I’m back with books! Again, I have a couple of July releases that I don’t have time to review and others I received duplicates of.
This time there are two sets:
Note: Shadow Fall is an ARC. All others are brand new, final copies.
To enter, just leave a comment stating which set you would prefer. Contest open to everyone and will run through Monday July 12th.
Well, I loved Dakota Cassidy's Accidental Werewolf, so I'd take set two in a heartbeat!
They all look YUMMY! But I'd go with Set Two, I think.
Set 2 looks yummy!! I would love to read them, and hug them and call them mine. ;)
Thanks for the giveaway! I would like set 2, please :)
Great giveaway! If I win I would love Set 2 please. Thanks. :D
Awesome Giveaway!
They all look fab but i'd like Set Two me thinks!
Oh, Set 2 please :D
Set 1 please.
Ohhh desperate to read Leslie Parrish's Cold Sight. Set 2 please.
I would love to win set one. I want to read Cupid Cats & Home Is Where The Heart Is. Oh heck I would love to read all those. You have some great books in both sets. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sue B
I would love to read and review set two please. Thank you.
MDobson84 (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to read set number one! Thanks so much for the contest!!
inthehammockblog at gmail dot com
I'm drooling over Set #2!
set 2 please
I would like set two, Red Hot Fury still looks so good to me.
I would love to have set 2! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Thanks for the giveaway.I would pick set 2
Thank you for this great giveaway! I hope you are enjoying the Summer : ) I'd love to win Set One!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
This is an awesome giveaway! I'd love to win Set 2!
Set 2 would be awesome!!!
Another great giveaway. :) Please enter my name for set #2.
kweenmg at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway!
I would like to enter for set #2.
Oh..my.. *Stella tries to stop hyperventilating and breathing into the bag* What a literally breathtaking, amazing giveaway, thank you!!
I would like to be entered for Set #2.
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you!
Just because set one is less popular, set one. I would love to win any set. hmmm, i would love to win a penny. Just not my luck. LOL
I'd love to give the books in Set 2 a try!
I can't wait to read Claudia Dain's Daring a Duke so winning set one would be great!
I will pick set 2, please and thank you. :)
I would love set 1. Thanks! :)
Set 1! How fun is this contest!
aleareads@gmail . com
I would love set 2! =) Thanks for the giveaway!
Both look good but I would like to enter for set #2 please.
I think I must go with set 1 :) Guess I am in HR mood.
And this contest is just plainly made of awesome
Btw how do you get those numbers at the side! They would make my life so much easier when it comes to Random generator
I'd love to read Set 2. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Tough choice, but I'm going to go with set 1 because I've been in the mood for historicals lately. :)
Hi Mandi, I'm getting all excited for set #2 :)
I would love to win set #2. Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway. Please sign me up for set #2.
Great giveaway! Set 2 Please
Hi Mandi :)
oh please please please please please pleeeeeease (I could go on forever *gg*) please count me in for set two – that are amazing books!!!
thanks so much,
hugs Ina
I would love set 2. That would give me some really good books to read.
Hi Mandi!
Wow, awesome giveaway! I would love set 1!!!!
I would take set 1. I just read Love is a Four-Legged Word and I really liked it. When I saw the new one at the bookstore, I really wanted to get it, but I don't have any money.
myworldofbooks [at] gmail [dot] com
I’d love to win set #1. Thanks for the fabulous contest!
Set 2 for me! Pretty please! Great contest!
I'd like set 2.
13greenducks at gmail dot com
Oooh, set 1 please!
omlekud [at] gmail dot com
Awesome giveaway! Set 1 please.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
Generous contest! I'd take set 2 off your hands!
OH!! Set 2!!!
Set 2 please!
sarahalizabeth14 at yahoo dot com
*pinky wave* Hi Mandi no need to enter me just stopping by.
Awesome Giveaway!!! would Love set #2
Thanks for the giveaway. I would love set 1.
julstew at gmail dot com
Set 1 pretty, pretty, please! :)
I would love set 1 thanks for the contest.
Sign me up for set 2 please!
Stephanie G
Set 1 looks just perfect for me!
Wow great choices. hard to choose but love Set 2. Thanks for the contest.
Dawn R.
love2read28 2 gmail dot com
Wow, what great books. My choice would be set 2.
Thanks for the giveaway. My choice would be set #1. Thank you.
Great books! I'll try set #1.
Looks great! I'd go for set #1
I would go for set two, but I would actually be happy with either one! LOL
Thanks for sharing your books!
Amy J
OOoooo Set 2! Oh yea… 2! :)
Love your contest.
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
More giveaways,yay! Set 2 looks pretty good!
Yay for giveaways! I would like set 2 please ;)
I would LOVE set 2! Thanks for the giveaway!
Tara SG – contact@taraSG.com
second set please! thanks for gveaway
woops forgot email is
tinadudley at sbcglobal dot net
woops forgot email is
tinadudley at sbcglobal dot net
Hard choice, but I am going to have to say Set 2 since I have heard wonderful things about Dakota's writing and have never read anything by her yet
ooops – was too excited forgot to put my email in
contestmom AT hotmail DOT com
Oohhh, it's so hard to choose! I'm going to go with Set #1, I'm dying to read The Wicked Wyckerly and Cupid Cats.
