The writing of team of Moria Rogers, Bree Bridges and Donna Herren, claim to be best friends. They have been in each other’s weddings, the live near each other, and they spend all day writing together. They say they know everything about the other person – so Fiction Vixen and I decided to put them to the test. Think The Newlywed Game – but for BFF’s.
Donna, Is Bree:
a. Alpha
b. Beta
c. Gamma
Beta. And is it bad if I admit I have no idea WTF a gamma is? We didn’t cover that in zoology.
Bree said you’d say:
Hmmmm… Maybe Beta.
What country would Bree never want to visit and why? (The why is just for fun, matching the country gets your points)
I’m gonna go with any country that has spiders that are either a) bigger than the average human head, or b) poisonous enough to kill anything larger than the average human head.
What Bree said you’d say:
Well, if she’s paid attention she’d say Australia/New Zealand. Because everyone keeps posting all of those pictures of the enormous spiders so I keep telling everyone on twitter that I’m never, ever going there.
What is your biggest phobia?
I really don’t like lizards. Really. They are snakes with legs, and that’s totally cheating.
What Bree said you’d say:
Lizards. Though she’s not a fan of mice or cucumbers either. (Yeah. I said cucumbers. Sliced ones…she hates them.)
If you could not be an author, nor any other profession you have already attempted, what would you be?
I think I’d like to try voice acting. That seems like fun. It’s acting, but you can look like hell and wear yoga pants to work. So it’s kinda like my job now.
What Bree said you’d say:
Hmmm… well, she hasn’t actually attempted to be a forensic scientist, but she studied it in school. I bet she’d be good at it.
What is your favorite book?
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
What Bree said you’d say:
I’m going to go with Little House on the Prairie.
What is your favorite song to listen to while writing?
I don’t have favorite songs. I have favorite playlists.
What Bree said you’d say:
Oh god, she listens to SO MANY. And they change based on what we’re writing! I literally can not answer this. I have been stumped.
If you had one day with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, where would you go for a date?
Hunt down the traitorous ass monkey who told him I had a massive crush on him. How embarrassing! (Then maybe I’d…y’know. Maybe.)
What Bree said you’d say:
I think she’d want him to grill hamburgers for her. And then maybe a lot of stuff I’m not comfortable considering. LA LA LA LA.
What is your least favorite thing about living in Alabama?
It’s really effin’ hot. And I live in the country, so a lot of my neighbors are scary douchebags. Okay, a few of them are. Everyone else is pretty cool.
What Bree said you’d say:
Uhhm… well, she sure as heck isn’t a fan of the feral pigs that wander out of the woods and terrorize her for months on end.
Let’s talk about Red Rock Pass
In your Red Rock Pass series, which heroine would you be best friends with?
Cindy, totally. She kicks ass.
What Bree said you’d say:
Hmmm… I’m going to go with Cindy.
In your upcoming release, Sanctuary Unbound your main protag is a Vampire. What was the most difficult thing about writing a hot vamp into a series that has been focused around shifters?
It was a challenge making sure that we incorporated this whole new bit of mythology into the world we’d already created. The vampire thing had been hit or miss so far–Gavin was best buds with Adam for a long time, whereas Dylan told Abby in Cry Sanctuary that they didn’t even exist. So we ran the risk of looking like we’d contradicted ourselves, and we worried about that. Then we were like, hey, whatever. Hopefully the readers trust us to make it all right. Other than that, figuring out where he carried his ax when he wasn’t swinging it at bad guys.
What Bree said you’d say:
Hmmm…it could be the blood thing. Vampires are off our beaten path because we don’t love the blood all that much, but when a vampire lumberjack wants to enter a story, it’s pretty hard to tell him no. He has an ax. We had to find a way to make what we were writing work for us, because I bet people would have been able to tell if we’d been typing it up going, “EEEW EW EW EW” the whole time. ;)
–Lightening Round–
Keith is one of our favorite alpha males but we all know he’s just a puppy when it comes to his mate Abby. He’s in the dog house with her, what does he do to get himself out of trouble and back into good lovin’?
Bree said: Keith will do anything to make Abby happy. Hack a satellite internet service provider to steal broadband access for her is probably his most extravagant gesture, but if he’s really feeling generous he’ll let her pick a movie that isn’t Sci-Fi or Military themed.
Donna said: Oh, he wouldn’t have to do anything. LOL Keith always has good reasons for what he does, even if it pisses people off. Abby gets that.
In Cry Sanctuary, Abby is a newly turned wolf. What is her favorite snack now that she has the canine thing going on?
Bree said: I bet she still loves pie!
Donna said: I don’t think her eating habits have changed, except maybe she likes her steak a little more rare. She likes to bake.
BFF Question: Which of you was the biggest BRIDEZILLA?
Bree said: Ha, neither of us were really bridezillas! But I let other people pressure me into a more traditional one instead of a quirky one, so maybe I should have been more of one.
Donna said: I think we both could have reasonably amped up the bridezilla factor and still not come close to some, er, shining examples I’ve seen. SHINING WITH CRAZY, I MEAN.
Mandi: Wow, so you guys really are good friends – you girls did great. You each get the BFF crown!
