Everyone knows I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. Everyone also knows I love a good male/male romance book. So it should come as no surprise that I have always wanted Vishous and Butch to get it on. J.R. Ward has teased us throughout the series with their moments of lust between them. For example, in Lover Revealed, when Butch gets sick after his run-in with the Omega, he is in the makeshift hospital room. V, watches Butch and Marissa get it on from a monitor:
V stopped dead.
On the glowing screen closest to him, he saw Marissa lying on the bed on top of Butch. …..V rubbed his jaw, dimly aware that under his weapons and his leathers, his skin had grown hot. God….damn….Butch’s palm was slowly sliding up Marissa’s spine now…
Jesus, V could just hear the sound…Yeah…he could hear it. And from out of nowhere an odd yearning feeling flickered through him. Shit. What exactly in this scenario did he want?
Oh, we know what you want V! There is also the scene from Butch’s induction ceremony:
Vishous stepped in close and slid his hand from Butch’s shoulder to the back of his neck. “Your flesh,” V breathed. Then he paused, as if asking for something.
Without thinking, Butch titled his chin up, aware that he was offering himself, aware that he..oh, fuck……
…Butch closed his eyes and absorbed the feel of it all, the warmth of their bodies so close, the way V’s hair felt soft on his jaw, the slide of a powerful male arm as it slipped around his waist.
So today I have a little fun, and go through my scenario to get rid of the two pesky females in their lives, so Vishous and Butch can finally be together.
At the brotherhood mansion – Lash and lessers have come to attack!
Lash: Muwahaha – we have your women. You will never defeat us!
Marissa: Oh my Scribe Virgin!! Someone save us! And remind me to get some baby powder – this scent works great on me. Jane what are we going to do?
Jane: Boo!
Marissa: Oh Jane, you suck at being a ghost! Hey Rhage, get your dragon ass over here and help us out!
Lash: Rhage? Damn I’m outtie.
Butch: Hey asshole! You just ate my woman! Poor Marissa! You stupid Dinosaur!! Do you not have a brain up in that head of yours. Watch how it is done moron! I’ll suck up the Lesser like he is nothing!
Butch: Oh god…my tummy hurts. Lesser overdose.
Vishous: NOOOO! You sucked up Jane when you sucked up the Lesser. True?
Butch: Ooops. Dude, she got in the way…no wonder my stomach hurts so bad.
Vishous: Butch, wait – do you know what this means?
Butch: *BURP* Jane is giving me indigestion. I need your healing touch man. I need you to light me up.
Vishous: Oh, I’m going to light you up baby. Our women are both gone. May they rest in the fade, or in your stomach, or whatever. But now we are free – free to be with each other.
Butch: You mean – as lovers? Our forbidden passion can come into the open now? We don’t have to make out in the Pit in secret anymore?
Vishous: That’s right man. I want you to put on that special hospital gown..cause daddy is going to play doctor.
And Butch and Vishous live happily ever after….
Up for grabs today is a signed copy of Lover Mine! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment. Contest open to everyone and it will run through Saturday, April 24th. I will announce the winner on Sunday.
And make sure to stop by Fiction Vixen’s tomorrow, where I hear Zsadist and Bella are having marriage trouble and you will have a chance to win another signed copy of Lover Mine. Fiction Vixen is also posting her review today!
lol. Seriously funny! thanks for entertaining me while I inhale my morning coffee! :)
LMAO! Best. Scenario. EVER.
Oh Smexi. That was freaking hilarious! I captured V's personality perfectly. LOL ! "True?" HAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, Thank you for that. It totally woke me up. :D
Oh Mandi, the action figures and the water bottle/Jane/ghost. I don't even know what to say except bravo. Please include me in the contest and thanks for making my Tuesday morning! :)
Girl you really crack me up!
Great post!
That is pretty freaking hilarious. What a great way to start the day.
That was awesome! And why do I find that last picture sexy? I'm having serious BDB withdrawal – I can't wait another week!
Oh, Mandi! You are the best! I can't stop laughing! Thanks for this awesome start to the day….
Ha Ha I love V he's one and only :)
LMAO You're too funny! (Boo! – lol)
ROFL! I heart you so much! Perfect awesomeness! Thanks for the chance!
Cracked me up first thing in the morning!!!! Loved it. True?
You know I am so over the Ward books – but that was seriouly funny…
P.S. – who is going to tell your son that "The Dragon" ate Daphne…. Be warned, boys are very possesive of their Daphne (speaking from experience here)
Thanks for the chuckles…
You made me laugh out loud at work, and I'm a librarian!
