Chains Of Ice by Christina Dodd (Chosen Ones #3)
July 6, 2010
Paranormal Romance
Paperback, 400 Pages
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: "What are you thinking now?
"I was thinking that before I met you I was dead inside."
Genny Valente gets a reprieve one summer from her overbearing father and heads to the outbacks of Russia to observe wild leopards in their natural habitat. But there is a price to pay for her freedom. She must convince John Powell to come back. Back to the Chosen Ones. But John is more dangerous then any best she has ever encountered. He will kidnap her, seduce her, and betray her. But when all hope is lost, will Genny make the ultimate sacrifice and save John from himself?
Genny Valente’s father betrayed the Chosen Ones and was stripped of everything. He attempts to remake himself by molding Genny into the perfect money making machine. After years of his mental abuse, he offers Genny the chance of freedom. A trip to do the one thing she’s always wanted…observe wildlife in the outback, IF she does him a small favor. She must "convince" John Powell to return to the states no matter what.
Once Genny arrives in Russia she is bombarded with stories of the Chosen legend and the role she & John play in it. From the moment Genny sees John, everything else fades and all she wants is to be his. But John has exiled himself to Russia after being brutally betrayed by his former Chosen One commander and his wife. Nothing can or will force him back to the fold nor to use his powers again. When John realizes that Genny is there to try and convince him to return he feels betrayed all over again and strikes out at her in the only way he knows how. Through his powers. After thinking he has lost Genny for good, John goes back the Chosen Ones only to realize that he and Genny were both pawns in an evil scheme by a nemesis from John’s past.
In the third installment of the Chosen Ones, Chains Of Ice everything is perfect. We have a intriguing beginning. Which smoothly flows into a sweet yet steamy romantic interlude. Passionate and smexy. Not to fast…not to slow. We have the misunderstanding, the betrayal, the heartbreak. The redemption and the HEA. Great word play. Wonderful suspense build up. A solid plot. Perfect.
I should have loved it. But I didn’t. It is just to cookie cutter. Everything was in place for the perfect PNR but I didn’t "feel" anything. The chemistry between John and Genny felt false to me. Just words on a page. The were both sublime characters that allow life to stomp all over them and show little gumption to take their lives back. Even at their angriest moments they were calm. Seeking explanations. They both come off lukewarm and there are only small glimpses of strength in them. There is one part-I won’t go into it because I don’t to spoil- but Genny’s reaction or lack of reaction to something her father does is mind boggling.
We do get to see the Chosen Ones towards the end; but what we get is a little off kilter. I felt like I stepped into the middle of a conversation. Again, reactions to another team member’s obvious problems are surreal. Everyone’s reactions through out the book seem muted and vague. Only the villains come across as vibrant and passionate. I felt their anger and motivation. The development of the villains characters was deeper; even for the brief interludes we saw of them.
The ending cleanly ties everything together yet leaves enough open ended questions to warrant a possible foray back into the Chosen world.
Rating: 3/5
Recent Reviews:
Ooooh good review! I have to say that I doubt I will read it. I've wanted to try Christina Dodd, think I might have one of her books on my TBR, but the cookie cutter issue is a big one for me. There are too many books out there that are multi-dimensional and passionate, that I don't want to deal with lukewarm chemistry. But thanks for reading it for us!!!! :P
i had no idea Christina Dodd wrote PNR! if you want to give her another shot I would recommend her historicals, especially the governess brides series.
I really like this review Tori. It takes more than just the right words to make a story work. Too perfect never works for me either.
I have yet to read Dodd…but Lusty, her historicals sound good :)
That's how I've been feeling about most of Dodd's books for the last few years. She's totally phoning it in.
Pam-Thanks. I liked her first 2 but this one just didn't do it for me.
Lusty-I j'adore Dodd's historicals and often re read them. I also really liked her dark chosen series.
Mandi-Thanks gf. Dodd's historials are very smexy but full of humor, intrigue, and angst. :)
Good Review!!! I have read the second one and I though it was pretty good, so I probably will end up reading the rest of the series, but I am a bit reluctant to read this one though! Thanks for posting!
Hi Tori:
Excellent Review. Yeah, I've read a couple of Christina Dodd's paranormals and didn't care for them. It is as you said, very predictable. She does have a huge fan base for her historical romances though but I've not read any of those.
Thanks for sharing!
heidenkind-I didn't want to go there but yea, I agree.
Lover of Romance-Thanks.
Lea-Thank you. :)I do j'adore her historicals.
That's a bummer about the lukewarm chemistry! That usually changes a book from a stay up all night read to a read while watching bad tv book for me!
Thank you Tori. I read Christina Dodd's first PNR series. I liked the first book and the last, but the others…not so much. And I've steered clear of this series because it just doesn't draw me in. And your review has kind of confirmed that…
I used to love her books, but haven't read them in years-I think once an author gets to book fifteen or so, they all feel the same.
La Dodd has done it again! This one will leave you on the edge of your seat and breathless with anticipation for the next installment. Christina, paranormal romance is your niche!
La Dodd has done it again! This one will leave you on the edge of your seat and breathless with anticipation for the next installment. Christina, paranormal romance is your niche!
I just finished this book myself, and ended up being very disapointed. The first half of the book was incredible to me, then half way through, something happens and she jumps forward in time by 2 years, without an emotional reaction to the first part. The end seemed rather rushed to me, and the lynxes were also abandoned half way through. I was really hoping for a good PRN, and this one delivered for only the first half of the book.