Vampire Mistress by Joey W. Hill (Vampire Queen #5)
Erotic Paranormal Romance
May 4th, 2010
Paperback, 389 Pages
Berkley Trade
Why I read: Received for review from the publisher.
Favorite Quote: “Anwyn.” Daegan caught her shoulders.
The vampire’s command resonated through the bathroom, and possibly the entire lower level. Gideon knew generals – not to mention high school teachers – who would give a left nut to freeze motion and rivet attention as Daegan did with two syllables. Who the hell was this guy?
Favorite Naughty Quote: Daegan set aside the lubricant, his hand still working himself. That glistening tumescent organ slid through his clenched long fingers like a living beast.
Vampire hunter, Gideon Green is a tortured soul. He spends his days hunting vampires that have killed innocents, all the while dealing with his brother Jacob who was recently turned into a vampire. Gideon is yearning for something – anything to turn his soul from the blackness that is enveloping it. He ends up at BDSM Nightclub Atlantis owned by Anwyn – a Domme herself. She knows Gideon is more violent and aggressive than the normal men she lets into the club, but she sees something in him – something not at all unfamiliar to her.
Gideon refuses the three mistresses Anwyn sends in, sending him over the edge in pure rage. But when Anwyn herself walks in, and demands him to become submissive – something shifts in Gideon. Gideon is not a submissive, but he is searching for loyalty, to be used for service. All parts of his body want to rebel, but he hangs onto a thread of hope that Anwyn can strip him down to his base self.
Anwyn felt his yearning, a gas fire that threatened to consume. It was too similar to what she knew and remembered, and she felt oddly stripped as she looked into his face and saw how lost he truly was, this feral creature who’d come to her door, not sure if he wanted to bed for a bowl of scraps or break in and take whatever he wanted.
Anwyn feels something special about Gideon, something she has only felt for one other person – Daegan Rei. Daegan is a very old, very powerful vampire whom has protected and shared a relationship with Anwyn for years. Anwyn has refused to become Daegan’s servant, refusing those three marks it takes. Daegan doesn’t accept no easily, and for him to accept Anwyn to remain human shows he cares for her deeply. Daegan notices the spark in Anwyn’s eye when she looks at Gideon and knows this man is something different.
When Anwyn gets brutally attacked later that night in an alley by rogue vampires, she gets thrust into the world she was trying to avoid. All of Gideon’s instincts scream at him that this is wrong, but his heart knows he can’t harm Anwyn. To keep her alive, he is going to have to face his biggest fears and learn to trust and live with those he has hunted and hated.
Oh Joey W. Hill, where have you been all my life? Writing tons of books I’ve never read? *cry* Vampire Mistress is the first book I have read by Joey W. Hill and I was blown away. I absolutely loved this book. Usually erotic paranormal ménage makes me run and hide. But, I received this in the mail, and many people have recommended this author to me so I dove in. I honestly think this is the first ménage book that 100% works for me. The dynamics of the three people in this relationship are amazing. There is Anwyn, the very dominant female who has a complicated relationship with a very dominant vampire. She refuses to submit herself to become his servant and he refuses to submit his true feelings that he loves her. They both care deeply for each other, but their relationship is on a static hold.
Then Gideon enters the picture – the brutal, tortured Gideon who will lay down his life to protect a female, especially Anwyn, who he has a life altering connection to. But he will also fight to the death against vampires that he has an absolute hatred for. He has a very cocky attitude with a sarcastic mouth that made me smile many times throughout this book. When Anwyn is turned – for him to put aside his presumptions, for him to be able to work and trust Daegan, it is really a remarkable journey Joey W. Will takes him on. These two fierce men are forced to work together to save the woman they love, and in doing so, they start breaking down the walls that each have held up their whole lives.
Anwyn pushes the sexual boundaries in this book, and for me, it is the perfect mix. The way she strips Gideon down, bares his soul – puts him into sexual situations with Daegan, is beautifully done. Joey W. Hill takes these characters just far enough. She gives us very erotic sex, and just a hint of Daegan and Gideon together, as they please Anwyn to make their scenes together extremely erotic. Like I said, I am not huge into erotic ménage – but I became so emotionally invested in these three characters, that I could not imagine it working out any other way.
