First, a huge thank you to Smexy Books for hosting me on my whirlwind blog tour over the next fifteen to twenty days. Smexy Books is one of my first stops, and I’m delighted to be here. Speaking of being here, have you ever gotten one of those feelings when you go somewhere and you feel like you’ve been there before? What about when you first meet someone, and they’re your BFF within ten to fifteen minutes? Do those types of things happen to you? They do to me.
Déjà vu is a common occurrence for me, but then I’m a firm believer in fate, destiny, past lives, and things that science hasn’t yet been able to explain. And by that, I mean that there is always a reason and explanation for something, it just might not be within our scope at the moment. Think of it like this, the world used to be flat according to people until science proved otherwise. People used to think bleeding someone was a way to remove infection from the body. We now know differently. So when I say that I believe in déjà vu, past lives and talking to people on the other side, I believe it’s more than possible and that science just hasn’t found a way to prove it yet.
Now what you might ask does all this “mumbo jumbo” have in common with my newest release, Assassin’s Heart? Well, past lives plays a huge role in my latest book. I began the development of my Order of the Sicari series five years ago. At that time, I was trying to figure out what I wanted the series to be about, so I decided to just write something. What I wrote was a short excerpt about an ancient Roman general and his wife. I got five pages written and realized, oh great, this isn’t going to work, this is a historical. And it’s not even set in England or Scotland, which means it most likely won’t sell (exotic locations and time periods are tough sells). So I went back to the drawing board and wrote Assassin’s Honor.
In Assassin’s Honor, I fell in love with Lysander, Ares’s second-in-command. He was the silent type, and he only had eyes for Phaedra when he thought no one was looking. He was also horribly scarred physically, which explained his stoic silence. It just seemed natural for me to write his story next. So I wrote ten chapters and sent them to my first reader (someone who rips the work to shreds if it doesn’t work or raves if it does). The first reader ripped the book to shreds. I was desperate because I had a deadline coming up, and clearly I didn’t know my characters well enough.
I knew I wanted to show how the Sicari began in this book, and I’d been tinkering in the back of my head about how the ancient Roman general and his wife were a part of the beginnings of the Sicari. I knew their story backwards and forwards, and then it hit me. Maximus and Cassiopeia were Lysander and Phaedra in an earlier life. From that point on, the book flowed (okay, maybe not always), but everything seemed to come together in way that made so much sense to me. The brutal scene in the beginning of the book bears a symbolic resemblance to one later in the book where Lysander realizes who he was in a past life. What happened to Lysander and Phaedra in their past life together has a major impact on their lives in present day, and I worked hard to show the symbols that connect the past with the present. There is a lot of darkness in this book, which might make readers cry. But out of that darkness comes the realization that these two characters are going to get their HEA. They’re going to get a second chance, and that to me is what romance is all about. It’s about the HEA and the first, second or however many chances it takes for characters to find their way to each other.
So are you skeptical about past lives? Ever had a past life regression done?
Thanks Monica!
Monica is offering a copy of Assassin’s Honor (book one) AND Assassin’s Heart (book two).
To enter, just answer Monica’s question above.
Open to Us/Canada Only. Contest will run through Tuesday, August 24th and I will announce the winners on Wednesday.
Please state in your comment which book you prefer, and make sure you leave an email address.
Hi everyone,
I've got a brutal day coming up at the dayjob, but I'll be in and out chatting with everyone, so if I'm MIA for an hour or so, then you'll know that the boss has me hanging in wind. I think I shall make her a model for a character in a future book. "Revenge is a dish best serve cold." (Wrath of Khan)
So I wrote ten chapters and sent them to my first reader (someone who rips the work to shreds if it doesn’t work or raves if it does). The first reader ripped the book to shreds. I was desperate because I had a deadline coming up, and clearly I didn’t know my characters well enough.
What a wench! OK. Yes, that was me. But Mon, the book that you wrote ended up being SOOOO powerful and lovely. Lysander and Phae's relationship is so beautiful and is really enhanced by the past lives story. It's your best work. Really. And you *know* I'd tell you otherwise. *g*
And I should have clarified that statement by saying that it's BECAUSE of you that the book is one I'm proud of. Without you, it wouldn't be the book it is. Mmmwwaahh!
I totally believe the past lives/destiny/kismet/unexplainable events type stuff. Who are we to say … besides its so much fun to steep yourself in the unbelievable!
