Smexy: Hello Fiction Vixen, known more intimately as Ms. Vixen, known to those who are too lazy to type (hey that’s me!!) as FV. I am glad we decided to do something productive with our incessant chattering and review a book together! Before I go any further I have to give a special shout-out to Danielle at Alpha Reader for recommending and sending me this book long ago! You rock girl :)
Succubus Blues is the first book in Richelle Mead’s Georgina Kincaid series. Before we get into the nitty gritty, what were your initial thoughts, when you read the last page, re-focused your eyes and ears to the world, and stopped ignoring your family (or is that only me?) My first thought was – amazing characters, really fun plot, and I must read the rest of this series.
FV: Hi Mandi! I’m excited to be reviewing a book with you, especially this one. My very first thoughts after reading the last page and snapping back into the land of here and now were, why the heck have I never read a Richelle Mead novel before? This book drew me in right from the beginning and I immediately settled right into the story.
I liked Georgina from the get go . Her comment about when she was a virgin people still thought swans could impregnate girls made me laugh. Her personality and quick wit was fun. I will admit, before I read the book, I wondered how I would come to love a succubus knowing her job is to seduce men, suck away their life force and lead them into sin. But darn it, I really like Georgina the life force sucking succubus. How did you feel about a succubus as a protagonist before and after you read the book?
Smexy: I started this book fresh off the heels of Gentlemen Prefer Succubi by Jill Myles and enjoyed that succubus heroine, so I didn’t have any prejudices to start. I liked the way Richelle Mead weaves in Georgina’s past, and in past we are talking about centuries and centuries ago, and the reason she turned into a succubus and the reason she still punishes herself to this day. Mead gives you a reason to like Georgina, to want her to find happiness in present day. After Georgina sleeps with a married man (tsk, tsk) I remember thinking I should be more appalled than I am. But, Georgina NEEDS sex to thrive, and because she often chooses less than moral people to steal their essence from, I found myself rooting for her more than shaming her.
FV: “After Georgina sleeps with a married man (tsk, tsk) I remember thinking I should be more appalled than I am.”
Funny, I have that thought quite often when reading some romance novels. he he
Smexy: I did however want to know more about the Succubus history throughout the book. I was confused for a good portion as to what exactly Georgina did and the repercussions for her “victims.” But by the end of the book, I felt like I had a good handle on everything.
Georgina is not the only star of the book – and this is where I think Richelle Mead does a great job. It is told in Georgina’s point of view, but we get insights to many wonderful characters. Let’s start with the supernatual folk – Jerome, her demon boss who chooses to look exactly like John Cusack (although he denies he knows who Cusack is. – LIAR!), Carter, the angel Georgina loves to hate, Hugh, her good friend who is an imp, and the “nice” vampires, Cody and Peter. What are your thoughts on that group?
FV: I thought it was quite interesting that each of the supernatural characters in Georgina’s circle possessed very human characteristics in that they seemed so down to earth. Although there was an “employer/employee” relationship between the higher immortals and the lesser immortals there seemed to be genuine friendships and caring among all of them. Even the vampires that tend to be portrayed as self centered beings seemed bonded as a group.
I think my favorite of the group was Carter the Angel. I expected the stereotypical angelic good guy and what I got was a jeans and flannel wearing smart ass. And by smart ass, I mean witty, quick, and a pretty decent angel under his prickly facade. It was an interesting and eclectic group and I think Mead did a great job in giving the reader a good feel for each for the personalities in her secondary characters.
The supporting characters are important in any good novel and I certainly enjoyed getting to know Georgina’s friends, but lets talk about the romantic entanglements in Succubus Blues. We had Seth and Roman and I counted Georgina’s back story with her mortal husband as a romance since their story affected me so much. *sob* In present day the romantic tension in Georgina’s life had me conflicted and anxious. Although I had reasons to like both Roman and Seth, I was always on the edge of my seat in wondering where it would all lead. How did you feel about Seth and Roman?
