I am happy to have author Nancy Holzner here today to talk about her new urban fantasy book, Deadtown.
Who is Nancy Holzner, give us the low down.
I’m a former English professor (I was a medievalist) who’s always loved language and stories. I grew up in western Massachusetts, and I went to college in Boston and grad school in Providence, Rhode Island. I lived in London; Auburn, Alabama; and several cities around the northeast before I settled in central New York state. I’m a full-time author, but most of my income derives from writing how-to and reference books. One daughter, one husband (but second marriage), no pets. Some day I’ll get a dog again.
This is your first book in the urban fantasy genre. What was your inspiration for Deadtown?
The inspiration came from several places. The Cerddorion race of shapeshifters to which Vicky belongs is based on a story in the Mabinogi, a collection of Welsh legends written down in the 12th and 13th centuries. I wanted to write a book set in Boston, a city where I’d lived for several years, because I thought it would be fun to speculate about how Boston would deal with a couple thousand of its citizens suddenly becoming zombies. And the idea for a protagonist who kills clients’ personal demons for a living came from reading a post by an agent who blogged about her dislike of the phrase “So-and-so wrestles with his own personal demons” and wondered who’d ever wrestle with your personal demons besides you. That got me thinking . . .
Tell us a bit about your writing process. Do you have a set schedule? Do you like to outline or do you write more by the seat of your pants?
I work on nonfiction books during the day and switch to writing fiction in the evenings and on weekends. Most evenings my husband and I are in a coffee shop; he’s reading and I’m typing away on my laptop. We both work at home, so it’s good to get out in the evenings.
I write tons of notes and a loose outline that covers the main supports of the plot: the inciting incident that sets the story in motion, the plot points that raise the stakes, and the climax. Doing that gives me goals to write toward—I can see how to get from the inciting incident to plot point 1, from plot point 1 to midpoint, and so on. But I’m very open to changes as I write—those times when characters surprise me and do something entirely different from what I expected, which are what make writing fun. I revisit my outline and tweak it as needed, and I keep a running outline as the story develops so I can track its progress.
What surprised you the most as you wrote Deadtown?
Two things: One, Tina the teenage zombie appeared the story about halfway through the first draft. Then she pushed her way into the opening scene (she’s like that) and took on a greater role in the second draft. Two, Vicky wasn’t originally going to be in a love triangle. When Daniel first appeared, he was an unattractive middle-aged cop. But he morphed into someone younger and sexier as I wrote the scene. By the time he showed up in Creature Comforts to talk to Vicky, he was entirely different from how I’d first pictured him—and Vicky was definitely interested.
Vicky has two smexy men vying for her attention. Any hints for where the romance is headed in the second book?
Kane is torn because he’s beginning to realize that he takes Vicky for granted, but he also believes that his civil rights work is historical and vitally important. He’ll be working harder to prove himself to her in the sequel. And noticing that stirs Daniel’s inner alpha.
6. Zombies, or as Kane calls them, Previously Deceased Humans (HA!) play a big part in this book. Do you have a favorite zombie movie or book? I am quite partial to Shaun of the Dead :)
Shaun of the Dead is great. Zombieland was fun, too. You can probably tell I need a good-sized dollop of humor in my zombie films.
7. The cover for Deadtown is amazing. Do you feel it represents the book well?
Thanks! I love the cover; the artist is Don Sipley. I think it’s a great representation of Vicky. I like the way it shows her from the back so that readers can imagine her features according to whatever picture arises in their minds as they read. Before I saw the cover, I was a little nervous that Vicky wouldn’t look the way I pictured her, so this was perfect. I also love the flaming sword—both the way it looks and the fact that she’s holding it in her left hand (there’s a plot-related reason for that). I do have to admit that although Vicky uses guns in the book, they’re not as impressive as that assault rifle she’s holding on the cover. My guess is that the artist drew it that way to balance out the sword.
8. How important are Twitter, Goodreads and your blog to you as an author?
I think social networking sites and blogs offer an amazing opportunity to connect with readers and other authors. I set up a Facebook page a few years ago because my niece wanted to create a group there for family members to keep in touch. It took me a while to find my way around, but now I’ve got both a personal page and a fan page for readers who want to hear about what’s happening with my books. Twitter is fun. I have to limit my time there because the clock starts ticking faster from the moment I log in. I’ve heard readers say that they love how easy it is to get in touch with authors through social networking sites, author websites, blogs, email, etc. From my point of view, I like being able to reach out to readers that way, too.
Since you are in Smexyville, I must ask:
9. Which fictional character do you lust after the most?
Like a gazillion other Jane Austen fans, I’ll always go into a complete swoon over Mr. Darcy. And like a gazillion other Ilona Andrews fans, I adore Curran.
