Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley (Highland Pleasures #2)
July 6, 2010
Historical Romance
Paperback, 336 Pages
Why I read: Adored the first book in this series, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie.
Favorite Quote: “I love you,” he said brokenly. “I love you, my little Sassenach vixen.”
Lady Isabella Scranton and Lord Mac Mackenzie made every gossip paper in London when they eloped six years ago after falling in love at first sight. Although extremely wealthy, Mac who comes from a very boisterous family, is not the match Isabella’s family wants for her. Disowning her, Isabella was heartbroken, but so in love with Mac they spent the next few years in wedded bliss. But slowly, Mac’s drinking and leaving in the middle of the night started to wear on Isabella. He would come home from long absences and they would start a passionate affair, but would soon burn out. Finally, after three years, Isabella couldn’t stand it and separated from Mac.
Now three and a half years later, Mac hasn’t painted a decent portrait since Isabella left him. He has been desolate and extremely depressed over his separation. He has stopped drinking and tried to make himself a better man. When Isabella knocks on his door to warn him of someone forging his work, he decides the time is right for a proper seduction of his wife. Isabella takes a look at Mac, in nothing but his kilt, covered in paint, and can’t help but feel a longing for his touch again. When Mac gets wind of someone impersonating him, and matters turn violent, he will do everything to protect Isabella.
I started Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage with trepidation. First of all this book has been greatly anticipated. The first in the series, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie is on the list of my all time favorite books. It not only introduced us to Lord Ian, but his rowdy, loving, and very mysterious brothers. I was very curious to see how Mac would stand up to Ian. But I also worried because I have read other paranormal romance and erotic books by Jennifer Ashley written under various pen names and always walked away very disappointed. It is almost like a different person writes this series. I absolutely adore her style and her characters. I still think Ian holds top spot in my heart but Mac, with his passion and charm very much endeared me to him.
What I like best about this book is that both Mac and Isabella are grieving over their ruined marriage. The first fifty pages holds such intensity, tension and heartbreak I about ripped out my hair. These are two people who truly love each other, and want another chance with each other but Isabella questions whether Mac’s good graces will last. Will his sobriety stand the test of time? One of my favorite scenes from the book is right at the beginning, when due to outside circumstances Isabella is forced back into Mac’s life. They both accept they love each other but there is such a far way to go.
She heard the break in his voice, turned her head to see his copper-colored eyes swimming with tears. It was his tragedy too, she knew.Their shared grief.
This is also a very romantic, passionate book and Jennifer Ashley can write great romance scenes. Having been together for over three years, these two are not shy in the bedroom and their playfulness really shines through. Plus there is a very naughty scene with scones and clotted cream – what else could you ask for?
I was afraid after the first 50-100 pages the tension and Isabella’s indecisiveness would get on my nerves but that never happened. It was very clear she wanted Mac, but she needed time to see if he was going to revert back to his unruly self. She makes him court her and there is a scene where he shows up at her door (although he was staying at her house) to take her for a drive and he acts extremely proper that had me laughing out loud. Although Mac is the one that needs to redeem himself for his past actions, he is such a good hearted, warm person, you just know Isabella is not going to be able to resist.
I really think this series is a must read for all historical romance fans. Next up is The Many Sins of Lord Cameron and I can’t wait!
Rating: 4.5/5
Recent Reviews:
Babbling About Books and More – B-
Fiction Vixen – 4.5/5
I'm so glad that Mac holds his own up to Ian!! I can't wait to dive in to this story :)
Any book that makes you want to rip your hair out and has a smexy scene with scones and clotted cream, is a definate win!
Lovely review, Mandi. :)
Hi Mandi,
I also loved Lord Ian, and I'm ready for Mac, too bad the book will take 4 weeks to get to Brazil… &%4#@#!!!
I really need to buy an e-reader with a screen that doesn't hurt my eyes…
How was your weekend in the outdoors?
I so need to read this author! I've checked Lord Ian out of the library so many times, but for some reason returned it unread. I'm putting this on my list right now!
Dani – My Kindle is great on my eyes :)
My weekend was great, thanks for asking!! I survived the bugs and the heat..and the kids had a blast :)
And to Leontine and Mar – not sure why your comments are not showing up yet..but yes – the scone scene in lovely ;)
You so make me want to read this one :D But first, Ian
Great review Mandi! I absolutely adored Mac as much as Ian but in different ways! I surely will never look at scones and clotted cream the same way again!!! ;)
I am toooootes not a historical romance girl, more PNR and UF but I am SO getting this book. Great review thanks Mandi!
I'm going to buy both books and put them on my Kindle so I WILL read them. Every time I see a twitter convo or a review I get giddy! This is a fantastic review Mandi, I can't wait to get going on these books!
*bites nails* 50 pages of angst…K-Khan is going to have to hold my hand if I read this one.
This book had me at the kilt, no shirt and pirate bandana…I just finished this as well and definitely adore Mac as much as Ian (I do like that Ian was an intricate part of the story as well).
Great review Mandi!
Can't wait to read this book. I luvs Lord Ian. Great review Mandi.
Colette – Yes, go check out Ian again! :) I really think you will like it.
Blodeuedd – Yes, first read Ian. This can be a stand alone but Ian is so good!
Amy – I'm so glad you read this right before I did. You got me through the beginning. I loved your review :)
Pamela – You should try this for a historical..both books are so very sexy.
FV – you will adore these!
Smokin – LOL..I know you go crazy with the angst. J. Ashley does a great job with it in this book.
Lizzie – I forgot about the bandana..rawr!! I heart Mac. And I was very happy to see Ian in this one. He is still so darn cute.
This one also has me dying for Hart's story… is going to be a goodie.
Tori – Looking forward to your thoughts :)
So glad you liked this one!
"I have read other paranormal romance and erotic books by Jennifer Ashley written under various pen names and always walked away very disappointed."
That's my fear too! So, so happy this is a befitting sequel to Ian's book (which I *adore*).
Can't wait for my copy to arrive!
"Sassenach vixen"? Hrm.
Yay! I loved Ian's book, so I will have to buy this one right away!