We also see the journey of Anwyn physically and mentally changing into a vampire and it is not pretty at all. It is horrifying and raw, and adds another level to this book. The Domme Anwyn now has to give up all control and put her trust into these two men.
Their story is not done yet though. Coming this September is Vampire Trinity which will conclude this trio’s story and I am on pins and needles to get my hands on it. I already have the first four books on their way to me and can’t wait to read more of Joey W. Hill’s work. Vampire Mistress will definitely make my favorite list this year. The erotic nature may not work for everyone, and I can’t pinpoint exactly why this book affected me so much. However, it is a book I very much recommend.
Rating: 4.5/5
Recent Reviews:
I didn't like the first book in her 'Vampire Queen' series. But that was mostly because I didn't like the female lead in 'The Vampire Queen's Servant'. I didn't know that the series continued, but with different protagonists…. hmmm, looks like I'll have to revisit this one. Great review!
Like Danielle87 above I didn't like the first book in the series so I didn't bother to read the rest. But your review makes me want to read this one. I'll have to check it out.
YIPES! That quote made me blush! lol Good review girl! This book sounds tasty! ;)
So glad you are finally on the Joey Hill bandwagon! Her writing is rich and satisfying and sexy and intense. My favorites are the mermaid/angel ones…I like those better than the vampires!
I am a big fan of JWH. Just recently spent a week or so reading her Nature of Desire Series. I held off starting the Vampire Queen Series. I was torn between wanting to read more of JWH's work but the story line's describing them just didn't grab my interest.
I respect your reviews and this one has me planning to read it. If I like it I'll go back and start the series at the beginning.
JWH – I love to read the words you write!
I can't compare this to any of her other work..but anytime I mention this author, I get very strong responses..either I Love her mermaids better than vamps or vice versa. She definitely brings out the strong opinions. I am very interested to see how I react to her other work.
Sounds good, I have the mermaid book of hers, and i hope that series is just as good :D
Ive seen this series around but never picked it up. Maybe I should
Oh my *fans self* that quote is indeed delicious. I must have this one!
I have a few Joey Hill books set aside to read later… Maybe it's time I bumped them up on the list.
I am a HUGE Joey Hill fan. Beloved Vampire is my fav story of hers, although I understand why there are those who didn't enjoy Lyssa & Jacob (the first two stories in the series) as much.
Definitely check the rest of her stuff out. :)
Danielle – I am very interested to see how I like the first in this series…
Bells – Interesting…..can't wait to see what I think!!
Monroe – I know…lots of naughty quotes to choose from..LOL
Penny – Thank you for rec'ing her!!!!!
Blodeuedd – I have heard good and bad about the mermaid..but I have heard good and bad about her vamps.
Leilani – It is def a bit different..and dark. But oh so good.
KC – You would love this book.
MamaKitty – Bump those buggers up!
JA – Can't wait to read more from her!!
Wow this book sounds great! I love the quotes and descriptions.. sounds like something to read when I need a little heating up :D
I'm reading the first book in this series and not really liking it all that much. I know how much you enjoyed this one and am wondering if I'll just skip to this one? Not sure yet.
Mandi! You loved Joey Hill!!! YAY!! Isn't she amazing?! Lucky for you, her backlist is extensive with lots of juicy reads just waiting for you to sink your teeth into. *wink*
Happy steamy reading, girl!
Hugs, VFG
Hey Mandi!!!! OMG! I love your review honey! But I think you know that already!!!!
I think you know that I am one of those persons that will egg you on to read more Joey Hill!!!! I absolutely love her and her work! Her writing style is awesome and makes me crave more. She is simply amazing!!!
This whole series freaking ROCKS APPLES!!!!!!!
I hope you had a great weekend, a wonderful Mother's Day and an awesome Monday!