I haven't tried your books yet – so If I win (fingers crossed) I'd like the first one. If I don't win I'll probably be picking it up at some point anyway – it sounds so intriguing!
Hi Knitnthings,
What is it Spock always says,"Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
I love that thought. I hope you'll give my books a try.
I love hearing about the process writers use to come up with their stories and develop their craft.
Great interview… very enjoyable to read!
I totally believe in past lives/destiny/fate/karma! It's always been one of THOSE topics that are often labeled as taboo in some religions (or at least in mine growing up), therefore never discussed. When I went away to college, some of my past thinking started to slightly change, or take on a different perspective at least. Doesn't it all change at college?! LOL!
I actually have a degree in science, and let me tell you, I really appreciate you pointing out that maybe it's just something that hasn't been proven yet? At least I like to believe so. I believe there are a lot of things that are completely unexplainable. And maybe it is a higher power (I am still a Christian), but that doesn't mean they fit in a 'black and white' model! Who's to say it's not 'right' when we actually don't know!
Anyways… I could go on forever about this topic! :P Thanks for the great post, Ms. Burns!! I can't WAIT to get my hands on this series!!!
amongthemuses @ gmail . com
India, so glad you enjoyed the post. Blogging isn't always easy, but I love the end result. Chatting with readers! *grin*
Tanya, that science degree is an interesting one when considering how one must eliminate the impossible. *grin* I'm all about a higher power. Quantum physics has fascinated me although I couldn't tell you anything about it! LOL I just think discussing the possibilities are fascinating!
No need to enter me. I'm just stopping by to show my love and support for Monica and her books. I really liked Assassin's Honor and I'm looking forward to starting Assassin's Heart. Lysander won me over right away and I look forward to reading his and Phae's story.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
I really appreciate the support and recommendation. I'm still relatively new to readers on the paranormal scene, so whenever someone gives me a leg up, I am very grateful. Glad you're enjoying the series.
I am a bit skeptical about past lives but I think it's possible that it exists like everything else, and I've never had a past life regression done but it sounds interesting. I love the covers of your books Monica! I can't wait to actually start this series before school starts and time runs out. I would love to read Assassin's Honor and I've read so many good reviews about it.
I believe in past lives. I've had many experiences with such things. Your books sound very interesting. If I win I'd like to start with the first book, Assassin’s Honor.
lovemybabysquid at yahoo dot com
Great blog Monica! I've never had a regression done, but I am a firm believer in past lives, karma etc. and live by "what goes around comes around". I've seen it and lived it! I am sure that in a previous life I was super rich and successful because it's not happening in this life and well, one can't be that lucky in each life, right?
I would love a chance to read your books and would love to win Assassin's Heart. I'm so intrigued I'll pick up book 1 and cross my fingers for book 2!
Jeanette, Without skeptics who would believers have to try and convert?? ROFL Seriously, I think it's a leap of faith for me, and it's not the right thing for others. I think that's perfectly okay. I LOVE my covers too! You should take a look at this one for my March historical. OMG!
Cathie, I'm glad the book has piqued your interest!
Lisa, So glad the books have caught your interest. Karma is definitely always in my head when I'm driving down the road and someone cuts me off. I tell myself it's punishment for the times when I was young & did things that probably ticked others off. Age has a way of making us wiser for wear. LOL
Hello Monica! I enjoyed Assassin's Honor, but have waiting for Assassin's Heart to come out! It's the whole tortured hero thing!
I am a believer in past lives, to me the whole world has a natural recycling system, why not souls as well?
sgalley65 at
Thanks for the contest!
Natural REcyling system LOL I love it! Excellent description. I'm delighted to hear you enjoyed Assassin's Honor. And yes, Lysander is VERY tortured!
While I do like reading about them. I dont really believe in them in RL. There might be some form of it, but I think truly good people do go on to peace and truly bad go somewhere else.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Great post Monica!
Personally, I border the fence with my belief on past lives. I love the idea of it, the romance and the power of fate but I also harbor a harsh inner skeptic. So like I said before, I teeter back and forth with my belief. Either way, the concepts interest me greatly.
Thanks for the giveaway. If I win, I'd prefer to receive ASSASSIN'S HEART
I absolutely cannot wait for the second book! I loved the first and got my sister hooked who is also expectantly waiting for Assassin's Heart. :) As for past lives, I think anything is possible, though I haven't had a past life regression done. I definitely believe in paranormal powers so why not a past life. :) Would love to get the second book. :) And yes, I know I use too many sideways smileys, but I can't help it. :) I smile a lot in real life, too. :)
ID above at yahoo to contact. :)
On past lives–reading about them as fiction is great. I don't believe they exist in truth. I'd love to win Assassin's Heart. Thanks for visiting. (Email in profile.)
