The winner of The Iron King by Julie Kagawa and the $25 Visa Giftcard is….
Reena Jacobs
Thank you to Big Honcho Media for sponsoring the giveaway and for everyone stopping by!
by Mandi 7 Comments
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Angela l Goodreads
Melanie l Goodreads
Jen .@thebooknista l Goodreads
Kate @kateminasian l Goodreads
Kate H. @Naranjadia l Goodreads
Congratulations Reena, I hope you enjoy The Iron King!
Ooooo excited to find this blog, I'm working on a 'smexy book' myself *grin*
Congrats :D
Much congrats!!!
i love that book cover, it's so pretty.
Congrats lucky duck. :D
Thank you. I'm excited about this book. The Iron King just got bumped to the top of my TBR list!
Wtg, Reena!