Naked by Megan Hart
August 1, 2010
Contemporary Romance
Paperback, 384 Pages
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “And yes, I was staring at his ass, because, please God, never let knowing it’s stupid get in the way of ogling a fine rear end.”
Olivia Hart is at a party that her gay ex fiancée is throwing with his lover. When she spies Alex Kennedy across the room she never imagines that beautiful sensual man could be hers. When her ex, Patrick, warns her off Alex saying, “He doesn’t like girls,” she leaves it at that and goes about her business. But when Alex needs an apartment for a few months and she just happens to have one to rent she soon learns that Alex does indeed like girls…and he likes her.
This story is told from Olivia’s POV. A photographer who is trying to find her way in the world and make sense of her life. Having been cheated on and made the fall guy by her ex fiance, it’s amazing she even gives Alex the time of day. She is also dealing with some long buried issues concerning her adoption, race, and religion. Alex is a self admitted ass hole who’s beautiful looks and personality have allowed him to explore and in some cases exploit his bi sexuality. But the unlikely pairing of these two of them works in such a way that we are held spell bound as we watch them battle their insecurities and stereo types to enter into an emotionally and intense sexual affair.
This is my first foray into the wonderful world of Megan Hart. I was immediately taken in by the honesty and emotional depth that Ms Hart infuses into her characters and storyline. While this book is very erotic, it is also soul searching and heart wrenching in it’s exploration of two characters who’s lifestyles and choices have left them battered, confused, and weary. Watching Alex and Olivia navigate their way through their relationship I was optimistic at times and saddened by others. Looking at them, I saw were two people who are running from the one thing they both wanted. Someone who could love them for who they were.
The supporting characters add much humor and background to why our main characters are the way they are. I found Patrick to be annoying and very childish. He was like a leech on Olivia and I was very proud on how she handled her relationship with him in the end. Sarah was like a breathe of fresh air blowing through the story and her scenes and dialog had me rolling through out the book. We see Annie and Jamie in here though not quite in the way I thought we would.
I really wish we could have seen more of Alex’s POV. Having heard so much about Alex in Tempted and led to believe that this was his story-I was surprised to see this was really Olivia’s story. I had hoped we would get a more in depth look into his background. He has so many layers to him and we only scratch the surface here. As the story progresses, we are only given her side in certain scenes and it made the story a little one sided for me.
While I loved the ending, I didn’t end it with the feeling that all’s well that ends well. Olivia and Alex seemed to push their problems to the side without settling anything. I really wished for more resolution. But perhaps that is the appeal of this book. There is no guarantee of a Happily Ever After. Relationships take time, effort, and work to survive. You never stop changing and evolving. Once you commit-that’s when the real work begins. Olivia and Alex’s relationship was set up perfectly in here and I do hope we will see more of them in the future and will find out where they end up. Because right now, I have very mixed feelings about them.
All in all, Naked is an emotional roller coaster that takes us on a provocative and sensual journey in to the lives everyday people with everyday problems. I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading some of her past stories.
Rating: 3.5/5
Recent Reviews:
Dear Author – C+
Thrifty Reader – B+
Fiction Vixen – 4.5/5
Book Addict – 4/5
Book Lovers Inc – 5/5
Closet Reader – 5/5
I completely adore this book. But I agree I want more back ground info too. I already decided with Fiction Vixen that we need another Alex novella.
And I think I'm one of the few people who really like sthe ending. I always liked that Ms Hart's books don't have a completely closed HEA. It gives the hwole story a touch of reality. I love it! But still want more Alex. ;)
Great review and thanks for the Book Lovers Inc link.
I'm having an *eek* reaction with reading this in your review:
While I loved the ending, I didn’t end it with the feeling that all’s well that ends well.
I truly love the way Megan Hart writes, I truly do but I had this issue with TEMPTED too. An author can let the characters go through hell, I don't mind, but I need a HEA and I didn't completely get that with Tempted and now reading your thoughts on the ending…I think this isn't a story for me :((
Nice review Tori – I love the strong emotions this author pulls out of everyone! I need to read her!!
SusiSunshine-The ending surprised me. But the story was wonderful. I will be reading more of her books.
Leontine-I'm like you. I need some type of closure. Either an HEA or some foreshadowing that shows an eventual HEA.
Mani-Thanks. It was an emotional book. More so because of the real issues tackled in it..
Nice review! Looks like I need to pick up Tempted. I just finished this book last week (my review will be up in a couple weeks) and found it wasn't as spicy as I am used to Ms. Hart's stories being. But the ending is classic, no HEA here.
ATTN: It's me again. :) I found a short novella called Everything Changes which is Alex's POV about what happened in Tempted. It explains a lot and I feel really be read before Naked.
Just the title alone is enough to make you want to read it isn't it? And that quote is fantastic. I love what you said about relationships and that once you commit is when the work begins – I couldn't agree more! This one sounds interesting, but I know I'll want more resolution just like you, I like my romances to have that guaranteed HEA:)
Sweet-Get Tempted and Everything Changes. It'll explain a lot about Alex.
Jenny-I don''t need a guaranteed HEA-but I don't like to be teased either. lol I kind of expect it in a romance. KWIM.
I am a Megan Hart virgin. One day, one day!!!
Tori, I loved your take on this book. I LOVE Megan Hart and have read several of her books. I, too, had an unsettled feeling at the end of Naked, but after reading your review I'm wondering if it's due to the fact that while you see her characters pop up here and there in her books, the books themselves are not written like a series. With each book that comes out, you don't know who you're going to get to visit with. So, you continue to get hints about the characters down the line. My favorite book was Stranger, but it's because I have a huge crush on Jack who I HOPE one day gets his own book. If you liked Naked, I hope you'll give the others a try!
*says with small voice* I haven't read Megan Hart *yet*
Spaz-Dude. *shakes head*
Lisa-Thank you. I will definitely be reading more. ;)
Smokinhotbooks- O_0 Whaaa?
I didn't like Patrick either. And I agree the ending was pretty open ended as far as I was concerned.
Apparently there is another book that Alex has a part in that I should have read first and I didn't.
I know I've never said this before but I love me some Megan Hart. You really should read Dirty, Broken, Stranger and Tempted. Just sayin'. :) Nice review Tori.
I am relatively new to Megan Hart's books. My first one was SWITCH, which got really mixed (more negative, which made me almost not read it) reviews but I really LOVED it, it was such an amazing character study and wonderful love story. Hart won me over with that one. I just bought BROKEN yesterday.
I am definitely going to read NAKED but have to read TEMPTED & Everything Changes beforehand.
Thanks for the great review.
I still have yet to read one of her books, and I don't know why, when I've heard such great things about them. I have to change this.
I've yet to read Megan Hart. But I will be definately. Damn TBR pile is insane.
Good review, Tori!
Patti (Book Addict) Patrick was a *bleep* lol
FV-YOu love Hart? Nooo. lol I am def. getting her other books.
Scorpio M-TY :)
A Buckeye Girl Reads-Your like me-so many books so little time.
Mar-You would LOVE these. Srsly