What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than with books! Hachette is kindly offering a great giveaway – check it out:
THREE people will each win ALL of these books. Included are:
Montana Destiny by R.C. Ryan
Ravished by a Highlander by Paula Quinn
Still the One by Robin Wells
Desire Me by Robyn DeHart
Knight of Passion by Margaret Mallory
To Surrender to a Rogue by Cara Elliott
To enter, leave a comment and tell me the first thing you would do if you had an entire day to yourself.
Open to US/Cananda only and please no P.O. Boxes. Contest will run through Saturday May 8th and I will announce the winners on Sunday May 9th. Please leave me an email address if it is not listed in your profile. Remember, I have three sets to giveaway!!
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms : )
A day to myself? I am so ready to break from routine! I think I'd gas up the car, aim it in a direction I've never been, and look for adventure. If it's a really good adventure, one day may not be enough…heh, heh, heh!!!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
A day to myself, what's that? :)
I would treat myself to a full-body spa, massage included. Then I would sit under a beach canopy, right next to the ocean, in a bathing suit wearing a huge floppy hat and read without interruption. And a margarita or three. *sigh*
Happy mamas day to all!
Not sure I even remember what a day to myself is or that I've ever had one. First I would sleep in past 7 in the morning. Would eat breakfast out somewhere wonderful and then get a mani/pedi. I would have lunch and dinner delivered to my house and spend the entire day reading.
I'd keep it simple and enjoy the PEACE, with a cup of coffee and a book and curl up and read without DISRUPTION. Hopefully it would be nice enough out to enjoy on my deck.
Whoa, Nelly! A day to myself? Haven't had one of those babies in over fifteen years!
For starters, I'd sleep in. Then I'd laze around my house for a good long while just enjoying the fact I don't have to answer to anyone. After a breakfast of chocolate cake washed down with a large mimosa, I'd luxuriate in a bath until my skin wrinkled. No need to gussy up, I'm all by myself, so I'd slap on a comfy pair of jammies, curl up with my Kindle and read the day away. Oh, yeah, baby, that sounds good!
What a great contest Smexi!
If I had a day to myself I would first have a nice breakfast and the take a nice long hot bath. After that I would go to an art museum with a girlfriend and then lunch. Then I would come back home and read! Sigh…
Wow, a day to myself sounds like a dream. A day to myself would probably involve sleeping in late, eating a yummy breakfast, and heading to the beach with a good book or two. And I can't forget the trip to the icecream store (chocolate chocolate chip for me).
Ah, what a nice dream!
A day to myself? A pedicure, followed by several hours "playing" in my books — weeding them out, reading, sorting, having stress-induced attacks aka TBR anxiety.
Can't remember if my email is at the blog — so, thsouthern1ATaolDOTcom.
I would sleep late, go for a walk and then go to a day spa for some pampering – and I'd fit some reading in along the way.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Mary (Bookfan)
meah56 at gmail dot com
Awesome giveaway! Sadly, I'd read, eat and sleep if I had a day to myself. :) Don't enter me.
If I had a day to myself and can be anywhere in the world, I'd choose a beautiful Mexican beach and lounge around with the sounds of waves surrounding me.
If I had a day to myself, I'd probably curl up with a book or scrapbook. My 2 fav past-times. :)
I would sleep really late then go shopping, because in my dream I would have extra money to splurge shop.
If no one was around that I had to wait on….when would that EVER happen ;), I'd workout, then go get a large iced mocha with an extra shot and sit down to read.
I would sleep late and then spend the day reading. I'd schedule a pedicure for myself so I could continue reading while my feet and lower legs get pampered and massaged.
If the weather was nice, I'd find a body of water to lie beside and turn on an 80s music station to listen to while dozing and reading.
Like a lot here: I'd sleep in and then have a cup of coffee and sit down in my favorite chair and read. All day long.
Awesome contest!
Happy May and Mother's day to all of you.
A day to myself –
HMM maybe a massage to begin, followed by some time in a hot tub and then a relaxing drink while I sit before the fire reading a great book.
Yeah, I think that would be an awesome day since I've never had a massage or enjoyed a hot tub.
sleep in. cappucino. breakfast. read. garden. read. lunch. read. cappucino. read. read. dinner. read. wine. read read. late to bed.
If I had a day to myself I would just find a book in my TBR pile that I have been dying to read and sit down and read all day!
Thanks for the great contest!
Thanks for the opportunity! I would spend the day catching up on reading and watching movies! tWarner419@aol.com
A whole day? no work, school, kids, phones?
