Dark Desires at Midnight by Jessica Lee (Warriors of the Enclave #2)
March 30, 2010
Paranormal Romance
E-Book, Novel length
Loose ID
Reviewed by Mandi
Why I read: The author asked for a review.
Favorite Quote: Arran kissed her as if he was a demon released from hell, and she was his first taste of light.
Favorite Quote #2: On impulse, she licked her lips at the large bulge waiting behind the fly of his leather pants. (I can’t resist a large bulge quote!)
Arran MacLain, a vampire over a century old, left his enclave – a group of men, who fight DEAD (Death Euphoria Addicts), or those vampires that have succumbed to blood lust, two years ago. He left after his long time friend and fighting partner, Markus, turned to the evil side and tricked Arran and his comrades. He is out for revenge, but he first needs to find Markus. He is also running from his feelings for Gabrielle Stevens, a human who was attacked several years ago by a DEAD. She has been living with the enclave and his feelings for her are very intense. But with her past trauma with a vampire, and with a past full of bloodshed of his own, he does not feel worthy of her.
Gabrielle has recently learned her sister has been missing the past three weeks. She goes off to do some investigating on her own – her foremost thought to find her sister. She also needs space away from the enclave and Logan, a vampire who has feelings for her. Gabrielle only wants Arran, even though their last encounter two years ago, was a kiss that he told her was “forgettable.” Gabrielle goes to the goth club, Wicked Ways to see if anyone has seen her sister around, and it is there she coincidentally runs in to Arran. They realize there is a colony run by Markus and his master, Marguerite right under their noses. When information comes out that her sister could be with Markus, they realize they both have want something from that colony, and they both want something from each other.
If you like a story with a very strong alpha male, you will like Dark Desires at Midnight. Arran is A-L-P-H-A! There is not a moment that goes by where he is not on the brink of erupting, either sexually or violently, where his cock is not throbbing, or his rage is about to burst. Is it over the top? Yes. But sometimes these kind of books can be fun. I can’t read something like this all the time, but I will say this – Jessica Lee writes a very engaging story. After all the lusting, and sexin’ and threatening glares from Arran, there is a very enjoyable story that keeps you interested the entire time.
Arran and Gabrielle must work through their issues of trust and torturous pasts. Gabrielle was attacked by rogue vampires and so when Arran gets sexually out of control and tries to bite her in the heat of the moment, it terrifies her and she pushes him away. When the time comes in the book where she has healed from the past and is ready to move forward with Arran I thought the explanation was a little weak. But they work through it and Jessica Lee writes very steamy, satisfying sex scenes.
I enjoyed all the men of the enclave, in all their alpha glory strutting around grunting and probably erect most of the book. However, I really enjoyed Markus, the villain. He has kidnapped Alexandra, Gabrielle’s sister but Jessica Lee does something cool with him. He is evil – but you can’t help but feel sorry for him. He has feelings (slightly messed up) for Alex, and you kind of root for him to be redeemed. But then in the next chapter he does something awful and you wonder if maybe redemption is not the right path. I really didn’t know where she was going with Markus, and I liked it. I also thoughts events at the end unfolded with great action and reality. Jessica Lee doesn’t sugar coat the consequences of violence.
Yes, sex is on the mind of everyone in Dark Desires at Midnight, and it is slightly over the top, but it is a well written book and I enjoyed the time I spent reading it.
Rating: 3.5/5
Recent Reviews:
Jessica Lee will be back here later today for a little chat and a chance to win this book!
I enjoyed your review Mandi :) I've got book one DESIRE TO DIE on my e-reader and despite all the sexing or mind-set I think I'm going to like this series too.
I haven't read the first one..but this one was easy to follow. I would like to go back and read that one though…and I can't wait for the next book!
Wow…I likes the sound of this book. :) Great review. Made me feel all "tingly" inside. :)
Since I haven't read the series I believe I'll start with #1.
Wow, thanks, Mandi! I'm so glad you didn't mind all that sexing around too much. With all that powerful vamp DNA, they just can't help themselves. *g*LOL
Thanks for checking out the review, Leontine and Tori! I really hope you enjoy the series. :)
Haha, Mandi you and your bulge quotes ;)
Yes, occasionally it's fun to read about a constantly throbbing cock. I dunno why, it just is. Sort of a guilty pleasure. :) Nice review Mandi.
::blink blink:: Did Fiction Vixen just say cock..?
I'm digging the side plot I can't help myself when the bad dude likes the girl from the right side of the tracks. Gets me every time.
You had me at the first quote! I love plots like this, and alpha heroes-I can't wait to read this one.
LOL You should create a compendium of large bulge quotes. That could be your hook for turning your blog into a book (you know you want to).
Blodeuedd – LOL..I can't help myself. He is a verra sexy alpha.
FV – It is! Something about those damn alphas..I can't quit them.
KC – It's a fun plot
Buckeye – Hope you like it!
Heidenkind – I should, really ;)
I love your cock throbbing review! LOL, I just read an excerpt for a book last night where the guy was all snarly, over the top sex and violence and it was so cheesy good that I had to buy the damn thing and read it right then. Sometimes a little over the top testosterone fest is awesome. In small doses :D
I know! I love it – sometimes. And this book had has a nice story and plot to go along with the throbbing..so it is all good.
Whoo-hoo! How fun are the comments here with all that throbbing and bulging going on. LOL Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I've had so much fun developing this series, and it makes it all the more wonderful and surreal when others enjoy it as well. Thanks so much for your fantastic review, Mandi! And I appreciate the opportunity to be interviewed at Smexybooks. :)
Thank you Mandi.