My favorite television show, one that I have been with since day one is starting its final season tonight *sob*. While I am so excited to finally get all the answers (and we better get them all) I’m a little sad it is almost done.
What I am looking forward to:
Juliette and Sawyer forever! Juliette’s not dead right? Yes she got blown to little bits and pieces in the hole last season..but that was in 1974. Does that make her dead in present day?? Does it?? *SOB* I need to know!!!! Sawyer also needs to spend the entire season without his shirt, mm’kay? And let’s take a moment to look at the nice facial hair – le swoon.
I do look forward to Jack getting blown to bits and pieces. What?
I love Hurley and really hope he ends up with a very happy ending! I say “dude” obsessively because of him. And I may have once used “his” numbers to play the lottery. I didn’t win like he did.
Finally, how funny are these guys? This is the kind of stupid stuff I spend my money on. But seriously, how awesome is John Locke? All of them are pretty cool!
Husband and I have a date night planned – I will be eating good food, drinking excellent wine (maybe not out of a box this time!) and watching my favorite show:)
The Booksmugglers have an excellent Lost post. Check it out HERE.
Wow, now that is a great evening planned, enjoy it Mandi. I think I will borrow the seasons from my brother and watch them in 2 months or so. I haven't kept track of this series after season one so I think I will be hopelessly lost (pun intended LOL)
I keep dreaming of a spin off with Sawyer and Hurley as "The Odd Couple meets The Bad Girls in a different Survivor island each week for challenges to see who wins Sawyer for the night and who wins Hurley for the night".
Lost..Lost…LOST!!!! yay!! Im so with you Mandi, im both eagerly excited that its back and sobbing loudly into my hankie that its the last EVAH series!
I will be majorly pissed if we dont get ALL the answers, they've confoozed me enough! and that Sawyer IS shirtless.nekkid through the entire season =D
Im a brit so gotta watch it online tomoz…shhh no tellin ;)
have a great LOST night hun! Tweet how smexi Sawyer was..K ?
I really have my fingers crossed for the final season of LOST. I was so disappointed in last season. Enjoy your hubby, wind and food and most of all Sawyer.
I can't wait for Lost to start back tonight! I really hope Juliette and Sawyer find a way to be together and I also hope Sawyer spends the entire season without his shirt. I just want to finally know what the hell is really going on with the island.
Good times!
I stopped watching after the first or second season. I don't have a clue wth is going on. I'll probably end up watching it in a year or so, lol. Enjoy the evening :)
Gasp….another Gasp…."not drinking wine out of a box." Waz happening to you! It's Mr KC's b-day so he gets to watch whatever he wants dammit.
LOL. Lost Lego Peeps!! Too funny.
I'm currently on Season 3 (our family bought every season so far and I'm having my turn with them now) Unfortunatly the last season is airing-right now!!! So I have to TiVo all of them until I get a chance to watch the rest.
My sweetie and I had date night too, and he actually postponed Lost for me! I guess he knows who rates in his world… ;-)
Plus, we have DVR.
And I'd have to fight you for Sayid. He's mine! Although I haven't been current with Lost for the past 2, maybe 3, seasons.
Do you know I have never watch this show – just something about the insulated setting does me in…
I know people in my office that call in sick and hold marathaon sesion of this show….
I love your toys…
I also have a full set of Powerpuff girls – I dare you to say my girls are not action figures….LOL
I like the bald head guy (don't know his name in Lost) – I know of him from the show Millenium – One of my all time favourite show…