I received Jared
by Sara McCarty for review, took one look at the cover and had a big smile on my face. It just looks so inviting. After chapter two I told myself I would give it until page 100 – I made it until 120, but this book just did not interest me. First of all, nothing happens in the first 80 or so pages. Jared, belonging to the Renegade vampires, discovers Raisa alone in the woods, surrounded by three of the bad vampires belonging to the Sanctuary. He rescues her and decides he is now her protector – although he has no idea who she is. She even asks him at one point, why do you want to protect me, I may be Sanctuary? For which he replies, “I don’t, but whether you are not is immaterial. You’re going with me.” Then they just walk through the woods forever. Yes, a few times bad guys creep up, but there was no advancing of the story.
He notices that she is weak, and soon she tells him she has a blood allergy. She is 270 years old but is slowly dying because she can’t keep blood down. Once they make it back to safe territory, he forces her to drink from him, and surprise, surprise, his blood does not make her sick.
I didn’t continue past this point. Like I said earlier, the book has a very slow start. On top of that, I didn’t connect with Jared nor Raisa at all. I get that he is a vampire and his instinctual need is to protect. But he never questions who she is, and they talk very familiar to each other, which didn’t make sense for being strangers. Even when the other Renegade vampires show up, all alpha dominant and trying to get into Jared’s business, it all felt quite silly, rather than intense or suspenseful.
This one gets a DNF from me.
Recent reviews:
Bummer! I hate it when books are disappointing! :(
I hate when sexy covers end up being a bad read. I have gotten better with looking at a cover and wanting to read the book cause it looks good.
Lily- yes bummer.
Bells – Yes, I usually seek out reviews or recs from others…this one I had not heard anything..and I couldn't resist an outlaw ;)
Completely agree that is a sexy cover- it is a shame the inside is notas good. Hate it when that happens.
Thanks for the honest review.
I know Sara has quite a following with her cowboy books, and I've enjoyed some of them, so to hear this is disappointing. I'm sorry you weren't able to finish it.
Is this the first in a series?
This is the second in the series. Caleb is the first.
This is the first book I have read by her.
Wow…slow start and almost a predictable story…eh…no thanks! And thanks for the honest and helpful review girl! ;o) As always you keep it real with us!
Awe pooh, that cover is Hawt, even though the cowboy get up reminds me of those photographers that are in Sam's that want to take period pictures or whatever. Thanks for the review. Sorry about the DNF, hate those.
I like his big guns on the cover.
Yee haw!
Thanks for the honest review. :) I've had this series on my wish list for a while.
I was hesitant to buy the first one – without knowing anyone who'd read it – because it is a trade paperback and costs a little more.
Have a wonderful day.
sorry to hear that it was DNF but hot looking cover
Penny – LOL..I like big guns too
Michelle – I've been searching around but haven't found any other opinions on this one yet. There are several reviews out there for the first in the series, Caleb.
I've seen the covers for this series and always enjoyed looking at the cover candy but never got further than that. A book can have a slow start but at least let something interesting happen to keep your attention…after 80 pages of nothing I would slightly get frustrated :( I hope your next book is a great one Mandi!!
Hmm. I really like the font they used for the author's name. Very cool. Vampire cowboys.. not sure I'm sold on that idea.
Sorry to read that this was a DNF for you hon. I know how difficult that must have been to do… but you gave it your best.. and then some and you did good by it!
Hope all is well honey!
I've had serious cover lust for this series but haven't tried them yet. Sorry that this was DNF for you.
This cover inspires me. It inspires me to make up my own story since you didn't likesies.
I think he should be a rouge demon slayer who is part cowboy part vampire. There also needs to be cave sex.
DFN, too bad, he did look like a hunky cowboy
KC – HA – yes, cave sex is vital to every story
Sorry abt the DNF. :(
I was really disappointed in Caleb- it was awkward and weird, to be honest. I was considering giving this book a try but now that I read your review I think I'll pass. Thanks for the honesty!
Yeah, I read 'Caleb' by Ms. McCarty and was very unimpressed (doubly so, because the cover was *so* pretty). The storyline was clunky and there was absolutely zero chemistry between the leads.
It's so hard not to judge a book by its cover sometimes.