I'm always open minded about things… even past lives. As a matter of fact, I have now looked into having a session for past life regression :) I'm excited to see what happens.
I'd like Assassin's Heart
aliciaeflores1 @
I like the idea of it, and I do even believe. But I have never felt anything…well ok once when I was in the south of this little country. I had the biggest deja vu ever
I've never had the feeling that I've lived a past life but I won't dismiss the idea that something like that could happen. We certainly don't know all there is to know about this universe.
I do enjoy reading about it, though, so I'd like to win Assassin's Honor. Thanks for the giveaway.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
I don't really believe in past lives, but I think it is interesting to read about.
I would love book one, Assassin's Honor :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Donna, this topic is interesting I think because like most things we can't see and that we believe in are true leaps of faith. Makes for a more interesting world I think with such variety
VampFanGirl – Glad you enjoyed the post. Teetering back and forth is normal. Not many people are able to take anything as full truth without a lot of faith in their beliefs. I know for me, my leaps of faith have been rewarding. Example I was once in a terrible job. I told my DH I was quitting. I resigned over Labor Day holiday without a job or interview in sight. I just said, God, it's all of up to you. I was scared, but I did it. Tues I had seven calls with requests for an interview. I had a job within a week. THAT to me is faith in action. LOL
Julie, Smiling is great! We should smile more often in life. *grin* And thank you for getting your sister hooked on the Sicari. Word of mouth and fans are my biggest asset in promo. Thanks so much for your enthusiasm I LOVE IT!! LOL
LSUReader. Past Lives are definitely not high on most peeps lists of beliefs. Although if you check out my post at the romance dish today there are a couple of pictures there that might make one think twice. LOL
Ali, Past life regression can be scary as few people had wonderful past lives. My experiences were disturbing for me. But finding out why I can have something around my neck was good.
Blodeuedd – Deja vu happens to me constantly. I just met someone a year ago who is now like my best friend ever. We're like sisters, we finish each other's sentences. I'm convinced we knew each other in a past life.
Sandy One of the things my grandmother always said was "It would be pretty arrogant to think we were the only ones in the universe." So I don't think it's possible to dismiss the possibility completely. LOVE you profile pic
Throuthehaze glad the post piqued your interest
I have never given much thought to past lives nor had a regression done. That sounds a bit scary. :)
I would love book one.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Great post.
So are you skeptical about past lives?No,I do believe in past lives.I believe a soul moves on.
Ever had a past life regression done? No and I don't think I would.
I'd pick Assassin’s Heart
Robin, regression sessions can be unnerving, so be sure you want to know if you were to do one.
Elaing8 it's interesting getting feedback about this topic.
OMG!!! Check it out!! I just got the link for my Assassin's Heart book video. I LOVE it!! I picked out the music and graphics and BookBoost worked their magic!!
Hi Monica,
I certainly believe in past lives. I've also experienced De ja vu so mcuh. Meeting people and like you say feeling as if I know them forever and then there are people (and it's very few)whom I cannot be near. I just can't connect.
I've never had a regression done.
I'd love to start at the begining with Assassin's Honor.
Thank you.
Carol L.
Carol, Isn't it interesting how the connection deal works both ways? I tend to meet too many who rub me the wrong way. Hence my thought that I'll be coming back a whole lot of times to redo. LOL
I don't really believe in past lives and lives and I've never had a regression done. But I have read a couple of books when I was younger about past lives and found them really interesting and I put the books in my keeper pile.
Hi Sherry, thanks for popping in. Past lives seem to be interesting to everyone regardless of whether they believe or not. :-)
I don't believe in past lives and have never had a regression done.
I am looking forward to reading this series.
Would like to start with Assassin's
kissinoak at verizon dot net
I've never had a past life regression done, and I'm very, very skeptical about past lives. Actually, I've never taken any interest in either of those subjects. Just living the one I currently have takes a toll most days. So, I try to make the most of the one I do have.
I love the premise of this series and would prefer to receive Assassin's Heart.
I don't know if the "past life" is the total or only certain parts but I do think there's something to it. I have very strong reactions to certain things that I shouldn't – it's visceral and immediate. Some part of me would like to do a regression, but the thought scares the crap out of me. Congrats on your latest release! annhonATaolDOTcom
I don't believe in past lives, and I've never had a regression. I really like paranormal romance, however, and your books sound like fun – congratulations on your series!