I would choose set 2!
HenselKate@yahoo.com :)
i'd love to win set #2. I have gotten any of them yet. Looks like the whole bunch are geat reads.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
I would really really love set 2. Thanks for the chance!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I think I'll have to go with set #1. I love me some HR!
catherine.n.morgan @ gmail . com
Set 2 is the one for me. Thanks!
Definitely set 2, I have all these titles on my wish list.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Ooh, tough choice… But… hmm, gonna have to be Set 1, please.
365dollaryear @ gmail.com
I want to read Cupid Cats and Home is Where the Bark Is, so I'm going to go with Set 1. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
oh, set 2 sounds fantastic :)
Great books and such a hard choice.
I'd like set 2.
seriousreader at live dot com
I'd love to be entered for set two.
Great sets in both but my preferred reading is Paranormal and since you have 3 of my wish list books Red Hot Fury, Unchained and My Way To Hell on SET 2 it wins hands down… I would love the chance to read and give my thoughts on these lovelies very much Mandi!!
jackie b
Please enter me for set 2. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi Mandi! I'm definately interested in Set 2. Thanks for the fun contest! bpatrick64113@sbcglobal.net
All of these look so good! It's a tough decision but I'd like Set #1.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Both look great but I have my eye on Set 2.
I would love to have set #2. They are the type of books I like to read and there are some new authors.
I'd choose to read set 2, for the paranormal books!
However, set 1 isn't bad either–love those romances. I've been reading a lot of those lately!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
I think it's awesome that you do these!
I'm a paranormal fan so I would pick set 2.
Too bad we can't mix and match. In this case, I'd choose set one just slightly over set two
I'd love Set #2!
I'd love set 2!
cosine [at] gmx [dot] com
It was hard to chose, but if my name is drawn, I would like set 2, please.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
I'd like to win set 1.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
Set two for me love! Thank you for another awesome contest.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Oooohhhhh! How fun! So pretty! Set 2 please. *grin*
akbabcock at gmail dot com
Thanks for the contest. I would choose set 2. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
Wow! I would definitely take either one, but set 2 would be my first choice. :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would love set two because I'm a paranormal junkie.
lilazncutie1215 @ yahoo.com
Oh set 2 for sure!!
OOO, I'm loving the look of set two, it's got several titles I've been dying to get my hands on! Awesome contest!
I'd kill for the second set!
Thanks Mandi!
allthingsurbanfantasy at gmail dot com
Great authors but Sharon Ashwood and Dakota Cassidy are two of my favorites so I'll throw my hat in for set 2 please annhonATaolDOTcom
Ooohhh, second set please!
First Set, please!
oooh, set 2!
Set #2 please. :)
Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'm a paranormal gal so I pick set #2!!! Verra nice picks in that set. Thanks for sharing!!
Holy Giveaway Batman!
I would love to win Set #1!
Hard to choose, but I think I'd like set #2.
Hard choice since both Cupid Cats and My Way To Hell are on my buy list, but with an overall count of two books to four, set two wins the decision.
Hay Great books I would love Set "Two"
Hard to choose, only having one in each set so far, will try for Set 2.
set 2!!!
I am just beginning to take more interest in paranormals and urban fantasy, so I would choose set no. 2.
I would pick set two because I totally want to read the Dakota Cassidy book!
Oooo…Lots of nummies for me to read…BUT Set two seems to grab my attention more! =) Thanks for the chance at a great win girl!
Would you enter me for set #1 please? All of the books look great.
Set two looks very inviting!
Hi Mandi,
Excellent contest as always!
Please enter me in to win set 2.
randilyn1107 at gmail(dot) com
I would LOVE to win set 2! AWESOME contest! Thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway. I'd love set 2!
Would love to win set 2!
Set 2 looks good!
Oh man
I really want to read Cupid Cats.. but I love Dakota Cassidy's series
Sign me up for set #2 please.
I would love Set 2 – looks like some fabulous books there :-)
Great selection. I'd choose set #2.
I would LOVE set #2!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Set two please!
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
OOOHHH can I have set two, please, please!! LOL
I would love to win set 2.
Set 2 looks nice. I'm mainly looking forward to Parrish and Ashwood!
Set 2 is the one I would prefer! They're all awesome books!
alternate email from blogger
magenta 2 red [at] gmail [dot] com
Set two definatly. Even though I love romance novels. I love set two the most
SET 2 PLZ :)
Set 2 looks great, count me in please!
Can I be entered in for Set 2 please???
can you enter me for set 2 too, please please? thanks :)
Count me in for Set 1 please.
kiris089 at gmail dot com
I would have to say set 1. This is a great giveaway!
I would prefer set two- please count me in!
mizztuts at bellsouth dot net
Set two looks awesome!
Please count me in!
chrissy dot morin at gmail dot com
One can see from the number of comments that this is a wonderful giveaway !
The odds aren't good and I am an International entry but I presume "open to everyone" means I can enter.
Holdings thumbs for Set #2
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
Set #1, please.
Thanks for a great giveaway.
thanks for a fantastic giveaway! count me in for set 2 please :)
Please enter me for set #2
craftydana32 at yahoo dot com
oh I would love to win set 2! those are ALL on my want list!
Thanks for the chance to win!