Smexy: Oh, Seth, bless his beta heart. Seriously, from the first time they meet in the bookstore, I loved him, and how funny was their meeting? Georgina may be a slutty succubus, but she lives a boring life otherwise. Her day job is assistant manager at a book store, and her passion is Seth Mortenson books. Seth comes in for an author signing but Georgina doesn’t realize it is him. Off she goes, telling him – “if he wanted to carry me off and make me his love slave, I’d do it, so long as I got advance copies of his book.” Later that day, after Georgina goes home to change into an outfit fit only for a succubus, Seth sees her again, and with his identity still a secret he tells her he wants to get her some advanced book copies. HA! Seth is so cute – throughout the book, he takes on more of a friend role. Georgina admires him greatly, but she is so scared of what she is, she really can’t let herself get close to anyone. Well, except Roman, who tries to steal her away. I was not a fan of him.
FV: Oh yes, a good beta does a reader good sometimes. I loved that Seth was a writer and Georgina was a huge fan…not that I can identify or anything. *g* The love slave, advanced copy scene was hilarious and I think I blushed right along with Georgina when she realized who she was flirting with. (Please note: I have never offered to become a love slave in exchange for ARC’s…yet)
Smexy: Don’t go the love slave route like I did, it is not glamorous at all…except for the hot sex with authors.
FV: Seth was very cute and I almost wished I could whisper some romance tips in his ear now and then to help him out. Roman, on the other hand, had it going on in the lurve department. He seemed to know just what to say and just when to say it making him very attractive. He seemed almost too perfect at times. I admit, I was cheering for the underdog in this love triangle.
Smexy: The mystery aspect in this book is written well too. Various immortals are being killed, and the hunt is on to find out who is doing the killing and how. In the beginning, Georgina is surprised to find out how immortals are killed who is able to kill who depending on rank. Didn’t you find it a bit odd, that she didn’t know the rules, after being alive for so long? I have to admit, I did figure out the mystery before the big reveal at the end, but I still liked the way it played out and it leaves something for the next book. Overall, I am very impressed by Succubus Blues and the rest of the series are already on their way to my house.
FV: I too wondered why Georgina seemed basically clueless about immortal politics, social rules and overall supernatural abilities, but I attributed that to her apathetic attitude toward being a Succubus in the first place. She was basically a slacker Succubus—I can totally relate, on the slacker part of course, not the Succubus part. When I realized that the other lesser immortals seemed in the dark as well, I thought maybe the higher immortals purposely withheld information as a way of keeping them more manageable and/or safe? However there seemed to be a great deal of information readily available with just a little research so who really knows.
Like you, I figured out the mystery before the reveal. I have to say I enjoyed watching it all play out although there was a small bit of time where I was uncomfortable and wished things would have gone down a little differently. There was one surprise for me in the reveal but it wasn’t an over the top shocker. I just had a face palm moment and wondered why I didn’t see it before. Are you confused yet?
Smexy: We will have a secret meeting to discuss the ending – neener neener to everyone else! :)
FV: I absolutely loved this first book in the series and highly recommend it to all my fellow love slaves readers of Urban Fantasy Romance. So much so that I have decided to give away a copy of Succubus Blues.
Head over to my blog at for a chance to win a copy of Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead.
Smexy: Thanks FV! Let’s do it again.
FV: Oh we will Smexy…we will. (Sorry, I just like to have the last word)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this series…one of my favs!!! Richelle Mead has turned into one of my auto buys! :o) Great review!
I can't wait to read this book. I love the banter between you two. lol I hope you guys do this again because it sounded like fun. Love FictionVxn saying that she had to have the last word. LOL
Monroe – I just got the rest in the series..can't wait to start them!
Bells – I found it was very mature of myself to LET her have the last word *snickers*
Oooh looks fab – please add me to the draw – have left my comment on the other blog.
I read Shadowfae last week where the heroine is a Succubus too, I've got Jill Myles on the shelves and this sounds like a fab read too :) Really enjoyed this 2-1 review of you and FV. Now I'm going to FV to enter me for the giveaway :D
Sarah – Great – FV is in charge of the giveaway :)
Leontine – I didn't realize the heroine in Shadowfae is a succubus..I have that book on my wishlist. Jill Myles book was good too!!
This sounds like a kick ass series! I haven't read anything by Richelle but her books sound great I am going to have to check her out.
Great Review! I'm off to visit FV's site to enter the contest.
