You are a busy blogger Mandi!! I'm looking forward to reading your upcoming reviews :)
Oh wow! You got some awesome books to read Mandi! I am so jealous!
Can't wait to read your reviews on them!
*faints* I am so jealous of the Larissa Ione copy you have. I can't wait for your review of Ecstasy Unveiled! You do have a lot of great books in that pile! I'm also looking forward to your review on Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs.
I am with A Buckeye Girl, I think you should forward that book to the both of us when your done ;)
I can't wait to get my hands on Firespell and Ecstasy Unveiled!. I almost want you to say Eff it and read Ectasy Unveiled like tomorrow so I can read vicariously through you…
Please read 'Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs' by Molly Harper! I love that series!
ERR – Happy Christmas to you too..I finished shopping…so glad to be done!
Lily – Firespell does look good! Chloe is always fun to have here :)
Eyre – I is hard to choose what to read next!
Leontine – I like to be busy ;)
Ms. Vixen – Ditto to you!
Buckeye – I am dying to read Ecstasy!!! It is sooooo hard to have it sitting there staring at me..but I have others to read first darn it!
Ann Marie – I will try to share!
Smokinhot – I know..I am becoming weak…I will read it soon
Danielle – I'm pretty sure I am reading Molly Harper next
You're scheduling stuff now–how professional! ;) When will you review that Courtney Milan book?
Looks of good reading it looks like for you coming up.
I'm looking forward to Friday with Chloe Neill, I'm looking forward to Firespell.
Heidenkind – LOL, I am trying to be organized ;)Proof of Seduction review is scheduled for Fri 1/1.
Donna – I can't wait to read Firespell..looks great!
Ohhh, a busy and exciting week, and all authors I don't know…yet *grin* Good luck with the shopping Mandi!
Note to self: read Larissa Ione's first book!
Girl, I do not know how you do it all!!! But you rock! And on top of all that you went shopping!! Rock you here… You rock!!
Well, I am hoping you had a great weekend!
Happy reading my dear…
I loved Courtney Milan's Christmas novella and plan to review it later this week. Great to hear 'Proof by Seduction' is worth waiting for.
Have you read Larissa Ione before? I keep hearing good things about her Demonica series but I'm reluctant to start yet another J.R. Ward-style series.
Sarah – ooh..looking forward to your novella review..have heard great things.
I love the Larissa Ione series – different than JR Ward – more erotic, but very witty, very entertaining.
Mandi! Woot, you're one busy girl!
Have fun with all your great reads!!
Hugs, VFG