"Daddy is going to play doctor" HAHAHAH seriously funny!!
oh if only!
Agree with Wendy, best scenario ever Mandi!
The BEST Tuesday pick me up! Though I would have settled for the hot sex scene without the HEA (HEHEHEHE). Gotta have your priorities, you know?
That was such a cute post. I would love to be entered to win this book!
I am a follower!
OMG I may have just wet myself! I am not one for M/M BUT I will say those V and Butch moments made me think twice! Thanks for the laugh hun!
Funny stuff! This is the first time I've commented but its long overdue. JR Ward's BDB series was my first paranormal series and I was hooked from the excerpt of Dark Lover. And Mandi, yours is the first blog I started following and its still my fave. Thanks!
LMAO..that cracked me up.
if only :)
That was great! Hilarious…
You are so twisted…but funny as hell! Love the scene! I was so tickled, I almost choked on my tea!
HAHA, Love it! I've always loved V's and Butch's relationship. It goes beyond a regular friendship but not to the point of being a relationship. It keeps you on that line.
Stephanie G
SQUEEEEEE!!!!!! lmao
Nothing says good morning like waking up to Butch & V forbidden love scenes played out through dolls.
Could my day get any better?
Only if I win. :)
Too stinking funny! What a great way to start my day. I agree, Butch and V are hot, and I for one loved Butch's induction seen. Smokin!!!!
Thank you for this!!! You are awesome and know just what we want!!! V AND BUTCH FOREVER!!!!
K-Khan (The Other Half of Smokinhotbooks)
"cause daddy's gonna play doctor'…oooo, yes, mama like! I think i'll just print this out and paste it as an epilogue in V's book.
Thanks for all the comments;) Butch and V forever! Lol:)
See, this IS how it should have been. :)
HAHAHAHA. Fabulous.
Butch and V 4 EVA! ;)
Uggg I am not on the V and Butch bandwagon, but that…was funny.
This was definitely one of those "cover your mouth and nose so no one hears you snort" kinda things :)
I'm not a fan of V and Butch but I admit that was funny. :)
That is hysterical. Thanks so much for the laugh. I needed it.
Oh god, i just LOL'd so hard… you even had pictures! <3
Sounds hot! We have to hound Ward! Someone should link her up to your blog ;-p
OMG I have spit coffee out of my nose onto my iMac! My co-workers are looking at me like I'm crazy and I can't show them this post cause they wouldn't get it…
You rock chick. That made my morning.
Haha that was just too funny! If only that really did happen, sigh. Butch & V 4eva.
Made my day. I was annoyed with V's book with at how easy he got over Butch. J.R. Ward totally messed up that one!
That was fabulous!! I love the Butch and V moments and I always knew they were making time together in the pit when no one else was around;) Have LM marked on my calendar – Can't wait!!
That was fabulous!! I love the Butch and V moments and I always knew they were making time together in the pit when no one else was around;) Have LM marked on my calendar – Can't wait!!
Obsess much? ROFL! That was funny.
Love it! You and the Warden should get together to collaborate!
Please post more dioramas – we need some team Qhuay action! Oh, and could you do one with me and Wrath? That would totally rock! ;)
This is way too funny! I especially like the electric blue & green fatigue pants!
Thanks for the laugh!
Your creativity is dangerous to those of us reading this while drinking coffee! Too funny.
Mmmm, love V!
ROTFLMAO! Thanks for a good jump start to my morning!
Too funny!!
Let me just tell you that you made my day!!!! But now all I can picture is V and Butch naked. OH MY!!! I don't think I will get anymore work done today.
That was awesome!! Good use of props, too! LOL! But, honestly, can you imagine a whole book devoted to V and Butch's relationship? That would be m/m heaven! ;)
RIP Marissa and Jane
Oh my goodness… i'm laughing so hard i have tears in my eyes. Finally Butch and V can be together! I would say that I'm sorry to see Jane and Marissa go, but then I would be lying. Besides I wouldn't mind being in the middle of a Butch and V sandwich. Great job Smexy!
LMAO!! So funny, good job Mandi!!