This series was my first book review. I read this series back to back, and when I was done I felt like I just had to share. I love, love her VA series but I feel that way about this series too and think it's a very underappreciated series.
Let me know how you like them once youre done! This series is SO MUCH MORE than i thought it would be! lol
Amanda – From those who have read the entire series, it sounds like each book is really great.
Patti – I know you are a Mead fan girl ;) You are one of the reasons I tried her!
Monroe – I will definitely let you know :)
This sounds like my kind of read!
I LOVE Richelle Mead's books… her series (all of them) were one of the first i read and they are still amongst my faves…
I LOVE Georgie and Im happy you both do too!
cant wait to see what you and FV say about the rest of it, it only gets better =)))
I'm intrigued by this book, this series! I loved your joint review format, it was fun. Thanks! Off to FV's place now :)
tetwa – was a lot of fun.
Larissa – Eek..I really want to read the rest NOW!!!
ERR – We had fun doing it ;)
lmao you guys are great, joint review was a great idea! Never read any of her adult novels, just the teen stuff. Sound interesting enough!
Hey! Great review, you two, and so pleased you liked it, because this series is one of my faves. Georgina is such a fantastic heroines; I love that she's not all kick butt, and beta Seth. I always thought of Seth as Jim Butcher.
Natasha – I have only read her first in the Vamp Academy, and while I liked it, I thought this one is far better!
Carolyn – Oh beta Seth..sigh.
Hey everyone, I appear to be having some technical difficulties on my blog. I'm not sure what's going on but people are having trouble getting to the site. I'm doing what I can to get it fixed. The contest is open all week so if you can't enter today, please check back. Sorry for the difficulty.
Hi :)
This was fun & informative.
Thank you for a great way to start my Monday by reading this review. I hope you both do more joint reviews!
Great review! You made me want to read it again. I really enjoyed the whole series. In fact, I've enjoyed every book Mead has written, not always the case with 3 different series in play. Looking forward to seeing what you think about the rest, and hoping for more joint reviews.
I am so glad you both liked it! I love Georgia and Seth makes my heart go pitter patter! I can't wait til you get to the next books…. I want to know what you think of the last book….. my heart still hurts from this series and I NEED book 5 NOW.
RK – thanks! We will definitely do more!
Greytfriend – Hey FV – we need to do more reviews hear me? ;)
I am truly looking forward to the rest of this series.
KV – NO…Not a hurting heart..I already feel anxiety!
Mandi–Yes! We definitely need to do more of these. It was fun!
Loved the review guys! Way to rock it :P I must confess that I've never read a Richelle Mead book. I know, I'm a slacker…
{Quickly adds Richelle Mead to Amazon wishlist}
I've wanted to read this one for awhile. Nice joint review, made me move it up the TBR list.
However, I honestly CAN NOT believe you came in with the "neener neener" taunt about your secret meeting re: the ending. Flag on that play, Smexy. ^_^
Queen – this is only my I am kind of a slacker too ;)
Smokinhot – I feel bad for your wishlist..:)
Keith – Oh, we had that secret meeting..and it was everything I expected it to be. I tempted to say it again…
I'll say it! I'll say it! NEENER NEENER Keith Melton, neener neener.
Very unique review and fun to read! Can't wait to try the books.
hey, i want in on a joint review! I am cool too darn it! ;) LOL
I so love this series. GEorgina is such a wonderful character. Always a witty comment at hand but also one of the loveliest and emotional most touching characters I ever read about.
Loved your review and totally agree with your judgement!
Just what I need – yet ANOTHER series to follow. LOL
This one sounds wonderful and I loved the way you two did the review.
Fun post :)
Hm, I wonder about this, my genre, and I think her YA is ok so this should be more up my alley
I really enjoy Richelle's other series.I have no clue why I haven't read this one :) Great joint review.
Fabulous review you two! You should work together more often! This looks like a great one.
This is the first joint review I've seen and it's a great one at that! I've gone ahead and entered FV's give away and I can't wait to hear the results!
Thanks to both Fiction Vixen and Mandi for this fun and informative review. I tried reading the Vampire Academy series, could not do it. I love the Thorn Queen Books and have wanted to try this Georgina Kincaid series as love Succbus books have Shadowfae to read by Erica Hayes and think you guys now have me a new series to start. Here is hoping I win the drawing….
