I am so excited to have Carolyn Crane back at Smexy today!! Carolyn take it away!
Hi everybody, and thanks Mandi for having me!
Well, as most people know, I’m the author of Mind Games and Double Cross, the first two books of the Disillusionist trilogy, but there is something I bet people don’t know about me…that I have my very own line of greeting cards!
Yes, that’s right. And because guest posts on other people’s blogs are great places to talk about your exciting new book, er, I am going to do something totally irrelevant and show my amazing cards! I know everybody will be totally impressed by the care and workmanship.
Plus, there are many sad, and also, joyous occasions in the blogger/author/reader world that go unrecognized. Why? because there are no special cards to commemorate them! That all changes now.
First, here are some sympathy cards for that special writer, reader or blogger in your life:
These next ones are especially for anybody with a blog, which includes bloggers OR authors!
Here are some for writers and authors!
There you have it! Did I forget anything? Can anybody think of any writer, blogger or reader event that needs a card? Or, doesn’t need a card, but what heck, why not make a card anyway?
Thanks Carolyn!! The blogger ones especially have me giggling :) I think we need one expressing condolences when you work forever writing a comment on someone’s blog only to have it disappear!
Carolyn is offering one lucky commenter a chance to win Double Cross. And since this is one of my favorite series this year, I am going to throw in a copy of Mind Games.
To enter, leave a comment. Be sure to state which book you would like to win. (There will be two winners). Leave your email if it is not in your profile. Contest will be open through Saturday, October 2nd and open to US/Canada only.
Carolyn, When are you going to write a comedy? You need to channel that wicked sense of humor into something productive (not that the greeting cards aren't productive, of course). Congrats on your new release!
Please don't enter me in the drawing…I already have a copy on my Kindle and can't wait to read it!
Lol those cards are great! I would love to read Diuble Cross.
Thanks for the chance
Carolyn, you are so freaking funny. I love your sense of humor. The accidental kerfluffle card is totally going in my keeper box!! xoxo
LOL, those are soo fun and cute. Nice art work by the way. Perhaps add some color. :P
I am trying like hell to win this book, so please add me.
Carolyn, The cards are brilliant!
Congrats on the release of Double Cross.
No need to enter me in the giveaway. I have both books.
Our hearts are with you in your struggle with your computer's inability to recognize your characters' names and other words as being part of the English language.
Note: I have yet to find one that realizes that "yes, I meant 'ziggurat', not 'figurative'".
I've love a copy of Mind Games.
How about this for the author:
Congrats on surviving your blog tour promoting the book!
Margaritas for all!
Condolences on having your book released on the same day as Nora's. Persevere! You shall overcome!
We salute you for smiling through the comment/ question of "Can't you write faster?"
LMAO! The card about only having 2 comments on a post you worked hours on cracked me up.
Carolyn should so write a comedy urban fantasy or romance.
Hahahahah!! I loved the not responding to the troll comments! Because no matter how crappy the comments were the author can NEVER respond without sounding insecure/stalkerish.
And I’d love to win Mind Games! :D
LOL, those are cute and funny :) Thanks for making me laugh. I'd love to win a copy of mind games please
I'm not entering the contest – I just want to know when this line of cards will be available in my neighborhood!
Hey! Thanks everybody for stopping by and the kind words! And I see some new card ideas, too!
Sewicked: Great ideas. Figurative for Ziggurat? Wha?
Vivi: LOL. You have thought of some very helpful author ones. Nora, nooooo!
Sooo funny! You are very creative. I would love to win a copy of Mind Games –
Samantha (dot) Thomson (at) ggp (dot)com
Thanks for the contest and the laughter :)
Soooooo funny! I haven't read Mind Games yet, so I'd better start with that:) Thanks for the giveaway and funny interview!
Loved reading through the sympathy cards. The world needs one for every occasion!
I would need to start at the beginning of the series so would love my name to be tossed into the hat for MIND GAMES.
littlelamblst (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'm always looking for new series to read, count me in for Mind Games! tWarner419@aol.com
Oh Carolyn, you so missed your calling to work at Hallmark…although I'm still trying to figure out what a kerfluffle is…
Thanks for the laugh!
Those made me laugh.
I'd love to be entered for Double Cross.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
carolyn you are my new hero! those cards are made of awesome.
Not entering, just commenting to say I love these cards – are you taking preorders? :)
Loved Mind Games and Double Cross – both are on my keeper shelf. Congrats on your success!
You should make those cards! They are fabulous! :D
I would love a copy of Mind Games, since I haven't been able to read her series yet :(
My email is: liathiano at gmail dot com
You can make me a card that says "Your baby needing all that 'attention' and 'care' is no excuse for not reading my book yet" or "You should probably get a babysitter just to pare down your ragingly ginormous TBR pile"
I'd like Mind Games if I won (and I'd read it soon, I swear!)
Your cards are great. I love them.
That was HILARIOUS!!! And very creative! Great post!
(do not enter me please)
LOL @ your cards, I esp. like the 'spent 5 hours and got 2 comments' one. I always feel terrible when that happens.
Throwing my name in for "Mind Games".
jenma76 at hotmail dot com
Yes! Definitely need a condolence for a comment disappearing. Heartbreaking!
SRSLY those were funny! Thanks!
I would love to read Mind Games!