Your hilarious Mandi! Thanks for sharing your lovely V&B "comic strip" ;)
Re-posted your contest at: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2010/04/win-lover-mine-at-smexy-books.html
Cherry Mischievous
mischivus101-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
I just want to comment on how I literally laughed out loud when I saw that you made Jane an actual ghost. My son even asked "What's so funny?" so thanks for that! :)
Awesomely scenario and great use of those little boys' toys. I'll never look at Power Rangers, Scooby Doo figurines & G.I. Joes (is that what those are?) the same again. :oP
LMAO Mandi! If only Ward could have given us a similar moment between the two. Great review on LoverMine and thanks for the contest!
cute post!
OMFG! This was hilarious. You should be a writer and a director! This was too perfect! I don't think I will ever get my computer screen clean of coffee now. I so like your version better!
Amy J
Oh yeah. That's what needs to happen. You resolved all the annoyances! Yes!
I'm in for the contest.
*puts on serious face* I found this post to be really authentic on who B and V would really interact especially with your 'burp and true' quote.
OMFG I'm giggling and reading your post illegally at work. Stop making me laugh! The fact that you swiveled V's figurine to show the 'glove' was a nice attention to detail.
OMG I am dying here!!
Butch: Oh god…my tummy hurts. LMAO!!!!!
That is seriously too funny! LOL! You are the best!
Love it! But then, V can do no wrong for me… LOL
Ohmygod, I might actually die from laughing so hard! HILARIOUS!
Hilarious! Pure Awesome. :)
You're too much, Mandi.
I would like to win a copy of LM, PLZKTHX. Because I am too cheap to buy the hardback.
Oh how I love this V and Butch action. We need to see more of these for all books. Great Visual. Loved the Dragon. "Boo" and "True" were making me crack up, I really needed that today!
I am going to link this on my blog!
LOL That was hilarious.
LOL. Reading this at school was a bad idea, but it was hilarious.
"my tummy hurts"
Lover Mine cover looks awesome and can't wait to read it.
thank you for the hilarious entertainment
I am not into M/M but something about Butch and V really gets to me, the softness, utter straight maleness of the whole situation with the sexy undertones…hmmm
anyway your scenario- too funny though nto quite as sexy as I would have imagined them finally getting together would be
What a fun post, cracked me up! tWarner419!aol.com
LMAO! Brilliant :o) I love the pics too! I always wanted V & Butch to get it on
lol, good post. I'm so excited for Lover Mine :)
HA HA HA! oh…. *clutches sides*
You're too funny, but oh yeah true love at least, nothing was more sexy when those in one of the books got a bit close, I just wished they could have gotten real close ;)
All in!
OK. You just about got me fired for laughing so loud! You are nto alone in your Butch & V fantasies.
OK. You just about got me fired for laughing so loud! You are nto alone in your Butch & V fantasies.
Oh shit! That was friggin funny!
Oh, seriously… LMAO… you just made my day. ;P
No need for the book, though. :)
Love it!!! We have been seriously teased with that possible Butch/V story line, then to be shut down without even one m/m scene?? Cruelty!!
OMG! That was the funniest thing ever… You must show this to The Warden… =)
ROFL! I can't wait until you get into stop-motion animation! :D I SO need to get the next book so I can continue this series!!! :)
Thats how it should have been. Thanks for the laugh and I'd love to win a copy.
Is somebody going to pick my ass up off the floor???
That was freakin' hilarious!!! Thank you for that.
(please don't enter me. I've pre-ordered my copy :))
OMG! That had me roflmao! What a great scenario! I loved that Rhage did Marissa in – she needed to be burned to a crisp! lol Thanks for the great laugh!
Oh – and count me in to the contest, please. :)
Ahahah! That was too much! Seriously funny stuff. xD
Lmao that made my day!!
Please can I enter pretty pwease, I will never get to see the Warden and with this fricking ash cloud looks like I won't get out of the country for a long while either!!
OMG…That was so funny. I would have loved to have read a couple of scenes where they got together before they both found their women. I think they would have been a HOT couple.
OMG You've got me cracking up so bad! Thanks so much for the laugh!
Miranda ~ SweetVernal Zephyr
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com
Mandi, I'm trying to leave a comment…but I'm laughing too hard!
I'm having the WORST day! Thank the Scribe Virgin I had a fellow BDB lover email me this link this morning. You just made all the crap I'm dealing with go away for a while!!!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! You are hilarious!
LOL! That was funny!
I will have to wait to enjoy the pictures until I get home tonight, but the text was hilarious. I loved Lash's 'I'm outtie' (which has to be the most hated word ever).
And I'm with you…Butch & V should definitely have been together. Bring on Qhuay!
This was wonderfully brilliant.