Estella, I'm glad you're looking forward to reading the Order of the Sicari series
Artemis – I really like your profile name, Goddess of the hunt. *grin*
Cybercliper – I can tell you from first-hand experience that past life regressions are a double-edged sword. I've experience three lives via regression and all three of them were not pleasant ends. In two of the lives I lost my live via hanging and head lopped off. However, it totally explains why I can't wear anything around my throat. Thanks for the congrats, I'm excited about the book.
KC, glad you like the sound of the Order of the Sicari series. :D
I have to admit to being skeptical about the past lives. It is fun to read in books but for real life it does not seem so real to me. As for a regression, never experienced one.
This series sounds great! Would love to be entered in the drawing for Assassin's Honor.
Skeptics are great, Cherie. I think without them, who would believers have to debate things with? LOL Glad you like the sound of the series.
Congrats Monica!! I've never had a past life regression, and I don't know that I really believe in past lives stuff. I think it would be awesome, but I don't know what the believe or think…
Hi Nicole, it's not necessarily something most Westerners consider. Different cultures though hold beliefs in reincarnation. But skepticism is healthy.
I think that, there is something to the belief in past lives. I've never had a regression done, and I don't think I want to. My claustrophobia has its start somewhere.
Forgot to say that I prefer Assassin's Heart.
Hi Monica! I can't say that I believe or disbelieve in past lives, but I do have an open mind. In saying that, I have not had a past life regression done. I've heard great things about the series and can't wait to read it!
Hi Barb, thanks for posting and I'm glad you're interested in my Sicari heroes!
Hrm, I've read some really good fiction that has to do with past lives and reincarnations and things, but the idea of it being real is a little 'ehhhhhh' for me. While I myself haven't had a life regression done, I've known people who have. And what do you know- they were all cleeeeopatra, or the maid of anastasia or something. *rolls eyes* I prefer to be on control of my own destiny, rather than relying on something that happened in the past to affect me. : P
I'd love a chance to try this series out, your review makes it sound fascinating. So I'd love a chance at book one. ^_^
I don't believe in past lives in reality but for reading purposes it's a great premise and foil which I have no issues with.
I'd like to Assassin's Honor, if selected. Thanks!
I'm skeptical, yes, but I suppose I'm also open to the possibility. I think it's fun to read about though.
I'd prefer Assassin's Honor, please.
I believe past lives are possible. I love reading stories about them.
I would like book one so I can start this series.
I can't say that I believe in past lives but who knows, it could be possible. Thinking as I do, I wouldn't have a regression done.
Handled well it can make for an interesting read and even superbly when I think of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. If an author jumps back and forth every few pages, it simply pisses me off;)
You've been on my radar screen forever and I just haven't gotten around to purchasing your books yet. From excerpts, reviews and such your stories have great appeal for me. If I were to win, I'd like Assassin's Heart. If I love it, then I'd go after your back list.
nbristow at
I don't believe in past lifes, everything is happening NOW. We are multidimensional beings and have many lives concurrently that affect the person you are now. Yes, I have been hypnotised and regressed, facinating experience, give you insight into who you are. Thanks for sharing and I would love to read Assassins Heart.
Fascinating discussion and the different opinions is always so much fun for me to read! Thanks for posting everyone. Good Luck
I'd like to believe in past lives, but without recall of them, what is the point of multiple lives if we can't remember them and learn and grow from each experience/life.
alternate email from blogger
magenta 2 red [at] gmail [dot] com
Book choice: Assassin’s Heart (book two)
I am open to the idea but need to be shown. Never had a past life regression but would like to give it a try.
Book one is my choice.
Sue, my explanation for the lack of recall is that it's buried deep. Science says we only use 10% of our brain. What's buried in the other 90% we don't access. I think the things we learned help make up our current personalities. For instance, perhaps in a past life we did something terrible. The residual memory lies dormant for our conscious self, but it could affect the subconscious self to make us a better person. No scientific theory for that, but it does sound logical to me. OTOH, people can skew things however they like for any leap of faith belief, and it boils down to what one individual believes not what I say or believe. *smile*
Pam, I would love for science to prove it, and there have been recorded instances of children recalling lives that were supposedly traceable. I remember one such case in India. Very interesting. I've not seen accurate documentation myself. But I've just taken that leap of faith based on my own personal experience.