Am Entering the contest over at FV site later today but had to comment here first to let you ladies know how much fun this posting was to read!!!
Jackie B Central Texas
Is it sad that I haven't read number 3 yet because I don't want anything to happen to her and Seth?? :D
How fun! So glad you gals liked it. Can't wait to see what you think of the rest of the series!
Liked the co-review. It sounds like a lot of fun! I haven't read this book yet, but I will say this: Richelle Mead must have a way with creating killer heroines. Rose in Vampire Academy was awesome as well. Looking forward to reading this! :)
Robin – Thanks!
KV – Let's do it…pick a book!
Susi – sigh…that really has me itchin to pick up the next one!
Riva – tbr pile is huge too :)
Blodeuedd – I think this is better than Vamp Academy!
elaing8 – There are just too many darn books!
Buckeye – We had fun together :)
Dana – Good luck with the giveaway!!
jacabur1 – I am dying to start the Thorn Queen books! I have them both. I need Shadowfae too darn it.
Anon – gasp..I'm going to cry
Caitlin – Thanks!
Awesome Review On This Great Series. Richelle Mead's Succubus Series Is A Series You never Want To Put Down. Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy Is Another Great Series Which Goes To Show What An Amazing Author She Is. Thanks For Showing This Series Some Love.
Great review ladies.
I've had this book on my wish list for eons. Thanks for pushing it up on the 'To Buy' list.
lol love the review ladies. You should definitely do more joint reviews.
I am excited to read this book. I put it on hold yesterday at the library, before I read this review, so we will see how long it takes to get it…unless I win the giveaway.
Sweet props! Thanks for the joint review.
This joint review only entices me to read the series! Thanks.
I love this series! Great joint review :)
Richelle Mead rocked writing VA Series and now I'm hoping to read the GK Series, too. Just hoping. Don't know when…
You two are so funny. *snicker* I have to admit that I too was not sure I could like a succubus but after reading your review I'm thinking I would love this book!
This was a really cool idea! I love the joint review! I hope you do this again.
Thanks for the review of the book too.
I havent read this series by Richelle yet and the scene with the advance copies sounds so funny.
I was lucky enough to win several books in this series. However, since my TBR pile is so crazy, I haven't had a chance to read any books in the series yet. Looks like I need to move this book up in my pile.
This looks like such a neat book, and a new author for me as well — that's always neat to find a new author.
I haven't read any book of this series yet, but it looks really interesting.
Great review. I have been wanting to start this series. Im hoping to have the chance soon.
Love the way you two did this review. Both of you are two peas in a pod! ;)
I picked this book up back at the beginning of December at Walmart of places. Can't wait to read it now.
Yay! You liked Georgina! I'm so glad. Richelle Mead is one of my favorite authors – I hope you give her 'Dark Swan' series a go too.
I seriously cannot wait to read what you think of the rest of the 'Georgina Kincaid' series. It is an emotional roller-coaster ride, that's all I can say.
Fantastic review guys!
Great review, this sounds like a book I'd love :o)
awww their bookstore encounter sounds so funny! now i want to read this book!
Definitely looking forward to reading this one.
Love the banter between you two. Great review, can't wait to read it. Georgina sounds like fun and Seth sounds charming.
Lovely review, Succubus Blues sounds like a wonderful book.
Great review! Looking forward to reading and hope I win! :)
This was an awesome review ladies!!! I have been having my eye on this series for a long time coming now… I am glad that you ladies enjoyed it as such!
Headed over to FV's place already! Wanted to show my love here too!
Fun interview.
I've already visited FV[@]gmail[.]com
Nice to see you two reviewing together! Great job. I am going to have to put this one on my TBR list!
great review! Visted Fiction Vixen already.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Great joint interview. This book sounds good.
great review – made me move the book up my wishlist.
This sounds great, I'm definitely putting it on my list of books to read.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
First time I heard about this book, but now I can't wait to read it! Funny characters and great myrteries? I need to read it!
I can't wait to read this book!
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
From what i have read about this book i am dying to read it & it has just been added to my reading wish list.
I loved your blog. Thank you.
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