I have DNF’s or “Did Not Finish” books sometimes, and last week it happened to be two M/M romances.
First up, The Dark Farewell by Josh Lanyon. I made it about halfway through the books and by no means is it written poorly. I think it is a combination of the subject matter and the love interest of the hero that turned me off. It is the story of David Flynn, a reporter who visits a small mining town where a massacre occurred the previous year. There is much background into the tragedy that took place and Flynn ends up in a boarding house while researching. It is here he meets Julian, a man who claims he can speak with the departed – putting on shows in town and throwing out tidbits here and there from people’s dead relatives. Flynn is extremely skeptical of Julian, that is until he predicts the death of one of the members of the boarding house. Flynn is oddly attracted to Julian and this is what lost me a bit. I just didn’t understand the two of them and why they felt drawn to each other. I didn’t feel a spark or even a common interest among them. And like I said, the mining massacre topic just did not interest me.
However, many have found this book favorable – here are some other opinions:
Well-Read – Excellent
Reviews by Jessewave – 4.75/5
Second, The Shunned by Jay Hughes. I mentioned this book in a post last week and I was very curious to read a m/m erotic Amish romance. However, I couldn’t make it past a third of the way in. The very beginning starts relatively well and at first I enjoyed James and his tale of leaving the Amish life behind him and starting a life of his own. He ran away from everything he knew, finding himself in an Amish halfway house, and eventually in college with a part-time job as Whole Foods – where he meets Fred Billingsly. Fred is a defense lawyer representing mobsters, and has created many enemies. Fred comes from a long line of wealthy family members, and has quite the exquisite lifestyle. He flirts with James in the parking lot of the grocery store, and James decides, what the heck and gets in the car and goes off with a complete stranger to his house. James is a virgin, and has never even kissed another man before. Before you know it, he is eating dinner with Fred, when machine guns start blasting through the house..apparently an upset mobster. Fred and James flee to the panic room. Here, while machine fire is still going off, waiting for the police to arrive, Fred decides this is the perfect time for James to lose his virginity, and James agrees. Wait…what? Then they get thrown into the witness protection program, and sent back to Amish country. I had to stop at this point. Besides a plot that was weak, I couldn’t stand the sleazy character of Fred.
I haven’t seen any other reviews yet of this book, but I know a few blogger buddies who will be reviewing this in the near future. I am interested to see other’s opinions. While The Dark Farewell is written well, just the subject matter that I did not connect with, The Shunned I cannot recommend.
Alas! Having two DNFs so close together is never good.
If you're still interested in a m/m romance with an Amish hero, you could try Love Means… No Shame by Andrew Grey. I read it recently and liked it a lot :)
Chris-I know! Bummer!
SL-thanks so much for the rec!!!
Josh Lanyon could write a recipe book and I would probably read it. AS for Shunned, well I'm about 30 pages in and have a few niggles. I do like the Amish dude though.
Josh Lanyon is one of my favorite writers…just couldn't get into this one.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on Shunned….
Two DNF in a row – poor Mandi! *hugs* I still have three Adrian English books to read before I can branch into his other books (yes, I'm slow, but I'm currently surrounded by manga :) but…I liked the sound of The Dark Farewell. I'm still going to read Strange Fortune before I try it though – your review of SF had me adding it to the TBR list. Actually, I think that's how I discovered your blog :) What a good day that was!
Hmmm. The Shunned. That's the second DNF I've read. I can't see someone jumping from one extreme to the other so quickly…sounds like it had potential but then the plot when haywire in the middle?
Mandi – I hope your next m/m book is a great read!
sometimes characters just don't click. It's understandable. I try to stay away from books that are too sad. I can't take it emotionally. Like books or movies that end sad (NO country for old men, etc) It stays with me for too long.
Better luck next time.
orannia – currently surrounded by manga?? Oooh..I must learn more :)
Kayanna – Yes, sometimes they just don't!
ps – No Country For Old Men – *sob*
wow Mandi bad book week for you! :( I kept hearing about the amish thing and was skeptical LOL. I will pick up Lanyons because I have sworn to buy everything he writes even if I don't like it LOL
Lanyon will always be an auto-buy for me :)
OoooO I am sad for you. :(
Last month was my DNF high. I think I had around 8. :(
Somethings these things happen – At least you gave it a shot…
Hope your latest is treating you lots better…
The Shunned sounds pretty bad. I'm shocked you didn't like a Josh Lanyon book, though! D:
Ok what?
Do not go home with strangers, do not loose your virginity while mobsters are shooting outside, and I haev heard the witness protection thing in Amish country before
Hmm sorry you had two so close together. Sometimes it happens though. :(
The first one sounds like one I may want to give a go, and your right, the second just sounds ridiculous.
Bummer about the DNFs, Mandi :( Though a hero deciding to give it up for the 1st time while mobsters are shooting outside the door would have me going huh? too.
Man DNFs are always a bummer! Hopefully your next read is better – the amish angle on the second book is interesting though..so many naughty amish possibilities ;)
There are a lot of naughty amish possibilities ;)
Wow, I know how much you like Josh Lanyon so the subject matter must really not have been to your liking…
As far as the Amish story goes, I thought it would involve Rumspringa or something, mobsters did not cross my mind at all!
Well that stinks sweetie! :'( Youre next book is SURE to be a winner! ;o)
So sorry that you had two disappointments that close together. I don't think I'll ever try The Shunned my self. That plot doesn't just sound complex, it sounds complicated and almost confusing.