Cool dream.
I would get up early, watch the sun rise, make a pot of tea and read the mountain of my TBR books. The make another pot of tea, get out my stitching and watch the Tudors I have missed. Take a long hot bath with an ice cold glass of ammaretto, read some more, enjoy a massage and a perfectly cooked and served steak dinner (can I have my husband for the massage and dinner part?
Wow, that sounds great–I may have to make this happen–and soon LOL
A whole day to myself? *blissful smile*
I'd spend hours in bookstores spending as much as I want on arm loads of books, then the rest of the day reading as much as I can!
Please count me in!!
An entire day? Obviously I'd read. But I think I'd also go shopping without any little hangers-on, and clean the house. I'd go through their rooms and get rid of all the broken and unused toys so I don't cry when I walk into their rooms anymore :)
I would stay in bed and read. Food would be delivered so I didn't have to move. :)
The first thing I'd do if I had a day to myself would be to start my day waking up past 9 am (HEAVEN) and eat my breakfast with coffee in peace. I would actually be able to SIT down and enjoy my breakfast – savoring each bite – actually tasting the food as I ate – not having to worry about anything but enjoying my meal. *sigh* I can dream. . .
Does a day to myself mean that the 2 kids, puppy, and husband are all otherwise occupied? If they are then that in itself is a gift for me:)
The very first thing I'd do is sleep an extra hour or so, tucked in with my downfilled comforter and all the fans blowing so the room is freezy cold. Ah, that sounds like heaven to me.
After that, I'd go shopping without the kiddies and maybe splurge at the bookstore!
Great giveawy! I would relax and read.
a whole day to myself?! no hubby to pay attention to, no dog to walk? well recently i have really been wanting to lay out by a pool, tan, read, and look at blogs with no guilt that i should be doing something else more productive!
great giveaway mandi!
Well I fortunately get days to myself all the time. My husband works nights and sleeps all day and we don't have kids, but not for lack of trying. So most days I read a lot! I also Like to chat on the phone and hang out on my computer. Taking a warm bubble bath is nice too. Anything to fill my day.
forgot my email
If I had an entire day to myself I would just sit back and relax. I would play on the computer for a little while then I would find a good book and get something to drink and just read and not do anything else.
I would read all day…Heaven!
First I would sleep in, then take a long shower and make a naughty lunch like pizza rolls. After which I would read for a bit, play some video games and then invite the family back for popcorn and a movie. Oh, and I would blog in there sometime too ;)
Happy Mothers Day!
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
If I had an entire day off, I would go to the book store, and buy an entire series that I have not read and commence a reading marathon. If my eyes got tired, I would watch either a horror movie or romantic comedy. If I felt lazy enough I would take a mid-day nap. I would end the day with a hot bath.
Happy Mother's Day…Stacy
I would read if I had a whole day to myself.
kissinoak at verizon dot net
I'd sleep late and after a breakfast consisting of some type of chocolate, I'd take myself off to the used bookstore and spend the rest of the day..until they threw me out..adding to my already overburdened bookshelves. Then I'd come home and read. What a wonderful day!
forwhlz at gmail dot com
if i had a whole day to myself i would sleep in late and read on day.
thanks for the giveaway!
I would sleep, eat and read a good book. Aaaaaah what a wpnderful day that would be. =)
I would spend the whole day relaxing and reading lots of books.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
Awesome giveaway! Thanks so much for hosting it!
If I had a day by myself, I would surround myself with books, coffee, and chocolate, and curl up with my cat!
krae991 at yahoo dot com
I would grab a big cup of coffee in the morning and then sit back with a good book and read undisturbed for the entire day….
ktulanko AT aol DOT com
I frequently have days to myself, even though my son and his fiance are now living with me, they go off for days at a time to stay with her family. So, the first thing I do with a day off by myself is to sleep in, then play on the computer a bit and pick up a great book and read most of the day.
Oh it would have to be spent on the beach. I'd have some really good books with me and there would be really hot cabana boys keeping my drink filled all day. No cell phone, email or my kids around. :)
The first thing I would do is sleep in! I definitely miss sleeping in and getting a restful night of sleep.
Sleep as late as I wanted to and then read for the rest of the day!!
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
That would be a dream come true:)
I would first sleep in and then lounge around all day reading without any interruptions:)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
bangeris at msn dot com
I think if I had a day to myself the first thing I would do is sleep in. Then I would probably lay in bed and read a book and marvel at the quiet. I would kill for a day to myself!
