I’m very excited to have Yasmine Galenorn at Smexy! I reviewed Night Myst, the first in her new Indigo Court series earlier today.
Soundtracks for Writing
Yasmine Galenorn
One of the questions I’m asked a lot is if I write to music. The answer is yes, about 70% of the time. Music sweeps me away, changes my mood, puts me in a place where I can so easily see the action. I’m a very visual person, as well as being very auditory-oriented. The scenes in my mind unfold as I write them, and I see the action happening. Music accentuates the experience, much like having a soundtrack for the book. So music now plays a major part in my writing.
People who know my books, know that I create a playlist for each book. In fact, I’ve started putting the playlists in the back of the books as well as on my website, so that readers who don’t surf the net can see what I listen to for inspiration. Each book has a mood, a theme, and I carefully pick the music to go with the main character and the plot.
But the playlist I start with is not usually the one I end up with. Some songs are standard—for the Otherworld Series, I will always include the song Believe by the Bravery, because it feels like the theme song for the series as a whole. For the Indigo Court Series, I will always include the song Half Light by Low, which I consider that series’ theme song.
And then, there are a handful—about ten-twelve songs—that will always find their way onto every playlist for every book I write, including: In the Waiting Line by Zero 7; The Angel Wars by Gary Numan, Back in Black by AC DC, Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie. Then were will be book-specific songs, everything from Celtic rock to world beat to hardcore darkwave industrial goth.
I begin by thinking about the book and what the mood’s going to be, and then add songs to the playlist that I think will work for the novel. Over the period of writing, I cull some of the songs off the list, and add others. By the end of the book, I have honed it to a fine polish and that group of songs represents the book as a whole to me.
I didn’t used to write to music, though I’ve always been an audiophile. While I wrote seven novels before ever getting published (still in the closet), I started my publishing career in nonfiction and then broke into paranormal mysteries. I didn’t write to music with either of those genres. I think it was because—while I enjoyed writing them—they weren’t the genres that I’m in love with, that I immerse myself in. The minute I started writing urban fantasy, the worlds I was writing about grew expansive, and the work screamed for music.
So ever since Witchling, I’ve written to music. It captures me and takes me away to the stories and worlds I’m writing about. During some scenes that cry out for one particular song, I’ll put that song on repeat and play it twenty times over while writing (did I mention I’m slightly obsessive-compulsive? ~grins~). I’m always thrilled when I discover a new song or group that I fall in love with, because it means that much more expansion to my library of writing music.
So, to celebrate the release of Night Myst, the first book in my new urban fantasy Indigo Court Series, which comes out June 29th, 2010, Berkley Jove publishing and I are celebrating by offering three (unsigned) copies of Witchling—the first book in my Otherworld Series. To enter, just ask me a question or tell me what your favorite group is. (Canada and US only for entering contest, please).
New York Times bestselling author Yasmine Galenorn writes urban fantasy for Berkley: both the bestselling Otherworld/Sisters of the Moon Series for Berkley and the upcoming Indigo Court urban fantasy series. In the past, she wrote mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime, and nonfiction metaphysical books. Her books have hit the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists numerous times.
Yasmine has been in the Craft for over 30 years, is a shamanic witch, and describes her life as a blend of teacups and tattoos. She lives in Bellevue WA with her husband Samwise and their cats. Yasmine can be reached via her website at www.galenorn.com
Thanks Yasmine!!
In addition to the THREE copies of WITCHLING that are up for grabs, I also have an extra arc of NIGHT MYST to throw in the goodie bag. So there will be four winners!
Ask Yasmine a question or answer her above question to enter. Please leave an email if not in your profile. Contest open through Sunday June 13th. US/Canada Only.
I don't think I have one favorite group. In college it was probably Led Zeppelin (in the 1990's – had to specify LOL!)…but since then I don't know. No group really stands out for me.
Hi Yasime!
I was wondering if it was hard for you to switch gears to a whole new series?
My favorite group would probably have to be (for now at least) Death Cab for Cutie, although I change my music preferences as often as most people change their undies! :)
Hi ladies! Great post!
Music isn't as important to me as it is for most but rather its just a medium to get me from point A to point B in my car. Books, however, are my sanity and to go without – nope I don't even want to think about that. ;)
Night Myst sounds amazing. Some of my favorite groups are classic rock bands, Guns N Roses and Aerosmith.
My favorite group? That's so hard. I'm always dependent on my mood for what I want to listen to. Muse and the Decemberists come to mind. Next week it could be Metallica or Led Zeppelin.
star wars boba fett costume,
I love the combination of music and work – even though I don't do anything like writing I find that I have different playlists to get me in the mood for the work I have to do throughout the day. I was wondering if you ever listen to audio books? I find that even though I love music and love to read I just can't get into listening to books and I was curious what you thought.
