They call it Deadtown: the city’s quarantined section for its inhuman and undead residents. Most humans stay far from its borders — but Victory Vaughn, Boston’s only professional demon slayer, isn’t exactly human…
Vicky’s demanding job keeping the city safe from all manner of monsters is one reason her relationship with workaholic lawyer (and werewolf) Alexander Kane is in constant limbo. Throw in a foolhardy zombie apprentice, a mysterious demon-plagued client, and a suspicious research facility that’s taken an unwelcome interest in her family, and Vicky’s love life has as much of a pulse as Deadtown’s citizens.
But now Vicky’s got bigger things to worry about. The Hellion who murdered her father ten years ago has somehow broken through Boston’s magical protections. The Hellion is a ruthless force of destruction with a personal grudge against Vicky, and she’s the only one who can stop the demon before it destroys the city and everyone in it.
Deadtown by Nancy Holzner
December 29, 2009
Urban Fantasy
Paperback, 336 pages
Book received from author
Victory Vaughn is the only professional demon exterminator in Boston. When people have demon issues, she is the one they call. Vicky herself is Cerridorion, someone who is able to shift into any animal three times a month – with a catch – if she bears children, she will no longer carry the ability to shift. Her sister, Gwen, gave up her abilities and the two come to blows during the book deciding what is the better route to take.
Vicky is not alone in her supernatural abilities though. She is kept in company by werewolves and vampires, just to name a few. The supernaturals started coming out of the closet after a mutated virus hit Boston out of nowhere. Every human in the entire city died in a matter of seconds. The only ones not affected – vamps, wolves and Vicky. Suddenly, the humans needed the supernaturals to help the devastated city, and the nickname “Deadtown” was created. As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, three days later, zombies began to rise.
Even though the supernaturals become known to the public, they still don’t have equal rights. The movement is led by the good looking werewolf, Alexander Kane, who, as Vicky says is her “companion.” They are not super serious but they hang out on occasion, and by hanging out I mean they do dinner and the fun stuff afterwards.
Vicky has a personal demon of her own, one that killed her father and one that she carries part of around with her. The demon, called The Destroyer, is not satisfied and after killing one of Vicky’s clients shortly after leaving his house, she knows he is back. With the help of Daniel Costello, a Boston police officer, she is determined to keep the city safe while battling her own demon – and feelings for a very cute blue-eyed police officer.
Deadtown sets up the kind of urban fantasy world I like – the supernaturals are out to the public, and now we get to see how they are accepted. I love to read about the political struggles and the behind the scenes fights that ensue. The supernaturals are by no means close to getting equal rights much to the dismay of Kane who is very invested in their cause. He has his agenda and for most of the book he uses Vicky to further that agenda. The reader never gets to see his romantic side or why Vicky would be attracted to him, except for his good looks – he is 31 with silver hair, quite a fox! I don’t think she wants anything necessarily serious or more than what she has, but I can’t even see why she wants that.
Besides the political upheaval, Vicky is battling an extremely dangerous Hellion, one that cooked her father from the inside out when she was younger. The Hellion is being controlled by a sorcerer, and Vicky must figure out who is in charge before the Hellion can assemble an army to invade Boston. Daniel is investigating the murder of her client, who Vicky is sure The Destroyer killed. Daniel has that smile and good nature that gives Vicky the butterflies in her stomach. The book stands great as it is, but I think it could have been even better with more romantic tension between these two.
My favorite aspect of the book is Vicky. There are many instances of men trying to bully her around, even Kane, and she does not give in. She stands up for what she believes in and never falls under peer pressure, and I find that quite admirable in this heroine. Losing her father to The Destroyer, has greatly affected her life, and she lives everyday trying to honor her father in some way. As she says:
Nothing would make me give him up. Nothing. Not even Kane, so devoted to his cause that he’d sacrifice anything for it. I wondered if that included me.
She is smart, she has patience (which is a must since she has a zomibe intern) and she is determined to live her life her way.
This is Nancy Holzner’s debut in urban fantasy and it is a strong, welcome addition to the genre. Deadtown is a very solid start to what I hope are many adventures to come with Vicky.
Rating: Four Stars
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Nancy Holzner’s Website
Great review Mandi!
This does sound like a unique story and I enjoy UF with strong world building and characters!
Thanks for the review.
I have wanted to read this one ever since I started seeing it around the blogosphere – I'm glad it's getting good reviews, although it makes me want it more and I don't think it's out here in the UK, maybe a trip to Book Depository is in order! Thanks for the great review as always :)
Lea – Yes, very strong world and great characters :)
BCC – Book Despository to the rescue!
Deadtown looks like my kind of reading – I love a strong heroine who know what she wants. The copy I ordered just arrived this past Monday and I hope to read it very soon.
Thanks for the review!!
I loved Holzner's writing style for Deadtown, I thought it was really fresh and unique.
Loved your review Mandi.
Great review! This sounds like my kind of urban fantasy; I like an heroine who stands up for herself! I'll definitely want to read this one.
Thanks Mandi for the review, I have it added to my buy list. Have a good one :)
I've seen this in the store whre I work, but wanted to wait to see what a few people said in their reviews. Looks likes this one will be making its way to the top of my to read list!
I don't know shy, but lately all these urban fantasies are beginning to sounds alike. Maybe I just need a break.
Humm, this sounds very intriguing. I am not sure how much of a zombie reader I am though. Guess I watch to many "Night of the Living Dead" with hubby to actually want to get in the book. But I may have to give this one a try…
I hope you are having a great day hon! Hugs to you!
Great review!
Donna – This is def your type of book!
Smokin – yes it is…I just loved the voice of Vicky
Kay – then you will definitely enjoy Vicky!
Ann Marie – Hop you enjoy it :)
Caitlin – all the reviews have been quite positive so far!
carolsnotebook – I don't know – I think the world that is built in this book has some twists that you don't see in a lot of UF – I will say this one, and Kelly Meding's Three Days to Dead have been my fav UF's recently.
Cecile – You have to give zombies a chance!! Tina, the zombie intern in this book is really cute and funny! Even though her skin does take on that pale green color..LOL.
I don't know, the romance sounds kind of meh. And that's usually the only part I care about with these kinds of books.
Romance is very low in this if you are looking for that, you won't be satisfied.
Thank you Mandi. I really like the sound of this, particularly the Welsh mythology! It's on my TBR list :)
…and by hanging out I mean they do dinner and the fun stuff afterwards.
Please explain *grin*
Well see Orannia, they go back to her place and turn the lights low and…well, I have to keep this blog PG
I read this one and have to say that I loved the world building and the main character, Vicki, has great potential to lead a series. However, I didn't find much to like about the supporting characters and hope that will change in the next book.