If you're happy to have an entry from New Zealand, I'd love to be in the draw for the book. If you don't (especially since it's a hardcover), I certainly understand.
Kerry – I mean everybody! ;)
That was too funny! :)
Throw in a few more swear words and your have a perfect Ward short story. Good job dear! I never liked Jane anyways!
*sighs* I've always loved these two together – even when they are mooning over girls together there is all that repressed!sexual tension…
"cause daddy is going to play doctor."
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
I am in stitches… and strangely turned-on.
That was great! And that is exactly how I picture Jane in my head! How did you know?!
Can't wait for LM – esp after the great review!
Thanks for the laughs
Even better than the Lego vampire movies I saw on a blog yesterday! And proof positive that we never need to grow up:) Excellent!!
Listen, I'd settle for the dragon if you're giving stuff away! :D
HAHAHA..you would have to battle my four yr old for the dragon ;)
Okay, I haven't read this series, so I have no idea what's going on here. But it was still funny. ;)
Hahaha reading the scenario was hilarious! Please count me in!
OMG!! That was the funniest thing ever! I'm actually in pain right now from the coffee that flew out of my nose from all the laughter. Thanks so much for brightening my day and who knows, you might have to create something similar if our beloved Qhuay doesn't happen the way we want.
Please count me in for this, I SSSSOOOOO want to win!
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Love it! If only…
this is made of awesome, seriously I about snorted an animal cracker up my nose laughing at this.
and just when I thought I couldn't love you any more, there was this….
Vishous: That’s right man. I want you to put on that special hospital gown..cause daddy is going to play doctor.
I heart you. that is all.
p.s. count me in!!
DUDE! OMG…I was dying laughing through this whole thing. lol.
OMG! I heart you smexy and I am seriously jealous you got this book early.
Your scenario is so funny. Would love to win a copy of Lover Mine. Can't wait to read it.
Loved it! Now about that copy of Love Mine….
Okay, reading that makes me want to read lover revealed all over again for the 13546546th time!!! The way to loose the shellans is perfect and we should throw Mary in the mix so I can snatch Rhage!!! I hope I win the book!
*hugs* to all!!!
Great post! This is the best thing I've seen today. :)
I love love love this post. Please count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Oh, that was AWESOME!! And it looks like you got to play with some GI Joes ;)
LOL nice :) I would *love* to win a signed copy! enter me for sure, true?
LOL! Thanks for the chuckle! And for the great prize opportunity!
LMAO!!! Wow it was disturbing and hilarious all at once. Love you girl…TURE!
LMAO Clapping hands a BDB puppet show.. Good effects.
LOL!!! Oh man that was so worth the eye strain { glasses broke and now I am blind, blind I tell you! }. Just the laugh I was needing. Thanks. "get your dragon a$$ over here.." buah ha ha! God that was funny.
Hilarious! LOL I think this is going to be one hilarious book and a fun read. Would love tyo win. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
That is definitely funny.
Can't wait to read Lover Mine.
You made my day. Butch and V Foreva! Lol.
You had me laughing the whole way through . I love the idea of V and Butch together.
LOL too funny! I've ALWAYS wanted V and Butch to be together. Even now in the back of my head I kinda still want it.
ROTFL! I love it.
Thank you for giving me something to laugh about as I get ready to head for bed. This was hilarious. Think it could get picked up?
That was a hoot! Thanks for the laugh.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I think what I will enjoy most about Lover Mine (besides the rest of the things that have been mentioned) is how J.R. Ward resolves the whole issue of Xhex's personality. She's not bad, just misunderstood in many ways. I also enjoy seeing the different kinds of female povs she creates.
thank for V&B recall …that is my favorite book….
love BDB can't wait for lover mine
That was hilarious!
please count me in for the giveaway =).
Brilliant! Thanks for this amzing story!
Hilarious! More, please!
That was fabulous. Thanks for sharing!
I don't think it's advisable to be laughing this hard following a surgical procedure but damn it, I can't help myself.
After reading your review, I cannot wait to read Lover Mine. Damn you book pimptress!
LMAO!! I had to show my husband what had my in hysterics. He now thinks I’m seriously disturbed but I’m ok with that.
Hehe!! I soo love this!!! Thanks for sharing your love DBD of Vishous and Butch!!!
I would lol except I can't because I'm at work. Thankfully nobody is looking over my shoulder :0)
Thanks for playing it out for us though maybe you should have dimmed the lights in that last scene!