A day to myself?! Heaven. I'm reminded of the recent movie "Date Night" where Tina Fey's character talks about her secret fantasy is to go to a hotel room alone and have quite and just sit and be by herself. I love my kids, but sometimes I want the exact same thing.
akbabcock at hotmail dot com
I'd prepare the night before, working in the kitchen so I'd have a head start on belgium waffles for brunch (since I plan on sleeping in) and I'd have overnight pizza dough ready for dinner. I enjoy cooking and indulging in these foods so that's part of the fun. And on the day itself I'd turn off the phone and grab a book that I have long wanted to read.
alternate email from blogger
magenta 2 red [at] gmail [dot] com
If I had a day all to myself…I would spend it reading uninterrupted…no phone calls…no chores…no getting dragged into various dramas…just relax and read to my heart's content.
full day to my self and unlimited funds – a full spa day…..but otherwise – read a good book!!!
If I had a whole day to myself I'd have a spa day then come home and curl up with a good book.
If I had an entire day to myself, the first thing I would do is read! Stay in my pajamas and read until I had had enough. Then do whatever: Movies, pedicure, window shop, bookstore, treat myself to lunch. A leisurely day of nothing is so relaxing.
Thanks for the daydream. I needed that!
If I had a day to myself I would spend it reading in bed in the morning, going to the bookstore, and watching North and South..a day with Richard Armitage..sigh!
I hate to ditto the saying but I would lay in bed and catch up on my reading!!!
Thank you for a great giveaway!!!
dsublady at aol dot com
I would get caught up on my reading and have a hot coffee!
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
pamper myself. And read. And eat chocolate :)
misaacmom at gmail dot com
I would watch my DVR's shows on TV all day and read historical romances!
Sleep late and then go shopping in peace without any kids tagging along, wondering "How much longer til we leave?"
I wouldn't "do" anything – I would stay in bed and read :-)
Sarah M
Thanks for the contest opportunity.
If I had a whole day to myself, I'd spend it by baking and reading.
niteofblu at gmail dot com
I can't remember when I last had a day to myself. If I did I would get extra sleep. Then I would read all day. If I had the money, would splurge on a couple of hours in a Spa.
Humm whole day, I would 1st and foremost make sure the boys are out cause there is no such thing as time to myself if either one of them is around :)..then I would order pizza & wings cozy up on my fav reading couch w/ a good PNR book and get to town UNDISTURBED!!
With a whole day to myself I would spend it with a very sexy man. but he would be in a book.
It sounds silly and uneventful but the first thing I would do would be that I would get up, slowly without an alarm blaring or someone jarring me awake, there'd be no rush but I also would have expectations to sleep in (because I wouldn't want to be disappointed if that didn't happen). Then I would putter downstairs in only my heavy but soft, long terry cloth robe, brew a large pot of tea, and sit either by the window (is it cold out?) or on the porch and read a new highly recommended book or an old favorite (I wouldn't want to take a chance on a new, none-recommended book – it might not be good enough and taint this precious morning!).
It sounds so simple, but that type of morning is such an appealing fantasy to me! The terry cloth robe is important because it is sooo comfortable and the reading! I never get to read in the daylight without interruption! I would be able to get completely absorbed into the story and relax. I'd love that!
That is totally not silly! That would be my perfect morning too!!! Except coffee:)
Hey, how do you pick your books to read?
If I had a whole day to myself, I would watch all the shows and movies I want. Yup, I'm a tv junkie!
My email address is maturems@msn.com
Thanks for the contest!
Stay in my PJ's, eat ramen noodles with veleveeta cheese, read a few romance books and watch Glee. :) Perfect day in my opinion!! :)
rachie2004 @ yahoo (d0t) com
KISS- Keep it Simple stupid
Stay in my pj's all day with a book in one hand and a cold drink in the other.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
If it was summer I'd spend it on my favorite raft with a book and a fruity drink
msboatgal at aol.com
I would relax in bed reading a book and indulging in some sort of yummy dessert
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I forgot to leave my email address…
catherine.morgan1 @ yahoo . com
A Day to myself? Okay, the first thing I would do is pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, lol!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I'd go to the beach and chill out!
I would probably sleep late, eat whatever I wanted and read all day. Then in the evening a nice hot shower and maybe a movie I've been wanting to see. Really, just a lazy day.
seriousreader at live dot com
I would sleep in late, watch a bit of TV, read, take a nap, read, have lunch, take a nap and read some more. lol
oops…forgot my email up above. kammie2u at ameritech dot net
A day to myself? I'd read all day!