The Iron King (Book one in the Iron Fey series) by Julie Kagawa
Young Adult
February 1, 2010
Paperback, 363 Pages
Harlequin Teen
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “You have much to learn about the fey Meghan Chase. Everything has a price.
Meghan Chase has never felt like she belonged. Now on the eve of her 16th birthday she’ll find out why. When her brother is kidnapped, Meghan is suddenly thrust into a world she never knew existed. The world of Fairy. A world of filled with magic,intrigue, and death. She learns that although she is the Summer King’s daughter it Will afford her no protection or help in this turbulent world. As Meghan draws deeper into Fairy to find her brother she will have to trust her enemies to get her out alive.
The Iron King is a fantastical tale told through the eyes of 16 yr old Meghan Chase. Meghan is part fey though she doesn’t know it. Only when her brother is taken does she realize that her entire life has been a lie. Now she must bury her fears & doubts and enter a world that doesn’t want her.
Ms Kagawa takes A Midsummer’s Night Dream, adds a modern twist, and continues the tale. Astounding world building gives us a dark haunting world that is an interesting mix of new,old and futuristic themes. As Meghan tries to accept she is the Summer King’s daughter, she must also deal with the cold and inhuman like aspect of the fey. She is given knowledge in true fey fashion, half truths and riddles, and makes many mistakes this new and dangerous world.
But she rarely makes the same mistake twice and her humanity is often what saves her. I know some complained that Meghan was too impetuous and childish in her actions but I felt that was the making of the book. Meghan is 16 yrs old and Ms Kagawa captures her persona brilliantly.
As Meghan makes her way through Neverever (Fairyland) she comes into contact with may different characters that both aid and restrict her. The characters in the book are bold, bright, and take on a life of their own. It was very interesting to see the fey through her eyes. These are not the fairies we tell our children about. No sweet Tinkerbell here. These are dark uninhibited beings that have lived thousands of years and any resemblance to humanity is merely wishful thinking on your part. The dialog flows smoothly and enchants the reader with glimpses into a world so different from our own.There are humorous,snarky, and emotional scenes that kept me glued in anticipation of what was to come.
The love triangle between the main characters is handled delicately, allowing for the first bloom of love but not plotting the whole story around it. Puck, Robin Goodfellow aka Robbie, is adorable with his mischievous efforts to protect and “court” Meghan. Ash, the Winter Prince, is so dark and deliciously brooding-torn between his Queen and Meghan. Meghan senses that things between the 3 of them will change between the two of them, but I admire how she focuses on finding her brother; overcoming many nasty obstacles to achieve her goal.
The storyline is fast and action packed with plenty of twists and turns that delighted and surprised me.
The addition of the Iron fey to the overall story arc adds a unique twist that keeps this from being yet another fey story in a long line of many. I thoroughly enjoyed my foray into Ms. Kagawa world and anxiously await the next in the series-The Iron Daughter.
Rating: 4.5/5Winter’s Passage (Book 1.5 in the Iron Fey series) by Julie Kagawa
Young Adult
June 1, 2010
E-Book, 91 Pages
Harlequin Teen
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “…I am your enemy, Meghan. Never forget that.”
Meghan Chase has saved her brother and returned home. But now she must honor her contract with Ash, the Winter Prince.
In The Iron King Meghan promised that she would accompany Ash to the Winter Court if he helped her find and recover her brother. When Ash comes for her she goes willingly but has a request. She wants to see Puck first. As Meghan and Ash begin their journey, something dangerous hunts them. Something that has no intention of allowing Meghan go anywhere.
In this brief but enchanting novella, we are given a bridge between The Iron King and The Iron Daughter. Meghan and Ash have survived the Iron Court, killed the Iron King, and got Ethan back safe and sound. But the contract she made with Ash is binding so she prepares to follow her love into the Winter Court.
I enjoyed this little story. We are given a deeper understanding to the emotions Ash feels concerning Meghan. She still doesn’t quite understand the workings of the Winter Court and Ash agonizes as he tries and fails to make her understand. As they detour to check on Puck, they find that they are being hunted by something that is even older then all the courts. The fact that Ms Kagawa can set up and drive home so much drama and emotion into a 60 odd page story speaks highly of her writing skills. This powerful little story has me even more anxious to read The Iron Daughter and see what becomes of Meghan in the Winter Court.
Rating: 4/5
This series includes:
The Iron King
Winter Passage (novella)
The Iron Daughter – 8/1/10
The Iron Queen – February 2011
I like the sound of Ash, but the I do like dark, adn brooding ;)
Hi Tori and Mandy,
I know this is a rather random comment, but I just wanted to let you know that I gave an award to you and your blog. I loved it even before I started blogging and fpund so many great books through it, so that´s my way of sayig thank you to you!
Great review Tori! I really enjoyed this one as well and am looking forward to The Iron Daughter. The world took me a little while to get into because it was so different from the books I'd been reading, but once I was in, I didn't want to leave:)
I skimmed your review. I got this from the library a week or so ago, but I haven't had time to read it yet. I checked out out your rating though so i am really looking forward to it!
I've seen these around. I need to give them a shot. :) Great reviews!
Blodeuedd-LOL Dark and Brooding is a must.
Christine-Thank you!! So glad you enjoy the blog. Mandi rocks it hard here. :)
Jenny-Thank you. It was different but so exciting.
Sarah-Your gonna love it.
J.A. Saare-Thank you! :)
I wasn't going to read these right away. I may have to reconsider. Nice review Tori. :)
Great review of the Iron King! I really need to read Winter's Passage! Such a great series! :)
I generally don't read YA, but this sounds very good. Thank you for sharing!