Most excellent. Thanks for the laugh..it's keeping me sane while I wait for LM. Just found your blog and it's like Crack so many books that I now want to read.
Considering quitting my job just so that I can catch up on my reading…(not really husband would kill me)
Oh well…a girl can dream.
Only going to eat bacon and chocolate until I get a copy of Lover Mine…
Brilliant. I'm really curious about the source of these shots! That's a great hilarious post all in itself I think.
Can I has LM?! ;_;
OMG – you gotta stop!!! I can't laugh this hard – alone in public – too many people are reaching for their cell phones. Wonder who they'll call the cops or the the guys in the white coats :-)
This was wrong in so many ways. I loved it!
That was funny. I think that at the mansion those two couples swap, or swing. :)
I'm glad am not the only one wishing for those two. At least let them have a menage!LOL
I started to read this in the law library, when I was taking a break from reading my Wills and Estates textbook. Needless to say, I had to excuse myself because I was LMAO!!!
So funny, this post made my day :)
Can not WAIT for Lover Mine to come out!
That was great. Thanks for posting. I can't wait for Lover Mine.
That was great. Thanks for posting. I can't wait for Lover Mine.
OMFG that was too funny!!
I cant wait to read more from you! Please share again! LOL LOL
ritbs.fairy at gmail dot com
Too funny. It's like something my former co-workers and I would get up to on a dead night on the midnight shift.
I was really surprised when I first started picking up the homosexual elements in Ward's books. That's brave for a main stream author.
HAHAHAHA! Thank you! I needed that! It's terribly FUNNY! XD
And thank you for this awesome giveaway!^O^
Giada M.
fabgiada @ gmail.com
Romances that'll never be, say it ain't so? zfunny stuff here, I think people should do this more often. Playing with action figures/dolls, and all.
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
OMG! That was great! God, I SO wanted them to get it on too. Just once, JR…please. LOL Please add me in for the drawing. :)
Loved it! Thanks for the laughs!
I bet if JR Ward actually sold dolls that looked like the characters there would be plenty of people willing to purchase their favorite(s)!
Yet another that is about to become a Classic!
Love it!
Thanks for that and the contest.
alifeboundbybooks at hotmail dot com
ROTLMAO!!!! How did you ever set up these pics without dying laughing?
OMG, I want to read LOVER MINE so bad!
oh my gosh! this is hilarious! V is my favorite brother.. i loved it! Awesome contest too! =D
I love it. That is too funny. Would love a copy of this book. I can't wait to get my hands on this book!!!
This was just way too funny!
Glad we have entertainment to hold us over for Lover Mine!
I suffered a coughing fit with that one lol the whole Rhage eating Marissa is a nice touch!
Thanks for the laugh. That was great!!
Smexy between you and FV I am going to hurt myself reading these 2 posts on the same day was too too much!!!! I need this book because have none, okay don't everyone hit me at once, just have not bought the series yet even though known about it since it's starting release. I would then be motivated to buy the whole series because cannot stand to read them out of order so def count me in for this one…..
jackie b central texas
You're too much! I heart both your and Fiction Vixen's dolls! They are freakin' hilarious :) Thanks for the laughs!
That was great! Too freakn funny. I'm so happy I have found this blog.
Haha, this was hilarious!! Thanks! :-) I have to admit that when I read the 1st book of the series, it was a fun and fast read but didn't grip me, so seeing all the hype and love for thise series I'd liek to give it another chance. Please enter me. Thank you! :-)
stella.exlibris (at) gmail DOT com
LMAO, Mandi! That was hilarious! V and Butch *should* have been together.. at least once!
Awe man….this is why I have a V and Butch siggy *sigh* we were cheated!
Too funny! I wish I could do that. I don't mind Jane and Marissa, but it would have been great if Butch and V had a little fling first. Really looking forward to Lover Mine.
"you suck at being a ghost." Lmao, wow. Great vignette, though.
That was so funny. LMAO. Thanks for making my day!
Sue B
I'm sorry, I know I've already commented but…
"Vishous: That’s right man. I want you to put on that special hospital gown..cause daddy is going to play doctor."
That is perhaps one of the funniest things I have ever read. I die. LOL
LOL, I'll never look at my son's power rangers the same way again. Oh and, "Jane, you suck at being a ghost." LMAO!!!
Omg Lol..I loves it!
