In Seattle’s undead circles, Amanda Feral is one of the beautiful zombies. Of course, when you’re socializing with werewolves, devils, and rampaging yetis, there’s not that much competition. Still, Amanda has a stylish rep to maintain, which is getting tricky now that her tanking ad agency is obliterating her finances. The fastest way to make some cash: appear on a new reality show, American Minions, hosted by lecherous wood nymph Johnny Birch. Classy? Maybe not, but a girl’s gotta eat. With zombie gal pal Wendy posing as her bitchy agent, Amanda settles in to ‘Minions Mansion’, crowded with 24-7 video cameras and undead fame whores. When Johnny is found incinerated in a locked room, Amanda decides to channel her inner Miss Marple (minus the ugly cardigans) and find out who’s responsible. Was it Hairy Sue, the white trash stripper yeti? Tanesha, the glamorous trannie werewolf? Angie, the Filipino vampire with a detachable head? Unveiling the culprit in a heart-stopping finale won’t just save the show from cancellation, it might just keep Amanda alive – or as close as a ghoul can get…
Battle of the Network Zombies by Mark Henry (Amanda Feral #3)
Urban Fantasy
February 23, 2010
Paperback, 288 Pages
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: That sharp intake of breath you heard was Wendy and me judging Gil’s decision making. It was done through our teeth and not silently, as you might have observed. It’s not good judgment, if there’s no whistle.
Why I read: It was offered for review, and this series makes me laugh like no other.
Stylish Amanda Feral has found herself with a bit of a problem – lack of funds. To keep her zombie self in the height of fashion takes work, and money. Even more important than her designer clothes is her body, which takes work to keep the scratches, gashes and body parts all intact. When a zombie gets a boo-boo it doesn’t heal, and they must turn to the reapers to patch them up, which comes with a high price tag. The reapers want payment – now. Amanda’s advertising firm took a turn for the worse when it was discovered that their new product, Necrophilique contained large amounts of fecal matter – not too attractive to prospective buyers.
All is not lost though – the resourceful Amanda has been invited on to a supernatural reality show, American Minions. Seeing the potential for a lot of money to be made, she reluctantly agrees. Wendy wiggles her way on the show as well, and the two of them get a little more than they bargained for when the host of the show turns up dead. Refusing to admit defeat (and just a little scared of the reapers) Amanda and Wendy take over the camera.
Meanwhile, Gil is battling a “gift” that a fellow lover left for him (involves painful urination, something Gil hasn’t done for decades) and Amanda and her sexy werewolf lover Scott find their relationship on the rocks. Amanda has plans to win him back – never underestimate a zombie on a mission.
Battle of the Network Zombies is the third installment in the Amanda Feral series and again, a wonderfully witty, fun book. Amanda must deal with her lack of money and her rotting body. For as snobby and stylish Amanda is, her body is a rotting time bomb. Any damage her body receives, even as little as a scratch, does not heal. So she is at the mercy of the reapers to fix her up, and that costs money. I love the contradiction to Amanda who is so fixated on looks and so quick to judge, yet underneath her designer duds is skin so pale and grey, and rotting breath. She accepts being a zombie full force, yet, she really does have to deal with disgusting issues.
Her relationship with Scott goes much deeper in this book, as he decides he has had enough of her shallow attempt at a relationship. When Scott walks away, Amanda dare I say, is sad. She realizes what she lost and is determined to get him back. Their love story is sweet in this book, and I found myself rooting for them to get back together.
Wendy and Gil round out the trio. Wendy is still battling her chocolate addiction and is there to support Amanda in her own special way. Gil is also looking for love, although his recent lover gave him more than he bargained for, he finds someone in an unlikely time.
In the past month, I have read all three books in the Amanda Feral series and I have enjoyed them so much. They bring something different to the urban fantasy genre, and I really hope we have not read the last of this great series. To do my part to help “Save Amanda Feral” I am offering up one book of the series – your choice.
The series includes:
Happy Hour of the Damned
Road Trip of the Living Dead
Battle of the Network Zombies
To be entered in the giveaway, just let me know what book you would like to receive. Contest is open through Saturday night, and I will announce the winner Sunday.
Rating: 4/5
Recent Reviews:
P.S. If you need more snark, pop on over to Wicked Little Pixie’s blog where Amanda is offering advice. Ask away ;)
Very good review! These books sound very interesting and funny. I think I'll choose Happy Hour of the Damned
Awesome review! I loved this series and I hope there are more books =(
No need to enter me in the giveaway! =)
This series sounds so great – I bought Happy Hour of the Damned (to help save Amanda Feral) but I would love to have the second book in the series, if I win please. Thanks for the review and for the contest!
