No Werewolves Allowed by Cheyenne McCray (Night Tracker #2)
Urban Fantasy
May 25, 2010
Paperback, 320 Pages
St. Martin’s
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: "What’s your master plan, Blue?"
"The master plan is make sure you end up one of the missing once we get there."
Nix Ciar is back and has a whole new set of troubles. Even though she lost her human lover before he even became her lover, she is still a night tracker and duty prevails. When several of the New York City’s werewolves go missing, it’s up the Nix and Clare to travel to the great outdoors to see who’s been knocking on the big bad wolves door…and why.
In No Werewolves Allowed Nix Ciar and Oliva DeSantos are back. PI’s for the paranorms during the day and Night trackers at night, they fight crime all the while trading barbs and quips. When the NYC wolf alpha Dimetri Beketov comes to them with a case of dead and missing werewolves they cannot refuse. Rodan sends them out with Ice and two new trackers, Angel and Joshua, to the werewolves camp to help find answers. But Nix and the other paranorms are at a loss. They can’t smell or see any clues. It’s as if the wolves just disappeared out of thin air. When Nix and Angel get caught, they soon find out who is behind the dead and missing wolves and the answers are shocking.
While this is a normal Urban Fantasy- strong heroine, usually works in some sort of investigative field-it does have some perks. The main protagonist, Nix, is a smart ass Drow (Elven) princess who loves designer fashion and kicks some serious arse. She also shifts to purple in her elf form…oops…I mean amethyst. While she is a strong paranormal heroine, she is half human and her vulnerable tactless moments make her seem more dimensional.
Olivia, her partner, is all human, but handles her own with Nix and the other paranorms in the city. I like the banter between the characters. It’s light and sarcastically humorous. The plot is jammed backed with action and suspense. Ms McCrey write a solid tight story without wondering to far off the path into randomness. The villains are identified early on in the story, but their reasoning’s are slowly revealed through out the book providing a climatic, intense finish. I also like how the secondary characters play more of a major part in the story aside from just being scenery.
I did have a few problems with the book. It’s a given that Nix is self absorbed and spoiled but the constant brand name dropping and alludes to just how wealthy she is becomes redundant. I don’t need to read about her Xphone or her endless money supply in every other sentence. I really would like to see some growth in Nix. We see a small amount concerning Adam and her Drow heritage. Hopefully she will continue to do so.
I also didn’t like the fact she forgave Adam so quickly and allows him back into her life. I really don’t feel a connection between Adam and Nix. She says she loves him but all you really read is lust for his body and looks. She comes off as a bit needy.Not like she needs him for him but because he left her first. Though McCrey does make a very minuscule side step in the plot, it just seemed to fix itself too early on. I felt the chemistry between her and Rodan was truer and more heartfelt.
All in all this is a light read for urban fantasy as it just doesn’t have the angst or despair that others seem to grow out of. Enjoyable and fast; it comes, kicks ass, then goes home.
I would like to add that to me this is not a stand alone book. Werewolves Not Allowed picks up a month or so after Demons Not Included left off. The first in the series provides needed background.
Rating: 3/5
Recent Reviews:
Nice review Tori..I'm not familiar with this series. I like to throw in more light hearted UF every now and then.
Mandi-Thanks. I like this series. Though I liked the first one better this one was an enjoyable read.
Great review! This is a new series for me. I'll have to look into it.
I enjoyed your review Tori quote: "it comes, kicks ass, then goes home" :D If I didn't like my books to be on the dramatic, angsty side and with a struggling H/h *grin* I so would've added this book to my wishlist LOL
Loving the cover,and it sounds cool.
A nice kickass yet fast book is never wrong
I haven't read anything by this author but I do have one of her books in my TBR – I'll have to see if it's book 1 and see about giving it a read!
Oh I loved Cheyenne McCray Magic series.
T was the first book better than the second one in this series..?
I've never heard of this series-but I love the titles of the books. It's always hard to read series books out of order. Great review Tori!
Leontine-Thnkas. I need variety in my life and UF's. lol
Blodeuedd-You are so wise.
Smokinhotbooks-I like her Magic series too. This is a little different.I liked the first book better.
A Buckeye Girl Reads-Thanks
Can I just say how much I love this cover? I want to TBR it based on that alone.
Excellent review. Thanks for sharing!
Nice review Tori – thank you. I'm not familiar with the series either. Perhaps not the right series for me ATM, but maybe when, like Mandi said, I'm in the mood for something lighter :)
beneficial line – I enjoyed it very much! Keep up the good work, richard feynman quotes