OMG, Not Only Was That Totally Funny But The Best Use Of Power Rangers I Have Ever Seen….LOL. I Love This Series And Even Though I Like Butch/Marissa And Vishous/Jane As They Are I Have Also Wondered About The Flip-Side Of What Would Have Happened Had Butch And Vishous Gotten Together. At The Moment I AM Reading Lover Unbound But I Am So Excited About Lover Mine Coming Out. I Really Need To Have That Book….^_^.
ROTFLMAOOOO I so needed that laugh
lol that is funny. Wow can't wait until Lover mine is here.
*grabs side while continues to laugh* OMG hun, that was great!!!! Finally their HEA….together!!!
Thanks for the umm…tasty scene?!?!?
That was great!!!!!!
You and fiction vixen are too funny! I fee left out since I don't have any dolls.. I must go shopping so I can play out my favorite HEAs :D
"Healing touch"?
"Healing touch"?
Oh my god that was hilarious!
Hahahaha I was laughing and rolling on the ground when I saw the pic and read about the healing touch!
Oh man, between you and Fiction Vixen I'm hurting from laughing so much. There were a couple times I thought V was going to light Butch up in the book.. but nooo.. so thanks for this.. too funny
Hope you guys do more of these.
Thanks for the chance at LM also. good luck on the book everyone.
I loved this! Butch and V forever. LOL
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Love it, just love it – especially Rhage and his rawwwwwwrrrrrring.
edwards.sally at gmail.com
if only….if only
in the mean time YAY! for blay and qhuin :)
Funny i like reading that XD
LOLOL this is soo funny!! You guys really know how to do it..you shoulda written the books haha:P
Thanks for the contest!
I have seen all these words mentioned in all the above comments,still I cant but not say that your post is hilarious,out-of-the-world funny and absolutely,freakishly LOL!!
Thanks so much for the giveaway,
That was hilarious! seriously funny..
Please enter me in the giveaway :)
That was FABULOUS! I'd love to win Lover Mine.
Beyond funny! :D
Thanks for having contest!
LMAO!!! You're too funny. I always wanted them to get it on. Enter me.
Diva donna: dmf747@comcast.net
Lol,lol, That was funny. Hopefully Butch and V will soon have their passion fulfilled.Thank you for the laughter.
Carol L.
that was freaking hilarious!
pls enter me into the give away!
That was hysterical!
Count me in please :)
Awesome! You rock, Mandi!
Can't wait to read Lover Mine!
I can't even begin to tell you how funny these skits are!! LOVE IT!!
Very funny! Thanks for the laughs :-)
Sarah M.
This was hysterical!!! I agree, I always wanted to see more of V and Butch together!
Would LOVE to win a signed copy of Lover Mine as I couldn't order one.
Thanks for the visuals!!!
Cannot wait to meet her and get a signed copy at the RT Convention but a copy in advance would be great!
*tears* No words. True?
*another fit of laughter*
Oh, please let me have that signed copy! heh. thanks for the laugh!
Oh my gosh -hahahahah one of the best posts ever! I love how you showed Jane.
<3 <3 <3
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I can't breathe because laughing so hard! *still hyperventilating while giggling*
Thanks for that. :) I needed a laugh today.
this is so funny, can't wait for LM to come out!!
OMG how did I miss this…
hys ter i cal! Love it…
That is freaking HILARIOUS!!! I was just introduced to this series last week and after reading V and Butch's stories, this made the books even better. I can't stop laughing as I am typing this comment!!
Good Work!!! Keep it up!!
Don’t you acknowledge that it is high time to get the mortgage loans, which can help you.
I have read a few good stuff here. Certainly worth bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how much effort you put to make such a excellent informative web site.
That was great! LOL
Happy to discover this place, greetings from Spain!!
i bow to your wicked, wicked mind!! absolutely love this. i’d quote the bits that made me lol but there’s too many! in fact lol doesn’t cover it, i howled!
Vishous and Butch forever!!
damn funny! lol.. true?.. i’ m madly in love with vishous, you feel me? J.R. Ward, please make him real!!!
you guys should read this lol very good
That is funny!!!
I just found this today and llaughed hysterically until I cried. I read the 3 scene – if there are other, please tell me.
Oh all that is holy, I came across this today when I did a random search for Butch and V fan fiction. I laughed so hard I almost fell down the stairs, then sat at the bottom wheezing and gasp laughing with tears running down my cheeks. My husband was ready to commit me to loony bin because I couldn’t stop long enough to explain. Then, when I finally could, pretty sure he still wanted to because his face was all, I don’t understand why this is so funny or understand you, crazy psycho woman… which made me laugh even harder. This wins the internet!