With a flirtatious new figure, her dream job as an archaeologist, and two gorgeous boyfriends to scratch her seductive Itch—an angel and a vampire—Jackie Brighton is totally getting the hang of life as a succubus.
Then her need for sex spirals out of control, and she accidentally knocks the pizza guy unconscious with her touch. Great, she’s cursed. Unfortunately, neither of her jealous lovers is exactly talking to her right now.
So after Jackie strikes a deal with a crafty demon, she and her best friend Remy take a cross-country road trip to deliver a cryptic message to the nation’s oldest succubus (who doesn’t look a day over eighteen.) Their journey gets weirder with every mile—demonic possession, a charming stalker, a deadly hotel room warning—but when they get to New Orleans, Jackie discovers a dangerous catch to her supernatural bargain. Someone wants her dead (again), but has she been sleeping with the enemy?
Or do the forces of evil think they’re some kind of match for a vixen in a miniskirt?
Succubi Like It Hot by Jill Myles (Succubus Diaries #2)
Available Now
Paranormal Romance
Paperback, 336 Pages
Pocket Books
Jackie thought she was getting her life back on track by taking a job with the New City University archaeological team. She has recently been turned into a succubus, which means she has to have sex every couple of days to sate the “itch” that arises. She turns to her two masters, fallen angel Noah and vampire Zane who more than willingly scratch the itch for her. However, these days, Jackie is noticing the need to have sex is increasing, to almost every day. One would think having sex with two beautiful and very sexy men wouldn’t be that much of a hardship, but Jackie soon discovers her need for more sex is going to have deadly consequences. It is hard to kill an immortal such as a succubus, but being cursed, is a sure, although slow way. Another side effect of the curse is wiping the brains of any mortal she touches. She puts them into a comatose state, and when she uses her succubus powers to reach into them to wake them up, she can’t find the person.
The only other succubus Jackie knows, is porn star Remy Summore (ram-me-some-more….HA) who is fast becoming a good, albeit unique friend. Remy has no idea who cursed Jackie nor how, but she has an idea how to find out. Remy is also dealing with her own demon possession, Joachim, from the first book, and Joachim often wants to come out and “play,” which soon causes many problems for Jackie. Remy suggests a trip to New Orleans to meet up with a very old Succubus, who is also a voodoo priestess. Jackie wants to get there as fast as she can, but Remy has a porn movie to promote and begs Jackie to go on a road trip. Reluctantly Jackie agrees.
Jackie is hesitant to tell Noah or Zane about the curse, with their already rocky relationship. In fact, Noah is tired of sharing Jackie and wants her to make a decision. Jackie is not ready to commit to one person, when Noah is not available during the night and vice versa for Zane. She needs them both, especially now that her sexual needs are greater. Noah is done with sharing and tells Jackie he needs space. Devastated, and not wanting to have sex with strangers on her road trip, she convinces Zane to come with her.
Not far into the trip, Zane discovers Jackie is cursed and abruptly leaves. Now Jackie is on her own, and very horny. Worse, she is being followed by a tall, dark stranger. Luc is willing to help Jackie make it to New Orleans, but Jackie doesn’t know if she can trust this stranger or if she can be with someone other than Zane and Noah. When threats and bloody bodies start surrounding Jackie, she hopes Zane or Noah will come to the rescue and find a cure for her curse, before it is too late.
Succubi Like it Hot is a really fun book. I enjoyed it so much!! While I liked the first book in the series, Gentlemen Prefer Succubi, I think this is the book where Jill Myles really hits her stride. While I found Jackie a little over the top and silly in the first book, in Succubi Like it Hot, she really starts coming to terms with her out of control life, yet she still will make you giggle throughout. She really is at the mercy of men to feed her sex needs, or she will eventually die. It is almost like she lost a little bit of the cocky, sarcastic attitude and the realization of her new life starts to sink in. Plus, with the curse that is slowly killing her, her immortality is in question, and she becomes desperate to find a cure. At one point in the book, she says she has to start doing things for herself. She can’t care if Zane or Noah or an innocent gets hurt, which is something always on her mind. She gains some independence with the realization that she has to make decisions to save her own life.
While Remy has no problem having sex with anything that moves, Jackie just can’t have sex with strangers. She trusts (to a certain degree) Zane and Noah. That trust is really tested when Zane takes off at the beginning of their road trip. While I was all for Team Zane (yes I must declare teams) in Gentlemen Prefer Succubi, Succubi Like It Hot gives you lots of time to come to love Noah, and I must say, I fell hard for him. Don’t get me wrong, he has his secrets too – and Jackie knows it. But he truly loves Jackie and really tries to prove that in this book. Noah isn’t perfect though. Jackie has a hard time trusting Zane because he takes off and keeps many secrets. Yet at the same time, Noah spouts off commands to Jackie and because he is her master, she has no choice but to follow. While both men declare they only have their best intentions towards Jackie, they both follow through on actions that puts doubts in Jackie’s mind.