Those were funny. Oh and I agree with needing the one where you spend all the time commenting and it disappears. Don't forget the post that didn't get even one comment. lol
I'd love either book. I want to read this series so bad (or is that so good?)
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Please don’t enter me.
I just wanted to say I’ve finished Double Cross and it is amazing. Go read it right now!
And I want to second Penelope’s view that Carolyn should consider using her wicked comedic talents in a paying venture.
Hilarious! great post.
Would love to win Double Cross, thanks for the chance!
What a hoot, Carolyn, thanks for the laugh.
Congrats on the amazing review, I would love to read Double Cross.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
i'll have to look for those greeting cards lol
I've love either one but if i have to choose i'll take Double Cross.
Lisa B
modokker At yahoo dot com
*swears at computer, I hate 503!*
But ok to happier thoughts, you should totally sell those, lol.
Fantastic post! I certainly have gotten a few of those sentiments. I would love to read Double Cross!
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
The cards are great!
Congrats on your new release.
I would love to have a copy of Mind Games.
kissinoak at frontier dot com
Great cards. Thanks for sharing them. They totally need to be marketed and sold. Loved Mind Games and looking forward to reading Double Cross. Congrats on the release!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I love the way your mind works. Seriously, that's the funniest thing I've seen in ages, and I would totally buy those cards! :D
I'd love to be entered for Double Cross!
Love those cards! Please enter me in the drawing for Mind Games since I have not read this series. It sounds like a great one!
Not entering. I would so buy these Carolyn! The artwork really makes it. Hahaha, I can think of so many people I'd send these too :-)
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
I'm not entering the giveaway-just wanted to say that I was roftl from those cards. How about one that says: "I'm sorry blogger ate the post you've been working on forever.
Fabulous cards….and oh how you nailed the perils of the ereader.
I'd like a copy of Mind Games.
cass at feministdracona dot net
I loved the cards.
I would like to win Double Cross.
first of all those r hillarious expecially the one about the troll lol and of course the forgetting to write down the post idea i do that all the time
awesome give away
Carolyn – you are super woman talented. I never fail to snort and snicker whenever I read your material written, scribbled or illustrated.
No need to enter me in the contest as I have both books!
Carolyn, I love your greeting cards. You had me laughing! Wow, talk about multi-talented!
Please enter me into the contest. If her greeting cards are this good, then I can't wait to read her books.
I just picked up Mind Games so if chosen I would love Double Cross which appears to be getting a lot of good press.
Those blogger cards hit a little too close to home! But very funny! thank you.
I have heard great things about this series, but I haven't picked it up yet, so I would love to read Mind Games. Thank you!
i would love to read mind games! carolyn, those cards are hysterical! lol
k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
I'd love the chance to win Double Cross! I've heard such great things, and Mind Games is currently in my TBR pile! Can't wait to pick it up!
I would so need condolences for forgetting a great idea! I could be rich right now if I could just remember that thing that was supposed to make me rich! LOL
I would like to win Mind Games~
I still haven't read Mind Games, so that's the one I'd like to win.
*sigh* I can't win because I am Australian But wanted to say love the cards Carolyn!
I haven't read Mind Games and they both sound great so I would choose Mind Games and get Double Cross myself.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway and those cards are hilarious.
mrsjohnson1982 at yahoo dot com
Ha! I adore Carolyn. Those cards are hysterical! Blogger CAN really get you down in the dumps!
I would love to win Double Cross! Thanks to both of you lovely ladies! ;)
SmashAttackReads at gmail dot com
hilarious! I would love Mind Games.
These cards are hysterical. You do have a great sense of humor. I would like to win either book.
seriousreader at live dot com
Those were great! Especially the Blogger ones since I can totally relate. ;)
Count me in for Double Cross!
Please don't enter me I own both of these fabulous books.
I love the blogger cards! LMAO! Carolyn you are a riot.
Oh my chocolate! Too frickin funny!!!! You're going to make a killing just on these!
Cardmaking is one of my hobbies that has fallen by the wayside to my writing. I'd love to figure out a way to make these. They were great!
I'd love Mind Games as I haven't read it yet!
Your cards are so funny. I don't have anything to add to it but I wish I did. I would love to win Mind Games.
OMG, these are hilarious! You have a seriously sick mind…and I LOVE IT!
I keep looking at this post. So hilarious. :)
This is too funny! A copy of Double Cross for me please!
spettolij AT gmail DOT com
HILARIOUS!! My personal favorite is the 5 hour post with 2 comments LOL
Love the post! The cards are hilarious! I'd love to win Mind Games, please. Thanks!
Sweetiepiepen at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway :D Mind Games please!
Loved the cards!!! As a part-time blogger, you forgot one of my favorites: 'My sympathies on the fact that you worked for hours on that post only to have your computer crash and nothing saved. Good luck with the re-write."
That is painful.
I'd love to win Mind Games.
Hehe funny.
I'd like to win Mind Games. Thanks for the giveaway. juliecookies(at)gmail.com
ROFL! Great cards Carolyn, thanks for making me laugh :-D
I would like to win Double Cross as I've already read Mind Games, and LOVED it!
Thanks for the giveaway!
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
No need to enter me in the contest please.
Carolyn, when is Hallmark putting these into production because, er, I need the one about accidentally causing an online kerfluffle. I'll need it the sooner the better, thanks.
I'd love to win Mind Games!
Thanks for the giveaway!
nalynboni AT gmail DOT com