Finding Her Perfect Master by Skye Savoy
Paranormal Romance
April 7, 2010
Eternal Press
Reviewed by Mandi
Cala, a jinn or genie is being punished. The Jinn Queen is very angry Cala hit on the King, although Cala’s story involves the King hitting on her. The Queen not only curses Cala to be powerless without a master, but puts her on eBay to auction her off to the highest bidder. Scott wins Cala, and is her master/boyfriend for the next five years, until he dumps her for a “hoochiegenie.”
Now masterless, Cala is trying to stay under the radar of the Queen until she can find a new man. But dating is not really a high point in Cala’s life. Bad luck and clumsiness follows Cala around like a shadow. She bets her best friend Ro that she can find the perfect master without him knowing about her powers.
Deciding to take her own fate into her hands, she hussies up and goes off to a bar. Instead of being suave and picking up a guy, she falls down the steps and lands in someone’s crotch. This someone though is very, very sexy, and has a nice crotch. His name is Leander, or Lee and Cala does something she rare – decides to have a one night stand. Which of course for Cala ends in disaster. Let’s just say – pepper spray and wieners are not a good match.
Cala then lands a job at a newspaper as an entertainment columnist and the mystery e-dater. The newspaper has started an online dating service and Cala comes in to weed out the weirdoes, but she also takes this opportunity to find herself a master. But she is not done with Lee yet – he happens to be part owner of the paper, and now that his wiener has made a full recovery, Cala tries to win him back.
Finding Her Perfect Master is a book I quite enjoyed. I laughed, and the sex scenes were very hot. The paranormal Jinn storyline is played down, really not having that much of an effect on the story until the very end. She is dating several men to try to find a new master, but really, her Jinn life doesn’t come into play. It is more of a single girl and her very funny attempt at dating. Between her online dating and lusting after the luscious Lee, this book had me laughing out loud several times. Cala is such a silly, goofy heroine – yet very endearing and awkward at times:
I quickly put the towels over my lap to hide the steam I felt sure was rising up through my now truly hot pink undies. “Whoo-wee. I guess it’s been a while for me, too,” I laughed nervously.
Did I just say “Whoo-wee?”
She falls down the stairs, flushes the strap of her shirt down the toilet (which then gets stuck), accidentally gets pepper spray on Lee’s condom, develops a terrible cold and infects everyone – I could go on and on.
For as lighthearted as the heroine is, the romance is pretty somkin’ but at the same time funny:
With a flick of his wrist, the panties were removed and deposited on the top rail banister like a flag, symbolizing our blazing trip to the top of Mount Olympus. “Opa!” he cried in true conqueror fashion. I wondered if he was going to do that when he came.
Lee is a a very sexy hero and they have nice chemistry. Ro, Cala’s best friend is also fun – she is always eating and wearing bedazzled things. She is loud and likes to laugh. All of the supporting characters add a lot to the story, and balance out a funny heroine who steals the show.
This might sound like nit-picking but it is something that stood out and kind of took my focus off the book many times – The amount of exclamation points used. I know it sounds silly, but it seemed like every other sentence ended with an exclamation point. It was hard to “hear” the characters in your head because they always seemed like they were yelling or very excited. For example, this is Cala having a conversation with herself:
I took a deep breath. “Simmer down, girl!” I know you’ve never done anything like this before, but, boy oh boy is this a great way to start!” I checked the mirror and almost swerved off the road! My mascara, where it wasn’t missing from the eyelash-batting incident, had gone beyond raccoon eyes. I looked like the wife of Beetlejuice!
It became distracting throughout the book. Otherwise, Finding Her Perfect Master really surprised me. I wish more emphasis had been put on the paranormal aspects, but overall this is a really fun story.
Rating: 4/5
Recent reviews:
This sounds cute! Nice review Mandi.
This one sounds fun. I like a bedazzled side kick. And I agree, too many !! can be distracting. Nice review Mandi.
Never in a million years I would have guessed this book had humor because the cover looks so serious.
Julie – thanks!
FV – Ro was awesome. She was always eating..I heart her ;)
KC – Yeah, not a fan of the cover at all. This book is VERY light and funny.
This sounds hilarious. I will have to pick it up. Great review Mandi.
Oh my… What a unique twist on this story! Sounds very intriguing!! Great review honey!! Hugs to you!
Hmm… If I had only read the book description I don't think I would have picked this up, but your review makes the book more appealing. I'll have to put this on the maybe list. Thanks!