To celebrate their upcoming release of Sanctuary Unbound (featuring a flannel-wearing, lumberjack vampire) Bree and Donna are offering up FIVE e-book copies of the first book in the series, Cry Sanctuary, and ONE ARC e-book of Sanctuary Unbound.
To enter, leave a comment and tell us, could you work with your best friend every day? Also, please state if you have a preference for what book you would like to win. Contest open to everyone, through May 15th and the winners will be announced on Sunday.
You are not done yet! Head over to Fiction Vixen’s to read the other side of Bree and Donna’s story and another chance at five copies of Cry Sanctuary and one arc of Sanctuary Unbound.
LOL Ladies, this was such a fun interview!
Could I work with my best friend? Not if I'd like to keep her as a best friend! lol We do great doing the social and the movie, coffee or meal thing but working together full time – not a chance!
Thanks for the chance, I'd love to read your first publication "Cry Sanctuary".
I hope all is well with you Mandi!
that was a really fun interview,I really liked reading it and learning more about them.
I would never work with my BFF,we'd clash too much.
I would like a chance to win Cry Sanctuary
I am working together with with my best friend on a short roleplay. But this is only a "fun thing in our offtime". I couldn't imagine working with her fulltime as programmer – we have too much small things we are doing differently.
I'd like to read "Cry Sanctuary" too. It is on my wishlist for some time already, but my budget hasn't allowed yet buying this book.
I think I could totally work with my BFF. Its really weird but we have the same quirks and fear of cotton balls. See, I just got the chills typing the dang word up! We call each other everyday. For no other reason than just to say hello if we are not out together with the kiddos. That's another thing. Our kids are exactly 5 months apart- Both our boys are 5 and both our girls are 3. Its weird I tell you!!
I would love to work with my BFF everyday we click well. I like her better then my own syblings lol. We swear we were seperated at birth but shes older then me by like 3 years so that doesn't work lol.
I would love to win the ARC!
Millie – I have a HUGE fear of cotton BFF makes tons of fun of me…I'm glad you understand..LOL.
What a great interview.
I and my BFF work well together as long as we stay 5 hrs from each other. lol
We would kill each other if we worked in the same room.
We are wayyyy to much alike and not in a good way.
Loved the interview. I wouldn't want to work with my best friend, I think we'd both get on each others nerves if we were together that long. Cry Sanctuary would be my pick.
seriousreader at live dot com
BFF..hmmm…if we ever could get in the same room for more than ten minutes…HECK YEAH! Maybe we're on to something here. (Note to self…come up with work like project to force bff to spend more time with me.)
Cry Sanctuary…please! ;)
Another fabulous interview that was fun to read!
I wouldn't want to work with my BFF EVERY DAY because I think we each need our own space sometimes and we might get on each others nerves.
lilazncutie1215 @
Yes. I love her, but I can be mean and impatient. However, in between my flashes of beeotchiness we would laugh our butts off!
Please enter me for the e-ARC. Already adore Cry!
I'm too stubborn to work well with anyone :) I can't believe I haven't heard of this series. A vampire lumberjack? Gimme, lol
As another resident of AL and somebody who is freakishly afraid of spiders, I loved this interview. I'd take the first book in the series, Cry Sanctuary.
I'm lucky I do kinda sorta get to work with my best friend everyday. It's awesome we have 1 long phone conversation about John Matthews and sparkly vamps.
Ask me if I would work everyday with Mr. Smokin' –> hellz no!
I suppose that means Donna isn't going to want this sculpture of a lizard I carved out of a cucumber for her birthday…
Back to the drawing board then. :(
What a fun post! Yes, I could work with a best friend, but I don't know if we'd have as much fun as these two. Since I'm new to the series (hangs head in shame) I'd prefer Cry Sanctuary. Thanks.
what a fun time! if i could work with my best friend id love it as a matter of fact im marrien my best friend and we are opening our own entertainment complex and no it isnt a pern studio since it sounds kinda naughty when i put it out there lol
and id love to win a copy of cry sanctuary
I think I would be able to work well with my best friend as long as we took sufficient time apart so that we don't end up attacking each other… lol
I would love to win an ARC of Sanctuary Unbound.
I've actually worked with my best friend more a few years and it worked out fine. Yes, we got into expected arguments but it is just because we are so much alike.
I'd love a chance at winning Sanctuary Unbound e-book ARC. I already own and have read the first 3 books in the series. This series is great.
Stephanie G
Considering how much I manage to annoy *myself* daily, I could not work with a best friend. Or we'd stop being best friends. Anyway, if your BFF is at work, you can't complain to your BFF about the people at work… But that's just me.
I'd love Cry Sanctuary.
I did for a while–in general, it was awesome. Also, it really gave us a chance to see and talk to each other way more often. Now that we aren't co-workers, it's harder to make time to catch up. Sad, but true!
And I'd love Sanctuary Unbound!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
I've worked with my BFF for 10 years, so far it been fine! I have to say the only problem is we tend to talk about work outside the office which can be annoying, but sufferable!