I can totally see horror and comedy working together. But I am still having a hard time imagining zombies and romance together, especially with all of the gory details of zombie life. These books sound really funny but I'm having a hard time jumping onto the zombie bandwagon. Are there….ah… scenes? How does that work exactly? Are body parts falling off during the act? I am just not getting this whole thing….
I haven't read this series so I would like Happy Hour of the Damned. Thank you so much! These look awesome.
Penny – These books are foremost comedies. Then UF, then romance.
Yes, in the second and third books there is a sex scene or two…while it is pretty much a normal (or as normal as Mark Henry gets :) ) scene, in one particular moment, Amanda does have to deal with the repercussions of having sex as a zombie. No body parts fall off…but legs do become dislocated :)
Amanda and Wendy stay intact throughout the series :) BUT he portrays them as very realistic zombies – lol. They have issues.
You need to read the first one! I'm entering you for it! LOL.
Okay, I love comedy and horror, so you've convinced me to give this a try. Thanks for entering me in the contest! :)
I'm imagining…
"I love you, honey."
"I love you, too."
They kiss. And then he accidentally bites her lips off.
That would suck.
These books sound awesome! I love to laugh and be scared, ha ha
Battle of the Network Zombies for me please!
Great review and contest. My choice would be Happy Hour of the Damned. Thanks.
Great review – I really want to read this series! Thanks for hosting the giveaway, if I won I'd pick the first book Happy Hour of the Damned :o)
sarahsreviews at ymail dot com
I can't wait to start the series. Seems like the books get even better as they go. Nice review Mandi.
I must read Mark Henry for the snark alone. I just bumped him up higher on my TBR pile after your review Mandi.
Mandi since I am now the proud owner of my first Amanda book (when my copy gets to me from mailing purgatory) I would choose book 2 "Road Trip Of the Living Dead if won the drawing. Love "Save Amanda Feral" posts everywhere and dearly hope it works so Mark can keep on writing the series!!!
jackie b central texas
I loved the first book and would love to be in with the chance of winning Road Trip please. :)
I would love to read Happy Hour of the Damned!
Great post, Smexy!
Great review. I would like to read Happy Hour of the Damned.
I loved the first two books were great. I am really looking forward to getting a copy of Battle of the Network Zombies to see what Amanda is up to now. So thats also the one I would choose as I have the first two.
I would like to read Happy Hour Of The Damned being that I have never before read this series..
I love the snaky humor of Mark Henry and would love to get my hands on "Road Trip of the Living Dead"
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
Sounds like a brilliant series. I would have to go with Happy Hour for the Dead since I haven't read any of them yet.
I was so moved by all the 'Save Amanda Feral' banners that I went out and bought both 'Happy Hour of the Damned' and 'Road Trip of the Living Dead' – just to show my support (though I haven't started reading them… yet!)
Now I just need 'Battle of the Network Zombies' to complete my collection. And I hope Mark Henry gets contracted for more Amanda books… fingers crossed! Though Lord knows the blogosphere are helping any way they can!
Great review!
Would love to have Happy Hour of the Damned, as I have not read any of this series yet.
Zombies and flesh, but they sounds so wicked cool ;)
If it is open worldwide then I'd love the first one
oh yes, open worldwide :)
I so loved and occasionally winced at Happy hour – I'm happy that the other 2 books sound just as good! I'd like Road Trip of the Living Dead to continue the snarkiness!
Since I have the first 2 books I would love Battle of the Network Zombies :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I loved Happy Hour of the Damned, and I have Road Trip on order. So, I would love a copy of Battle of the Network Zombies.
I love Amanda!!!
Hi Mandi!
thanks for a great review – I haven't read a book of this series yet, but your review for book 1 sounds fantastic and I would love to read that one *gg*
have a great day,
Great Review. I love humor in a book as it usually comes when you need a break.LOL
I would love a copy of Battle of the Network Zombies.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I would love to win Road Trip of the Living Dead.
Please enter me! I would love to start this series so if I win it would have to be Happy Hour of the Damned! Thanks so much!
These look so good. I would like to start at the beginning. I would love to win Happy Hour of the Damned.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
This website is a good I loved it to a great extend