The Demon in Me by Michelle Rowen (Living in Eden #1)
May 4th, 2010
Paranormal Romance
Paperback, 336 Pages
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite quote: “If Hell had created an STD, this would be it.”
Eden Riley is a “psychic consultant” to the police even though she really doesn’t believe in her powers. When hunky police detective Ben Johnson guns down a serial killer in front of her, Eden’s unreliable psychic powers give her a gift. And that gift is Darrak.
Darrak is a demon who was cursed by a witch. He has been without his original body for over 300 years; forced to co-habitat in the bodies of others. For the first time he is able to communicate with his host & briefly manifest. Darrak wants to use this time to break his curse because if he doesn’t, Eden’s going to have to learn to live with her sexy demon…like it or not.
Imagine hearing a sexy deep voice in your head telling you all sorts of naughty things. Imagine you can talk to that voice….and it talks back. Imagine that voice comes wrapped up in a tall and darkly handsome body that appears in your bed each night.
Eden doesn’t imagine these things…she lives them.
When a serial killer that Darrak is inhabiting ends up dead, Eden’s psysic powers help “guide” Darrak into her body. Naturally, Eden freaks with some hilarious results. Now Eden and Darrak are inseparable – literally. The powers that be say Eden & Darrak cannot be more then a few feet away from Eden when he’s corporal or they die.
Since Darrak cannot stray to far from Eden or vice versa they are constantly testing new boundaries in their relationship. From establishing bathroom to date rules (Darrak can see EVERYTHING that Eden does) Eden tries to go on as usual. But there are people out there who want Darrak’s powers and are willing to sacrifice Eden in order to get them.
In this off the cuff paranormal romance by Michelle Rowen we watch protagonists, Eden and Darrak, deal with their strange new “living” arrangement. Eden’s freak outs over the situation are hilarious. Her inter-dialogue is witty and comical with the one liners and zingers abundant.
Eden and Darrak have great chemistry between them that gets hotter and surprisingly sweet as the story goes on. However, the story did seem to drag at times. It was almost as though the book couldn’t decide if it wanted to be serious or funny and it made for some awkward reading. I did feel that there were some extra scenes that weren’t necessary and were more of a filler.
Eden spends a lot of time flipping back and forth between Darrak being “good” or “bad”. As they work to exist with their co-habitation they try to locate and deal with the witch who cursed him. But she isn’t anymore willing this go around then before to remove the curse. Throw in some creepy exorcists, a trigger happy cop,and a shape shifting kitty cat and you have a wonderful blend of humor & charm that translates into the start of a fab new series. I look forward to seeing where Ms. Rowen takes Eden and Darrak.
Rating: 3.5/5
Recent Reviews:
Thank you Tori. I won a copy of the ARC and have it sitting next to my bed.
I really like the premise, but I'm a little concerned about the humour aspect (which I didnt)…I used to really like Katie McAlister's Ashling Grey series but then the humour started to annoy me. The funny parts of The Demon In Me aren't too slapstick are they?
I read Rowen's Fanged and Fabulous series very chick-lit-pnr romance, I liked it tho.
I'm with Orannia, Rowen is to die for funny, but sometimes I feel it gets in the way of connecting with the characters emotionally.
P.S. Is this a new series?
orannia-The humor is low key and more self deprecating then anything. Not silly or slapstick. I haven't read the Ashling Grey series so I can't compare.
Smokinhotbooks-Im pretty sure it'll be a series because of the way it read & ended but I haven't read the authors page abt it.
I love the premise of this book and the excerpts I've read so far have been pretty good – I always love self-deprecating humor too ;D
This sounds really interesting! Like my TBR list needed anything added to it…
Just re-read my comment. It should have said:
'I really like the premise, but I'm a little concerned about the humour aspect (which I didn't know about)…'
Thank you Tori. Low key humour, no slapstick – phew! *wipes brow*
Wonderful review Tori! This sounds great!
I loved your blog. Thank you.