I haven't read this series, so I would be very intersted in Cry Sanctuary…
Loved this. No, sadly I could not work with my BFF everyday. Maybe I do, she's here in spirit only. :(
This is great fun that you put together… now off to FVs!
This was a fun post! I don't work with my BFF but i guess it would depend on our personalities if we could get along if we did. lol
Great interview. I could work with my best friend but I would rather keep work and my private life separate. I would love to read either of Moira's books.
I always though it was kind of weird that I did. I used to teach first grade and it seemed so many dang crafts had them. I had to have my teacher aid direct such projects because I could not stand even being around them let alone touch them! Ugh.I think we need to start an online support group, lol.
No need to enter me since I am so bad with reading e-books.
But loved the interview, so funny!
My best friend and I could totally work together. We worked together in a fabric store until it went out of business.
Would like a copy of Cry sanctuary.
I don't work with my BFF on a daily basis, but I live with her 2 weekends a year while we work 12-hour a day weekends, in costume. Does that count? If we can stand that much closeness, we could work together on a daily basis, in regular clothes.
I'd love a copy of Cry Sanctuary.
Great interview. I work 5 days a week with a really great friend, so I'm thinking I can pull it off with one of my BFFs.
I would love a copy of Cry Sanctuary.
My BFF and I have worked together(never anything as extended as everyday) and for the most part it's fun, but sometimes we both have to take a deep breath. Otherwise we'd be going for each others throat.
I would love Cry Sanctuary
No, I would not like to work with my best friend. I'd like to keep her as a friend. I would love to read Cry Sanctuary as I have not read any of these books yet. But am definitely interested.
I did work with my best friend for three years and it was wonderful. That was a few years ago and I miss not seeing her every day. She's since moved to another town a few hours away so we only see each other a few times a year now and it's not enough.
I'd love to read Cry Sanctuary since I haven't started this series yet and I like to read in order.
I don't think I could work with my best friend. I would be worried about hurting her feelings if she got something wrong.
I'd love Cry Sanctuary please as haven't read this series yet.
That was a fun interview – thank you! And just to clarify – no snakes in NZ and the spiders…only three are actually poisonous, so you'd be pretty safe here :)
Please don't include me in the giveaway (I'm having a TBR meltdown ATM), but thank you :)
I could never work with my best friend we are so much alike that I'd be afraid that we would end up fighting and wouldn't be friends any more.
I would love to read Sanctuary Unbound.
Yes, I could work with my best friend. In fact, we worked at the same place for 7 years. I would love to win Sanctuary Unbound.
Oops! forgot e-mail.
these interviews were so much fun!
I would love to work with my besties, especially if we were doing something fun that we loved.
please enter me for Sanctuary Unbound.
Love the interview and I could so work with my best friend. If I could work with hubby I know i can with my buddies.
I'd love to win Santuary Unbound.
Anytime you two get together, it's always so much fun. I would love to work with my best friend. We have a ying/yang thing between us, so we balance each other's strengths and weaknesses, plus it would be a hoot and make work go by so much faster.
I've read the whole series, and would love a chance at winning the arc of Sanctuary Unbound.
Loved the Honeymooners game for the BFFs.
I've worked with friends before–it can be dicey. Most times it's a blast to be with such a good friend throughout the day.
I haven't read this series and would love to start with an e-book of their first book Cry Sanctuary.
akbabcock at gmail dot com
Great fun idea you had having this Honeymoon game with BFFs! :-)
I don't think I'd work well with my best friends from high school as we have a totally different approach to work and stress, however I can see myself work well with my university best friend.
Please enter me for the 1st book, Cry Sanctuary.
Thank you!
stella.exlibris AT gmail DOT com
Hi there!
thanks for a fantastic interview!!
to answer your question: no, I couldn't work with my best friend – she's the opposite of me and I don't think we would come along during work *gg*
greetings, Ina
inale87 at gmx dot at
L don't play well with others, so Know I could not work with my BFF.
I would like a E-copy of CRY SANCTAURY, THANK YOU
Yes, I could work closely with my BFF. We were coworkers before we became friends and we worked very well together.
I would like a chance to win Cry Sanctuary, please.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
I'd like to enter for Sanctuary Unbound.
I love my best friend, I really do, but couldn't work with her all day. We text, phone a lot and see each other once in a few weeks, when we do fun stuff together and that works splendidly for us. To work with each other daily wouldn't work because we really are too different in personality to spend day in, day out with each other.
Well, I could work with my best friend as long as we were sharing work electronically. Face to face we would be spending way too much time laughing, drinking coffee and sharing funny stories to accomplish much.
I would love to read Cry Sanctuary.
donnafisk at bellsouth dot net
I don't think I could work everyday with my best friend. I like getting together once a week but I don't think anyone could handle me daily.
I would like Cry Sanctuary
No WAY I could work with my best friend all day- we'd drive each other crazy!
No preference on the book, this series seems good!
Work would be so much better if I worked with my best friend every day!! Although, I don't know if we'd get much work done. LOL
Please enter me for Cry Sanctuary.
Could I work with my best friend? Depends on what we were doing, but I'd love to be with my best friend 24/7. He's awesome!
Sanctuary Unbound ARC, please.