10. If you could switch places with any heroine, who would it be?
Well, based on my answer to the previous question, let’s just say I’d be a lot more competent as Elizabeth Bennet than I would as Kate Daniels. I’d be much better at handling the kinds of problems Elizabeth faces. Or else it would be fun to be Thursday Next, the heroine of Jasper Fforde’s wacky, fun series (The Eyre Affair, Lost in a Good Book, The Well of Lost Plots, and Something Rotten). She’s a LiteraTec, a literary detective who can jump into novels and interact with the characters there.
11. Chest hair on your hero? Smexy?
I’m partial to heroes with a bit of chest hair. Not too much, though. :)
Thank you so much for being here today!! Nancy Holzner is offering a “Snuggle up with a good book” Contest. Included are the following:
- The book, Deadtown
- A booklight
- A Snuggie (I heart mine!)
- A mug with the cover of Deadtown on it.
- Winner’s choice of tea, coffee or hot cocoa
The perfect gifts to get you through this cold month!
To enter, just leave a comment! Contest open to U.S. only through Saturday January 9th. I will announce the winner Sunday.
Hi, Nancy! Aahhh, Curran. Who DOESN'T love him?! :)
I've heard a ton of goos things about Deadtown, can't wait to get my hands on it!
Great interview, Mandi!
Oh, I would love to win a copy of this book. Sounds great!
Even if I can't enter I had to jump in and have a look :)
That is so cool, I did not know you had those kinds of elements in this book. I love mythology *coughs* *user name* ;)
The book sounds great
Yeah great interview and great giveaway. Hook me up!
parajunkee at gmail dot com
Oh I adore Mr. Darcy as well. I went Pride & Prejudice crazy after watching the 2005 version. I am crazy for Curran as well. Deadtown looks awesome.
(I'm Canadian)
I love how the characters morphed as Nancy wrote them. I enjoy learning the behind-the-scenes stuff from authors. Thank you to Nancy for sharing here!
Looking forward to reading Nancy's book, it looks terrific. Thanks for doing this interview.
Great Interview. Can't wait to read the book. Thanks!
Thanks for the interview. This book looks great!
What a great gift pack! I have heard great things about this book so it is definitely on my wish list! Thanks!
Great interview! I wasn't aware there was a love triengle (love those!). I enjoyed reading how Ms. Holzner's characters seemed to push in and take over.
Sounds like a great book!
Hey, great interview! I'm not officially entering, but this book is on my must-read list. It's also one of my favorite titles of the year.
What a great interview…
I am liking the concept behind this book and the fact that you had someways already earmarked the town for your first book…
Two question…
As a medievalist, why UF instead of historical or something like time travel…
How far do you see yourself taking Deadtown and it's characters…
Good luck to all entrants…
Very cool interview! Please enter me for the warm winter goodies as well. I really like that you have based your story on a pre-existing legend, btw.
Oh, and chest hair… right with you on that one!
Hi, Nancy! Happy New Year! What a great giveaway to shake loose the frost of January : ) Wales is a grand source for magical, mystical legends and tall tales. Those blue-eyed, black-haired Welshmen are kinda magical too! The cover for "Deadtown" is fabulous : )
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Thanks for the interview! I've read excellent stuff about Deadtown. Can't wait to get my grubby paws on it.
Please count me in!
I've been hearing alot about this one, sounds good! tWarner419@aol.com
hey Nancy great interview! Not officially entering cause I just finished Deadtown and can't wait to share it with all my friends (and strangers too) lol. Can't wait for the next one.
hey Nancy great interview! Not officially entering cause I just finished Deadtown and can't wait to share it with all my friends (and strangers too) lol. Can't wait for the next one.
I heart this book! OMG Mandi you're giving away a snuggie and Deadtown?!!!! Squee!!!
Great interview Nancy and Mandi!
I just knew it! Daniel has an inner Alpha :) Glad to hear Kane will sit up and take notice.
I enjoyed Vicky's teenage-zombie demon hunting apprentice Tina. Will she still be a part of Vicky's world in the future? She's such a trouble maker :)
Great interview! I am dying to read this book, I absolutely love the cover
That is one hot looking cover. It really grabs the eye and makes you want to turn it over to read the summary.
What a great giveaway! I hope I get picked. *crosses fingers*
Great interview Mandi and Nancy. I loved reading about where your inspiration came from and your writing process. I am dying to read this!
The book sounds great, and it's always interesting to learn about how an author gets ideas.
Oh, I totally agree with you on the chest hair…
Please count me in. The book looks so good and I just love the cover art. Thanks for the great giveaway.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
Hi Nancy. Nice interview. I just love the cover art to DEADTOWN. A woman with leather pants and a weapons, she's got to be one kick-ass heroine.