There are a few instances where Jackie overlooks details that really stood out. Threats written on mirrors, certain people turn up very, very dead, people stalking her and she just kind of brushes it off at first, without much concern. I feel like she should have been a little more in tune with the warning signs around her. I also sometimes question the absolute love and devotion Noah and Zane give to Jackie, for not knowing her very long. However, these books run over the span of weeks, and as the reader you don’t see every interaction with them, so I suppose there has been a solid basis for a relationship.
The end of the book is going to give you the itch until the third book comes out! I even had a little sniffle. This book is still full of plenty of humor and lots of hot sexin’ by the boys. One of my favorite scenes is with Noah in the shower. I have to agree with Jackie when she says it is “the best shower I’d ever had.”
Succubi Like It Hot is steamy, full of laughs and just an all around entertaining book. The Succubus Diaries series has made it onto my favorites list.
Rating: 4/5
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Jill Myles’ website.
Ok I only read the last paragraph and your rating…Im excited!!! I start this book this week! Shower scene…*sigh…I love Noah! ;o)
I'm definitely picking up book 1 and 2. Great review.
Monroe – :) Definitely looking forward to talking with you!!!
Bells – This is a series I really think you will enjoy. Read it so we can tweet about it! ;)
This sounds like a really fun, entertaining read. Think I will add it to my tbr. Thanks for the review :)
BCC – It is definitely entertaining!
Great review Mandi. You do understand I have a weakness for hot shower scenes. All that steam, water, lathering each other up and bump and grinding of bodies :) I'm glad I have book one and two waiting for me, like I mentioned earlier, I am in need of a good dose of humor.
I'm picking it up today! Finally it is available.
Great review, thanks. I added books 1 & 2 to my goodreads to-read shelves, with a note to remind me that you said book 2 is even better than 1. Very helpful :)
Leontine – Oh yes…Jackie ends up very dirty and Noah has lots of cleaning to do! ;) He calls her "My dirty girl" during that scene..and it is more of a sweet moment between the two of them. SWOON.
Stacy – cool! I hope you like it as much as you liked Gentlemen!
Greytfriend – Great! I definitely enjoyed book 1, I just thought this one was just a little better :)
Shower scene… I am in!!!!
Great review honey, I am still trying to get my hands on the first book! And now… after reading this review… I might have to see about snatching it up sooner rather than later! Great review honey… You leave me wanting a little more of Noah, have to admit it!
Hope all is well honey!
This series is getting a lot of buzz. I wasn't sure about a succubi for a heroine, but I might just go ahead and give it a try anyway. I do like good humor.
Cecile – in your words – both Zane and Noah are "sex on a stick" LOL!
Jill- Jackie is a very likable heroine…she is a succubus with a very loud conscious. And funny :)
Great review Mandi, you sure makes me wanna read it. And yay cos I will be able to read book 1, well when I get it
That does it! I'm scrapping my entire TBR list and reading these books! Ok, I can't scrap my list but I really want to push these to the top. Your reviews temp in my ways that should be illegal LOL. :)
You're so bad for my TBR tower, it's already nearly falling over because of all the books you make me buy ;) and now another one! *sigh* I can't help myself, I want to read this series, although I'm not sure about both men leaving her alone with her curse in this book… is there even some sort of HEA?!
Blodeuedd – lol..well I hope you get it soon :)
FV – do it! Scrap your tbr! Be crazy!
ERR – The second book ends without a definite HEA (just like the first). I know there is a third book coming out early next year. I don't know if there is a definite HEA at the end of the series or not…At this point, I have no idea who I want anyway..LOL.
Maybe I better wait a year… O_o … for your review on the third (last?) book ;)
I'm getting this one today or tomorrow 'cuz I'm so ready for some more laughs and sexy scenes. :D
Great review – I've heard really good things about this series so will definitely be getting them at some point :o)
You review so well Mandi!
The book sounds like a fun read, but…the succubus side gives me pause. I guess you can't read them all :)
ERR – No! You must "suffer" with me ;) Although there is not a definite HEA at the end of each book, there is LOTS of romance.
Donna – Yay:)
Sarah – great!!
Orannia – LOL..you are not the first person who has told me that recently. I seem to get that reaction to zombies a lot too…
Jackie is a very likable heroine in my opinion. She isn't sucking the life out of people as some succubus do. She needs to get her sexin' fix :)
Damn you Mandi *shakes fist* I just picked up book 1 and WILL be reading it shortly.
P.S. Anderson looks mighty fine on your side bar, mighty fine.
Don't be violent about it! ;)
*throws kisses to Anderson* He makes my blog a happier place ;)
OH then hellllll yeah I gotta get these books!!!!! Thanks for putting that in my head now, lol!!
Have a great night hon!
LOL-you will LOVE these books..they are so your style. You need to read them so we can discuss! ;)