Great interview!
(Mandi will love my answers) My favorite band is, hands down, The Killers!! I so love groups like Muse, The Temper Trap, Rilo Kiley, Coheed and Cambria, Tokio Hotel, Paramore, Vampire Weekend…I'm all over the place! I listen to a lot of old hair metal too – my mom's influence, for sure. :)
In the Waiting Line is a fantastic tune. One of my favorite songs is by Zero 7. It's called Destiny, and I used some of the chorus lyrics in my wedding vows. :)
Thanks for the great opportunity!
a.hoffenberg at gmail dot com
my taste in music all dpends on my mood i donthave just one fav group
Im atotall fan girl of Gackt
but im just a smuch of a fan girl of Lady A
and then theres my fiances band so im more of an eclectic listener with not just one favorite group but many
great post
Hi Yasmine,
I think my music tends to be all over the place-on one hand I love AC/DC, Scorpians and Ozzie Osbourne and the other hand adores Michael Buble, Nickleback and Adam Lambert.
Is it hard to find music for your books to write to?
Love your books. Looking forward to Night Myst.
Dawn R.
love2read28 @ gmail dot com
I'm and 80's Girl i like rick springfild and Elton John,Billy Joel,Pat Benatar,The Police,Billy Idol,The Bangles,Bob Dylan and a lot more
I'm horrible with music. I have no idea who is signing, or what song it is or….. I'll just find myself signing along or tapping my foot.
I am very much looking forward to reading your new book, and discovering your other series!
I am a country fan and don't have a clue who some of these groups are.
My favorite country groups are Lonestar and Rascal Flats.
Night Myst sounds great. Right now I have been into Dashboard Confessional (alter the ending)
Myra C.
I have to say that Evanescence is the one group I keep coming back to again and again. I'll paint to music, but never used it for a specific mood. I may have to try that!
For about 10 years I had to give up music, because of my son. He has aspburgers, among many other things, and when he was young music would set him off. But gradually I found as he got older I could play it in the car, and he could listen to it. If it didn't work out, I was willing to give it up-which is hard, because I love music. Now he can listen to a few songs at a time. We listen to red hot chilli peppers, audioslave, incubus.
I would like to ask her, what would you do, if suddenly, you could no longer listen to any music at all?
I enjoy so many groups and individuals in several genres, so it's hard to pick a favorite. One of my all time favorites though is Chris Isaak, I love his singing.
I haven't read Witchling yet, so it would be wonderful to win it.
Oh, I have a lot of favorite groups and they very from a wide range.
– The Temptations.
– Metalica.
– Insane Clown Posse.
– Backstreet Boys {yes, I proudly admit this, lol.}
– Paramore.
– Evanescence.
– Brookes & Dunn.
– Lady Antebellum.
– Poison.
– Train.
– Rascel Flats.
– Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons.
– Journey.
– Ozzie Osbourne.
– Ok Go.
– Nuttin' But Stringz.
– Seether.
– Skillet.
congrats on the release and thanks for the giveaway. :)
Right now, I'm in love with Mozella's music, specifically Luvsik. They play it on the speaker at work and I usually tune the music out cuz it's so bad, but that one caught me. Looking forward to a new book to read!
My favorite group is Nickelback!!
Please enter me for this one. Great contest!
I follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I'm usually more into individual artists for some reason but here are some bands/groups I like:
The Fugees
The Isley Brothers
Maroon 5
Fall Out Boy
When I was a teen my favorite groups were Queen and the Chipmunks. Since then I've added Simon & Garfunkle and the Beach Boys. I also like Celtic music.
I already have Witchling, but I sure would like a chance at the arc of Night Myst. It sounds like a great read.
My favorite group changes quite often… right now it is Local Natives :)
Tara SG – contact@taraSG.com
Great interview and thanks for the giveaway!!
Ms. Galenorn: does Camille have a favourite amongst her Triumvirate of (very delicious, smokin' hot) hubbies?
Nicole asked: Is it hard to switch gears between series?
Not really, I know the characters of both series so well, (especially the Otherworld Series). They're like old friends who I switch between allowing to wander around in my head and thoughts. Actually, it's going to keep both series a lot fresher because I will have a little break from them.
Heather asked: Do you listen to audiobooks?
Actually, I don't. I don't have a lot of time for reading but when I do read, I want to the feel of the book in my hand. I also need to multitask, and if I listen to an audiobook, I can't focus on doing anything else or I get distracted and lose part of the book. However, I CAN read and watch TV or cook at the same time. :)
Dawn asked: Is it hard to find music to write to?