Please count me in.
armiefox at yahoo dot com
I've been hearing a lot about you and your blog, so I thought I'd drop by and visit!
Awesome interview! Oh, I love the cover of the book…One I'm putting on my to buy list! The plot of Deadtown sound very interesting!
I'll be back
I love urban paranormal books
This one really sounds interesting
Julie S.
jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com
The book sounds good!
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
I would love to win this! Great interview.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
Sweet interview! Book sounds gooood
Fun interview. I too am a Curran fan.
Best of luck with the release of Deadtown.
cheleooc at yahoo dot com
I've been hearing such great things about this book and I SSSOOOOOO want it! I've really gotten onto the UF bandwagon and the cover of this alone has me giddy to get my hands on it.
Plus, since it's ssssooooo cold here in the Midwest, that Snuggie could save my life (perhaps guilt will help me win?).
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Oh man, this is one hot smokin' book! I would absolutely adore winning Nancy's book, Deadtown!
Awesome interview with Nancy! What does Nancy use to motivate her in her writing? Does she set down at her computer everyday or when the spirit moves her?
I have seen Deadtown on a couple of other blogs.
I am looking forward to reading it.
kissinoak at verizon dot net
I want to read it, throw my name in there Smexy!
And you know the snuggie sutra cracked you up.
Great interview. I've been seeing a lot of positive comments about "Deadtown" and it is definitely on my TBR list.
Wow all these good reviews on Deadtown, wtg Nancy. Thanks ladies for allowing us to participate and gotta say that Snuggie would sure be nice today at my house, we are in Central Texas and even with the glorious sunny sunshine it is in the 20's with the wind chill…
LOTD brought up something about the snuggie sutra and have to put in my 2 cents, it was horribly funny and at the same time makes me not sure if want one anymore now those pics are in my head… (I do still want one just ICK)
Jackie B Central Texas
Hi Nancy, really enjoyed the interview. I love urban fantasy stories and have been hearing great things and reading some great reviews about Deadtown.
Thanks for offering such a wonderful contest prize.
Hi, Nancy!
Aahhh, Curran… I haven't read your books but I have heard such good things! I need to get my hands on him *cough* I mean the book.
Great contest!!
rexreadingrobot @ gmail DOT com
This book looks great! I can't wait to read it!
Mr. Darcy is THE classic romantic hero–i love him too! dead town sounds awesome! great interview!
bookmakeupreview AT gmail DOT com
Hello! Thanks for the great interview and the book sounds awesome. I have this one on the list to pick up here soon.
Just a note that at this time of year here in Western Pennsylvania we could really use a snuggie with an awesome book to keep up warm and good company while we are snowed in here. lol. Thanks!
Great interview! I'm excited about reading Deadtown, it will be my first zombie novel. And love it when stories are woven around mythology/legends of the past.
Don't enter me, I already bought a copy release week for Deadtown. :)
Great interview! Great cover.. New to me author, so I'd love to win this one..
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Love that cover. Sounds like a great book. I've been seeing it all over the place & it is definitely one I'm looking forward to reading. Thanks for the great interview!
okay so all I can say is who doesn't like Mr. Darcy from Pride and prejudice which is my all time favorite movie.
Great Interview!!! I would love to win your contest!!!
Great interview. Deadtown sounds good. Crossing my fingers to win the contest. :)
Fantastic answers (Nancy) and questions (Mandi) – thank you! Please don't include me in the contest as I live outside the US :)
What a great giveaway! It will make it even harder for me to get off my rear and do the dishes!! lol
Wonderful interview.. Curran.. mmm :D
I'm so excited about the new book. It looks great, and I can't wait to get a copy of my own.
Plus a snuggie…is it a designed snuggie like the animal print? :)
Thanks for the contest!!!
Great interview! I agree, Mr. Darcy is the standard for all swoon-worthy heroes. He's yum. :D
Please include me in the giveaway! Wonderful review you have there. It made me want to read the book as well!
rubs.escalona [at] gmail.com
What a wonderful contest and a great interview as well!
Aloha Nancy… Deadtown is on my TBR list!!=) I would so love to be entered into this contest!!
With that said…. does this contest include pacific time!!! Please say yes!!LOL.. it is only 10pm here in Hawaii.
Anyhow, I really want to comment on the inspiration of the story. I really like that you have gathered ideas from different places.=)
Welsh legends? That is really cool!=)
Here is my contact info if needed!!
I really cannot wait to read this book. All I read are rave reviews and the premise is intriguing as all get out.
(in case you need it)
VWinship at aol dot com