Tsunami Blue by Gayle Ann Williams
March 30, 2010
Paranormal Romance
Paperback, 290 Pages
Reviewed by Mandi
Why I read: Received for review from the publisher.
Favorite Quote: First, the shower did make me feel better, and second, the tighty whities were just fine. Okay. More than fine. What that man could do for a pair of underwear. Wow.
Kathryn “Blue” O’Malley is living in a world where water rules. When she was five, a tsunami struck Thailand, devastating the area and killing her family. But the water has not stopped. Wave after wave has decimated the world. There is no infrastructure, currency, stores. Everything is underwater or just gone. She was raised by her uncle Seamus, a violent man who belonged to a group of people called Runners, very violent gang pirates that have taken to the seas to ravish and loot. Although Seamus was blood thirsty and anything but a good guardian, he taught Blue how to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. Blue has a power of her own though, one that scares many and one that makes her a very valuable catch – if anyone can find her. The ocean speaks to her. It whispers on the waves and warns her when another tsunami is coming. She listens and interprets, then takes her shortwave radio equipment and broadcasts it as best she can so people have a chance to survive. Many are skeptical, but Blue is determined to help them. With her very blue eyes, and her wave tattoo, she stands out somewhat, but she knows how to hide.
Since Seamus’ death when she was thirteen, Blue has been on her own and she has never left the string of islands that border Washington State. It is a lonely life, but really the only option she has – that is until a mysterious stranger washes up on shore, barely alive. She decides to take a chance and save his life – only it is her life that is going to change forever. His name is Gabriel Black – as she warms his body that night, she can’t help feel an attraction. He is stunningly male, and Blue hasn’t had a lot of time for romance in her life.When she wakes in the morning she realizes he carries a knife of a Runner. Before she has time to confront him, the Runner sirens go off. He tells her he wants to help her escape, and the memories of what the Runners once did to her haunt her so much, she decides to trust him. Off into the sea they go, both with many questions, both finding an attraction building. When Blue hears from the ocean that a wave, bigger than any other is going to hit in the near future, they race to save as many as they can, but the Runners have other plans for them.
I love, love, love Tsunami Blue. First, the world Gayle Ann Williams has created is violent, scary, and hard to grasp. The entire world has been turned into a world of islands. Water is everywhere, death is an every day occurrence. You can feel the horror when another wave is set to hit, and even the daily horror of constantly being wet. All the malls are underwater, all there is to eat is salmon. Kids are left orphans, and worst of all – the Runners have put terror into the heart of every living soul. They rape, murder, torture and there is no mention of any type of law enforcement willing to rule over the land. They want Blue – they want to use her. If they know when and where the next wave will strike it gives them power.
Blue is a heroine who has grown up since the age of five with the world in turmoil. She has an edge because her uncle Seamus taught her how to survive, although her childhood was filled with horror and violence. She has basically grown up alone, so when she sees the mysterious Gabriel Black, she wants to save him. She wants that chance for companionship. Who she finds is a very suspicious man. He is apparently a runner, but he is running from the same people she is. He says he wants to keep her safe at all costs, but why? She doesn’t want to trust him, or even like him. But when he woos her with Starbucks and cream – two things she thought didn’t even exist anymore – she becomes putty in his hands. When their life is endangered, and Gabriel risks everything to save her, their relationship takes on a new level. Gabriel is fierce, lethal, and very sexy.
When we finally discover what it is Gabriel really wants with Blue, I thought the reason is solid, although I would have liked to see the actual big event at the end played out in more detail. It seemed a little anticlimactic after the build up the entire book. That being said, there is plenty of other action throughout the book, and I really enjoyed how it all plays out.
Tsunami Blue is an action packed book filled with romantic tension, and a heroine that will make you laugh along the way. With a unique and interesting world, I definitely recommend.
Rating: 4/5
Recent Reviews:
Maryse’s Blog – Great book
Janicu’s Book Blog – Very good
Lovin’ Me Some Romance – A-
Sounds like a great book. I'm trying to branch out a little more from reading Paranormal Romance so this book sounds like it would one that I would enjoy.
So glad to hear you liked it, Mandi! I can't wait to read this book, it sounds hella good! Fab review! :)
This sounds so good, freaky scary new world, I tend to like those
This sounds like something I would love! I'm off to add it to GR…
Ok…this is the second or third time Ive heard good things about this book…I think its time I take action and buy the thing! lol Thanks fro the great review sweetie!
Loved the review! I felt the same way. Tighty whities – I loved the part too. Specially the "conditions" for their shower together.
"But he would wear underwear. I requested his black number from his washed-up-on-the-beach-day. He said I'd get what he had on: tighty whities."
I laughed so hard at that part!
Thanks for the review! This looks great!
I haven't seen much about this book but from your review it sounds pretty interesting. And this Gabriel guy sounds pretty hot!
Intriguing! Sounds like a great book. Nice review :)
Aw crap. I brought Mrs. Easy Peasy to work with me…my finger is itching to hit buy on this one. Must…resist…okay I just bought it.
Great review Mandi!
Hmmmm…I also gotta agree with you on the anticlimatic bit about Gabriel. Luckily Gayle kept his ability secret for nearly all of the book and truly I was surprised. But it made sense and that's what counted in my opinion.
Did you hear that there's going to be another book featured in this world? YAY! I can't wait!
Hugs, VFG
Wow, this sounds awesome! Maybe too scary for me though? I'm scared of stuff that lives in water. hehe. I'm going to read this one for sure. Nice review.
I saw this book advertised on 'Bitten By Books', but was waiting for some feedback before buying.
Wow. I never would have thought that cover would contain a book so violent and scary (and a little 'Waterworld'). I'm definitely intrigued, great review!
Oh, this sounds different…and interesting. Thank you!
I can't wait to read this one, it's on the TBR. I like it when an author can mix in humor, especially a paranormal.
I picked this one up over the weekend can't wait to get to it.