No, not at all. I have a wide range of tastes (except country, I can't stand country or elevator music or most easy listening). I'm always finding new songs I like. For example, I just found out the name of a song that's in a car commercial the other day and am going to buy the MP3.
Debbie asked: What would you do if you could no longer listen to music?
I'd be devastated but I'd learn to adapt. I've adapted to a lot of harsh realities through my life, and I'm strong. You can still feel the beat even if you can't hear it, so there is that. :)
Danielle 87 asked: Does Camille have a favorite husband among her three?
It all depends on her mood, what she feels like doing, and what kind of day it is. An overall favorite? No. But on a day by day basis? Yah, she would. :)
Hi Yasmine. Great little tid bit about music and how it flows with your writing. My music choice is very eclectic, so I havent really picked a favorite group. Its hard for me to decide.. Some days. I couldnt even really give a top five right off the top of my head. So with that I'll pose a question. I know this may let something out of the bag, maybe not, but what sparked in your brain to let Menolly take her braids out in Demoan Mistress? I was always curious as to that, and wanted to know what would of sparked that change. I am curious to see it like that again, but I know it may not happen. My name is Phil, and you can email me at philski155(AT) AOL (DOT) COM.
i like all kinds of music, so i dont really have a favorite group.
I like a lot of different things. I usually get hooked on popular songs or imported music from other countries. If I had to list some groups though:
Cranberries: earliest cds, Bjork, De/vision, Maroon 5, Ke$sha, Mika, P!nk, Paramore, Pat Benetar, Seether, and the Smiths. Those would be some I listen to over and over again.
zorilita at gmail dot com
My current favorite band is Evanescence and favorite older band is AC/DC! tWarner419@aol.com
I always wondered how author said a book had a playlist but it makes sense. I like that you can listen to a sound twenty times to finish a scene.
Does their baby gargoyle have a theme song?
Awesome! My all time favorite band is the Beatles. Old fashioned, I know, but they've got a song for every situation I've ever found myself in and the fact that they're musical innovaters just makes them that much more dear to my heart. I'm really looking forward to the series, I can't wait to get ahold if the book when it comes out!
Email is Ellaanabeth@yahoo.com
What is your opinion on book trailers? Do you think they help in book sales?
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
phillyone asked about Menolly's braids:
She needed to try it, needed to see how it made her feel. Obviously she wasn't ready to leave them out, but when a character needs to do something, they have to give it a try.
booklover0026 asked about book trailers:
I make my own, I enjoy them, I have fun making them, but I make them for my readers, not to draw in new readers. I have no idea if they impact sales, but I know a number of my readers enjoy the ones I do.
Hi Yasmine,
Your books are fun to read. Why did you choose to do 3 sisters whose very person is so different?
Thanks a bunch
chichai_hana at hotmail dot com
I'm old school. ABBA, for sure, The Beatles,
Led Zeppelin,Doors,Aerosmith, some Grateful Dead plus a drink of the same name, The Shirelles, Four Seasons, and a raft of groups my hazy mind cannot recall.
My fav group changes with my mood…
I'm over the pond, so I'm not entering the contest.
But my fav groups are Nightwish and Evenessence….probably spelt that wrong…hehe!!!
in Germany
Depends on my mood some days its aerosmith,some days its lady antebellum, other days its smashmouth lol I listen to everything.
Depends on my mood some days its aerosmith,some days its lady antebellum, other days its smashmouth lol I listen to everything.
Hi Yasmine :)
I'm kind of a rock n' roller but rather than a specific band I go by song. Queen, Twisted Sister, Bruce Springsteen, The Monkees. I love just about all kinds of music from classical to metal.
So many great bands/music artist. It's always hard to pick just one! I guess if it came down to 'No, you can only listen to one band forever!' it would be Skid Row for me.
"I Remember You" makes me smile every time that I hear it and when I found out that Skid Row was going to be at the Berrien County Youth Fair in August, well, you'd have thought that it was Christmas all over again in my world!
Something about old favorites warms your heart every time.
(yes, it is impossible for me to give a one line answer to anything!)
I have very eclectic music tastes. Mostly old school 80's music. I do not listen to the radio so most newer artists do not get heard by me. Which is a bit or a tragedy because I love music.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I love the Muse, Coldplay, Snow Patrol, and Evanescence. My tastes vary depending on my mood (right now i can't get enough of Secrets by One Republic), but I always come back to these four.
Yasmine, you rock!
My question would be, which book was the hardest to write or relate to?
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